Okay guys, take a look

Okay guys, take a look.
My body is horribly deformed due to many years of neglect.

I also got spinal fusion surgery for scoliosis when I was about 14 if that matters at all. My doctor said within a year after the surgery I could do anything I wanted physically, including play football, of course I didn't move much at all throughout high school, but that's in the past now.

I know it's my fault but I'm ready to take responsibility and do whatever it takes to fix it. Before writing this I've been doing squat, deadlift, and overhead press (haven't bought a bench yet), as well as calisthenics when I don't have access to a bar.

Other urls found in this thread:


ayyyyyy lmao

Uhh. Cool story?

If you're after advice.
Keep up the lifting. Make sure you are eating a shitload of calories. If you gain more fat than you like, cut them back a bit.

Seriously, eating is so important for making your body strong and decent looking.

If you don't have a bar, you're not doing not doing squat, deadlift, OHP in any meaningful capacity.

>inb4 some autist comes in with his 120x2 lbs dumbbells because obviously OP does not have that shit


Front pic also OP



i strongly strongly recommend swimming and Yoga. you need global, healthy and light exercise. sure, keep lifting but have a certified personal trainer with you and consult your orthopedist too.

Looks very normal 2bh

Start eating a lot of food, and do SS or SL. Throw in accessory arm work if you want it won't hurt anything.

Congratulations you'll fix yourself by doing this.

you made the first step, stick with it and you'll see some progression fast enough to keep working.

I berieve in u OP

Work out and work on your posture

That's all

eat food not estrogen next time

You look like Big Lenny. But without the tan and the muscle.

You look absolutely normal. Sure you're skinny and skelly, but it's just your shitty posture making you look weird on your other pic.
Keep up the lifting, eat big and stretch a lot. Godspeed brah



Eat big, lift big, work on posture(75% of your issue), and stretch


>SS or SL

You need to fix your posture

pull ups/chin ups, hyper extensions, and planks should do the trick if you dont have access to a barbell

I look exactly like you m8. Because I am barely tolerating the people in work, I'm avoiding gym for time being. Trying to form workout discipline with bodyweight routine for since 9.11.16.

Stats are 1.82cm 66kg 26y ~25bf

I hope we can make it out of this skellyfat mode.

>nude in front of the christmas tree


Your frame seems good. Narrow hips,decent shoulder width and straight legs. In the first picture however your stomach and lower ribs protrude big time. It looks even worse because you have a caved in chest. If you correct your posture and gain ~10lbs of muscle (fill in those pecs) you will look like a normal human again. From there on things will only get better friend. Good luck.

Islee's been lifting that long? And he still can't do a legit 3 plate bench?




When you're new you can do anything in the gym and you'll get stronger

be consistent and keep pushing yourself, even if your diet remains shitty you'll still make progress

it doesn't take much to build a reasonable physique, if you want it to be truly impressive then that's a different story, but you're years away from that point anyway

going balls to the wall, being strict and eating nothing but chicken and broccoli will just burn you out and you'll lose interest

right now just focus on enjoying yourself and getting stronger/bigger, keep eating junk

Okay, I've actually been focusing entirely on diet before I started lifting.
I just make sure to stay away from processed shit. It's not even hard because I just feel better after eating real food.



>tfw no alien gym buddy to train with

You don't even need to worry about eating clean right now. Just eat a lot and work out hard.


I think as far as "making it" goes you have little to no hope.

However your proportions are nearly perfect for trapping so I would highly suggest you speak to your physician and get prescribed some feminization hormones and start watching sissy brainwashing videos ASAP. You have huge potential to make a wonderful gurl and spend your life as a real man's personal fuckmeat.


this is what hitler was trying to prevent

Can you fucking read?

Building pecs is the biggest thing that ruins posture. He would rather need a surgery to open up the rib cage. It can be life threatening when the ribs push on the heart like that.

Gonna start browsing /x/ now. OP youve convinced me ayy are real. Ill find you, kill you, and the rest or your skinwalker friends scouting our planet before you take us over.

ayy lmao

I quite literally said "Oh my god..." when I saw your picture.

However, you're in luck. People in this thread have told you to work out and fix your posture. Read the sticky and visit the doctor if you spine ever gives you trouble. You can do this, and you will make it. I promise, you'll get there if you try.

Best of luck alien bro.

keep working out and in ten years you achieve Big Lenny mode

is your chest sunk in like this? in that case, consider pectus excavatum surgery or exercises. I Don't know the validity of exercises but surgery is legit. If it pushes on your heart it's life threatening.
