Questions that dont deserve their own thread
as the weight im lifting for curls increases, im noticing pain and weakness in my wrists. Feels like theyre right on the verge of injury; like just holding a pizza box with one hand is about to strain something
i think the weight, while correct for my arm workout, is getting a bit much on the wrist for stabilizing and keeping straight.
Should i get some kinda brace? should i use the brace to work out? Im already wearing gloves since the knurled part rips up hands, but im wondering if even just an elastic thing for compression could alleviate some of the strain on keeping the wrist straight; at least until its worked up fine at this weight
Is that a good idea? anything to look for? where get?
Swimfag here, any tips on how to do flip turns correctly? I try to aim my head down and not move my arms, but I still end up going sideways when I do my flip.
Is German Volume Training effective for a single lagging muscle group and keeping most everything else about a routine the same? For example, my chest (BP) is lagging. Can I do GVT for chest and keep on with my usual routine for the other groups? Or is it something you have to commit your whole body to for it to be effective?
>I can bulk on 2k cal right?
yeh if ur a 100lb gril
How can i know if im eating enough food to gain weight?
What should i eat to gain weight fast?
what are some Veeky Forums approved cereals
if there is such a thing
Should I just keep cutting forever of my goal is just to get higher calisthenics reps and lower my run and swim times?
Does it really matter how fast are you losing weight when it comes to loose skin?
It can retract when you're going slow or the damage has already been done and it doesn't matter?
I want to go for huge deficit and cardio to stop being fat shit asap (if I'll see effects it'll give me motivation), but I'm scared that the loose skin will be worse than it has to be
Why do my wrists hurt when I do OHP? Can't get a good grip on it with "flat" wrists
should i still cut (23% bf), if i dont care about visible asthetics?
if you go full skeleton diet, your skin has no time to recover at all.
take your time and skin will become no more loose (depending how much damage has already been done to it)
Practice doing flips while standing in the pool. Basically flip quickly and shoot air out your nose before it goes up the wrong way. If you can flip a few times standing it's the same concept swimming.
You're probably bending your wrists back. Try a thumbless grip (carefully) and see what difference it makes.
What are the best hip stretches for increasing flexibility and mobility?
Depends what you do care about. If you're after health or are trying to compete in strength sports, it'd be a good idea.
My knees typically hurt a day or so after doing squats. It feels sort of like DOMS, but like, in my knee if that makes sense.
It's not a sharp pain, it's not stopping me from walking or running or anything either, but like if I went down into a squat position it'd hurt a bit.
I've followed a bunch of youtube tutorials and stuff for form and have even got a form check from reddit and a few people who looked like they knew what they were doing at the gym. As far as I know, my form is pretty good. I'm not even doing heavy weights.
Anyone know what might be wrong with my form or with me knees?
>mfw thinking about not being able to squat anymore
just keep doing them, as long as you aren't in hell pain you are good to go, just dont overload too too hard. no worries
What's the best burn and pump I can get at home with no to little equipment?
how long should it take to make these gains? because im closing in on 1k club but i dont like to test my max. 1rm calculators put those weights at ~1050 lbs so i figure if i hit those itll be safe to both say them im in the 1k club and i can just lift for maintenance and afford to drop the weight/reps a bit
275x5 > 315x5
315x5 > 365x5
215x6 > 225x5
probably push ups, chin ups, pull ups are a good place to start
look up calisthenics routines
What's the best cardio? my priority is losing body fat. then its gaining a bit of muscle. I won't do gym because that shits a scam imo.
>I won't do gym because that shits a scam imo.
It's really not if you have no space for a home gym.
just. what's the general agreed to meme on home workouts? and I'm talking about cardio. trying to lose bf.
>I won't do gym because that shits a scam imo.
delet this
doing farmers walks or just holding heavy dumbbell with a straight arm hurts my right elbow bad.
what do
Cardio is not an exercise. There is no "best" cardio. It's just a type of exercise. You do whatevers best.
> trying to lose bf.
oh look someone didn't read the sticky
>there is no best cardio
Red Cross and Private swim instructor here. Grab a lane line and flip over it. It will give you the feeling of bringing your legs over your head and you can replicate it. Second, don't keep your arms still. I find that telling students to keep their arms out to the side helps them turn. Try moving your hands in circles to help propel your legs over your body. Make sure you don't slow down or breath before you flip. This will lower the momentum you need to flip. Don't just put your head down. First push down, then push back. Swimfag here AMA
the sticky is inefficient
You want to know how to lose body fat. That is in the sticky. That is all you need. Eat less.
You're an idiot
this is the only one I approve of for regular eating.
not an argument. low iq stupid meathead.
stop doing straight bar curls
you're welcome
overpriced garbage.jpg
oreo o's or fruity pebbles
dis the shit i hate
it's always one guy recommending, another guy saying it's trash, and i'm back to square one
i guess ill check it out
how's the taste?
we don't have those in canada
looking to incorporate avocados into the diet
what do y'all eat it with
free weight dumbells actually
doesnt answer the question. The problem is that the weight is exceeding what my wrist can hold straight with. read
i make green eggs with avocado/eggs scrambled together.
its good just thrown into rice and beans.
