At first there was a fish
Food prep
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Enjoy your mercury poisoning
Gains, dont come easy, to me
Some veggies to not die afterwards
shut up autismo.
And 2 small steaks for quick meal before sleeps
That pans overcrowded how r u gna get a good sear?? Why chop it so small are u trying to overcook it fish is delicate . what a waste
>crowding the pan
Absolutely disgusting.
Enjoy your mercury poisoning and your parasites
you got a point but i wasnt in mood to divide it all
>hurr durr
>almost 2017
>not having a grill to make food for you
my dream desu
then i would make passionate cuddling to her
con fuckng gratys user you made it
btw looks like nice butt on her, also smexy shirt
Like any girl now a days knows anything about cooking.
>tfw fiance would make food for me all the time if I let her
>but I don't because she does a shit job 60% of the time
The other 40% of the time is great though. I'm even encouraging when she fucks up.
She trained as a chef under her aunt. Keeper.
Thanks m80
Woops meant to thank
Who the fuck has a laundry machine in the kitchen?
>not leaving humanity behind
Never gonna make it, brah
Lucky you. Every girl i talk to tends to think kraft mac and cheese is considered good cooking.
Every English person?
>Every girl i talk to tends to think kraft mac and cheese is considered good cooking.
Then they call it "adulting" and wonder why I never call again.
if anything, it might be a little overcooked. looks pretty good though.
> laundry machine
I am starting to like Islam
Do you reheat your fish at work? Do your coworkers get all pissy? I bring fish sometimes but just eat it cold or room temp to avoid stinking up the microwave
Is that a fucking washer in your kitchen? That white thing next to the oven?
yeah they wash your clothes, pretty neat imo
Look at the outlet and the stove; he's a Britsharia.
>yeah they wash your clothes, pretty neat imo
Clearly, just weird its in the kitchen right?
Ahhh good ol londanistan.
Serious this why the fuck do yuropoors do this. Its the mark of filthy uncivilized animals.
Get a fucking laundry room
>weak chin
Nice job shitting up your gene pool
From the retard that saves thumbnails
as a home designer the only benefit would be to keep hot exhaust and high energy circuits/breakers in the home close to gather
I'm not much of a fish guy, but that looks pretty good.
>Not steaming your broccoli
I applaud your effort OP but this is what I do with my yellowfin
unless you weight 400lbs that is WAY too much protein. you are the reason there will be no more tuna in 50 years, fuck you op
yes, this man alone is the reason there is a predicted extinction of tuna
It's called apartment life, not everyone lives in the suburbs with mommy and daddy you fucking turbo autists
>leaving the spoon in the food while it cooks
>leaving the cereal open
I'd still fuck your blurry gf but jesus christ you guys are cancer
that looks excellent, where do you source the fish from?
whats ur rice recipe senpai?
>It's called apartment life
Ok autist, i live in an apartment and we have community washers. So calm down you terrorist wanna be.
Thanks desu, I'm trying. Getting the cuts nice is hardest part for me, but a sharp knife and some practice brings good results.
The rice I know is an art in and of itself, but I used this recipe and it's been working well:
I use a rice cooker because my Roomate has one and it's easy
Oh and I source my fish from a local fish market. I live near the coast in Southern California so luckily it's easy to find quality fish at a good price. I would not do this with supermarket fish. I've even looked at the cuts at Whole Foods and it looks questionable for sushi purposes.
Is there a website for a bunch of good meal prep recipes?
I swear I found a website before that tells you exactly what to buy and eat, after you put in how many calories a day you want to eat.
>community washers
trying to shame people who have their own
>thinking community washers are better than a private one that happens to be under a counter
Jesus christ kill yourself
Do you also rent your clothes lol
We have a stove top at work with a vent fan. I just use that whenever I have fish. Putting a lid over it helps lock In the juices and smell
you can eat tuna raw you autist
>thinking there are any decent, single, traditional women left in the west
Dat protein. How much does a pound of yellow fin cost?
There's no such thing as too much protein.
Every apartment I've lived in had the laundry in a side room, not next to my fucking food. Stupid limeys.
phone posting?
>sushi isn't tasty as fuck and prettyhealthy for you
>you're an edgy weeb for liking this type of food
sushi isn't fancy ramen faggot.
>using dyed horseradish instead of real wasabi
absorutery disgusting
Good tuna is so fucking expensive. Plus I don't like mercury.
But sometimes I decide to treat myself and enjoy a huge and rare steak.
>thinking there are any decent, traditional women in the east either
Better start looking in space nigga
Wait until A.I is a thing and we can create female andriods
I wonder if women are going to be happy andriods are taking the jobs they obviously dont want or if they are getting pissed because their toys get taken away
We will see i guess
Traditional values are far superior to the degeneracy that western culture fosters because of "muh feminism" and "muh sexual revolution". Sure, the cultures and countries are objectively inferior in most ways, but they know how to keep their women in line. Something the West chose to forget.
Why do you think so many women can't cook, clean, or raise children worth a damn? Why do you think they ride the cock carousel, drink, and do drugs until they're a 35 year old worn out hag and finally ready to "settle down" because they destroyed their beauty? Why do you think they're all vapid and stupid with more interest in social media and selfish than anything with actual value?
>implying robosexuality will not be shamed and hated by the general public
>Why do you think...
Oh i know, because we put a premium on women just for being women so they exploit their extreme market value to get whatever they want with no consequense?
I'd be first in line for a convincing android waifu honestly. There may be some stigma for it initially, but who wouldn't want all the positives of women with none of the negatives? It sounds like a dream.
Sure, women could get an android husbandu too, but it wouldn't satisfy their base desires they have for men. Women want attention and validation, and would wilt at men blatantly ignoring their inferior forms and worse "personalities" since the only thing they had of value to offer (sex) can be gotten easier and better from your personal android. Maybe that would be able to undo the damage from the sex revolution
>it's men's fault that western women are complete shit and act like it
Woman detected.
>more free sex is the answer to the free sex problem
Where the fuck did i say that, asshat?
We as a society put a premium on women as in women have a high market value and are sought after while men are considered worthless and common
Just look at dating, if you find one girl who is decent looking and single youre lucky and probably competing with a few hundred dudes for her
Maybe initially, but it'd quickly become mainstream, or at the very least socially acceptable.
In the eighties, having a home computer was the biggest and worst nerd thing you could possibly do. Now, everyone has a computer either in a PC or a smartphone. It's social abhorrent not to have one.
Video games and other "nerd culture" pursuits used to have you labelled as a social outcast. Now video games are hugely mainstream, everyone early awaits the next superhero blockbuster, and even things like dungeons and dragons aren't seen as out of the norm anymore among many people.
Reread your comment you illiterate slut.
just eat it like that. take that bullshit seasoning off
Not him but its not about free sex, right now there is very little sex being had (women dont put out as much as youd like to think, they act like they want sex but they really just want attention from as many guys as possible)
Its about having andriod women who act like women should and whom one can have a relation on somewhat equal terms with
Girls leverage guys interest in sex to get validation and sometimes relationships, if suddenly guys dont need to jump through hoops to get a relationship and get offered a relationship on equal grounds things might be diffrent
ya weeb
Thanks for saving me the trouble of explaining my point. We've fucked up intergender dynamics and it's clear that things aren't going to naturally revert anytime soon to level the playing field. If the power was taken from women, they'd no longer be able to use sex as a weapon and a carrot on a stick. Then they'd have to actually be likable humans, cultivate an interesting life and personality, treat their significant others with compassion and respect, and not jump ship to the next cock the moment something different comes along. As it is now, women are basically overgrown, spoiled children.
>If the power was taken from women,
women didn't take that power in the first place, men gave it to them, multiple times.
Whatever you say, sweet cheeks. Regardless, my point is unchanged despite your nitpicking.
Not him but social interaction gave women that power
Men want women for sex, women dont have as strong a need for sex so they care less about men
Women have power because they have something men crave while men have basically nothing women crave
being in the workforce and being allowed to vote gave women that power, before those there was less of an emphasis on the singular person and more of an emphasis on the family which made decisions together.
since women were forced into the bread winning role a mans place is as forgotten as a womans is. now there is no reason to be in a relationship when you could just get fresh dick every week and work your way into your 30s when realize that your looks are your only sexual market value.
men would somehow give back power to women even if we had sex robots.
Hit the nail on the head. Men used to provide safety, financial stability, and children, but thanks to feminism, none of those things have to come from men anymore. So now the power balance is completely in the favor of women.
>men would somehow give back power to women even if we had sex robots.
How so?
I don't know, I'm fucking dumb
Oh, I thought you actually had some sort of support for that claim but you're just being a contrarian.
>now there is no reason to be in a relationship
I actually am not one of those guys who has this particular problem since my problem is that girls have a fuckton of options if they want sex but mostly they seem to want relationships
However its shit because they dont need to offer anything to get it since there are thirsty fucks waiting to make her a gf if you fail to deliver exactly what she wants or make any type of demands of her.
Boiling broccoli? Why even eat broccoli at all? You're literally sucking every bit of nutrient into the water.... fucking fuck man. You take a good thing and shit all over it.
>half cooked
seriously have you ever eaten tuna steak before? I can't believe anyone is actually stupid enough to think that's under cooked.
Secondly... I've been eating fish literally EVERY DAY.... for the past 5 years and my mercury levels are normal. (yes, it's part of my routine blood work).
You're the only parasite here.
Not everybody in the entirety of planet earth happens to follow American norms you fat fuck.
>My village just got water so we need the washer near the sink
I theorize that they dont know how to cook because of television and the birth of the TV dinners. Mothers turned to the easy microwavable meals to feed their kids. Those kids in turn grew up and did the same to their kids because it was easy and convenient. Then BAM, women dont know how to cook. Hell most guys dont know how to cook, but arent opposed to learning because they dont have an obnoxious feminist movement throwing a stigma on being in the kitchen.
We are just fucked, at least for a bit.
Blurry edit confirms user photoshopped his GF into his dreamworld
>washing machine in the kitchen
>at least for a bit
I don't see anything getting any better. I mean look at this thread; our current t best hope for society recovering somewhat is fucking science fiction that's probably centuries away from fruition. And things get worse by the year. At this point I'm ready to call the west a lost cause, retire early, and go find some young third world wife (or five) and use their low cost of living to live out the rest of my life in comfort and luxury. Tbh it doesn't seem worth fighting when most people like the way things are going.
I came here to post this. Weirdo eurobenis.
damn breh ... nice
you live near the ocean? how much does your food cost a week?
If you let the steak sit at room temp an hour or two before cooking you get a way nicer gradient of cookedness so it isn't well done then red separated by a sharp line like that
99% of "high end" sushi restaurants in america use the same shit you stupid fuck. real wasabe is incredibly hard to come by and must be eaten immediately after preparation.
was responding to you, you dumb fuck
>There's no such thing as too much protein.