Are goblet squats with a dumbell as effective as squatting the bar?
this reminds me of something else i was wondering, is there any nutritional difference between frying an egg and eating it raw
i could probably google that actually
i would squat more than the bar personally thats kind of light
then lower the weight dumbshit
just googled it
seems the only difference is the oil, if you choose to add it
niggas ain't reading your question
i used to have the same problem when i was hitting the gym, i don't think i ever worked out a solution
one important thing to note is what position are your hands in
are your palms facing to the sky, with your wrists bending backwards, or are your knuckles facing sky, with wrist locked straight
GVT is a meme. Just add some more volume to your current chest routine.
Cold cereal? Plain bran flakes are pretty decent. 90 cal, 6 g of fiber, 3 g of protein per serving. I sometimes eat a double serving of that with milk and a cup of greek yogurt for breakfast. Starts my day with 12 g of fiber, ~40 g of protein. And it's only $1.88 per box. Pretty low sugar.
Look up Starting Stretching. I'm serious.
Post your form check videos.
A couple months with proper programming and nutrition.
Join a gym retard. If you try cutting without with lifting, you're just gonna end up as a skinnyfat mess.
No. My last squat workout was 355 lbs for sets of 5. Do you think a goblet squat can compare to that. Goblet squats are good for beginners that can't squat a barbell with good form, and maybe as a warm up.
god dam plain branflakes sound so shitty though
i'd have to add berries or some shit
and i hate keeping berries around because they spoil so quick
thanks for the rec still
I want to switch from a strength focused routine to a bodybuilding focused routine to have a good looking body. If I'm barely able to bench 165lb 5x5 is it worth switching over to a 3-4x8 bodybuilding routine? Or should I stay on the strength routine until I keep stalling?
I'm 5'6, 155lbs
Bench 165lb
Squat 225lb
DL 255lb
OHP 115lb
What counts as 1pl8 ? Like the heaviest weight? Like 45lbs or 25kg? What counts as 2pl8 or 3pl8?
I sprinkle cinnamon on mine. Unsweetened vanilla milk and cinnamon is pretty tasty. Less protein than regular milk though.
Number of 45 lb plates per side.
vanilla ALMOND I mean.
Your numbers aren't very good. Why don't you just add a little more accessory volume and stay on whatever strength routine you're on. What program are you on?
i'll jot this down as a recipe i guess, but unless i'm lacking fiber i think i'll just skip the whole cereal thing
thx btw
The plan was to bulk September-March and cut during April-May.
I'm making great gains but I also got fat, maybe 20-25% bf.
Should I cut for a month then resume the bulk?
How much more volume would I add though? I do PPLxULx with U (upper) being the volume day. It's some routine I found here. Was thinking of switching to Canditos Linear or the typical bb routine. Have any suggestions for the program I should be doing?
What does ulnar wrist pain mean?
I'm tired of SS after 3 months and squats hurt my lower back.
Suggestion for routines to switch too?
>no I didnt read the book, I'm sorry Veeky Forums
You should probably try to figure out why your back hurts. Beyond that, you should probably figure out what you're trying to accomplish before asking these kinds of questions.
I believe its some form of anterior pelvic tilt. My lower back always has a bent kind of pain to it.
I'd go see a physiotherapist if I had the money, but I dont, So I've taken to just squatting as light as is comfortable, which is usually around 155 lbs
>>no I didnt read the book, I'm sorry Veeky Forums
Well 3 fucking guesses as to why you're hurting your lower back, you idiot.
Is there any tricks to make my beard grow faster? Would really round up my looks, but not if it's some fuzzy shit.
Is reading the book really as imperative as Veeky Forums makes it seem?
I've been doing /ss/ for months, and incorporating cardio which is already a no-no. I'm bored, I want to do more.
>is actually learning how to perform the involved lifts safely and correctly really that important?
Not if you have a good trainer or have otherwise learned the same information from a similarly involved and trustworthy source.
The actual program part of SS is about two percent of the entire book.
Read the damn thing. Even if you're not going to do the program it's a useful book.
pain on the pinky finger side of your wrist
How strong do you think the average normie is Veeky Forums? If you had to guess
Totally anecdotal but based off what I've seen I'd say maybe a half-BW bench and a BW deadlift, if that. Most people don't exercise at all so it's not like there's good data on this thing.
>thumbless OHP
I'm not suicidal anymore
How do I acheive Guts mode ?
get cucked by best friend
Welp, I guess Im halfway there then :(
I recently hit 5x5 1pl8 squats my third squatting session. If I only have access to the gym twice a week is it possible to hit 5x5 2pl8 squats by june?
Here are my stats if it matters:
Age: 18
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 150 lbs
Am I a contrarion faggot for doing the Reg Park routine over Starting Strength?
90lbs in 6 months pretty doable at 18 as long as you lift consistently and eat
is starting strenght really 3 exercises per workout?
Three main ones. There's usually 1-2 things at the end done for some easy sets.
I just got my first shipment of injectable test and some syringes. I've never had to inject anything before, so I don't know much about it. Which is the easiest vein to inject into if I do it myself?
the cum vein
what accessories are recommended? I have too much autism to read the book
I only have a pair of dumbbells and plenty of space and i'm broke, can i get fit with that and how much time you reccomend spending on working out every day?
beginner here, wanted to start with a strength routine but was also wondering if i could train certain smaller muscles more often than others, eg. biceps, traps, calves, forearms.
would that be alright?
Traditionally the recommendation is some combination of chin-ups, dips, back extensions (on the days you don't deadlift) and curls. Pick some and knock out a couple of decent sets.
Your progress on SS will be slower because you're using those muscles to do the big lifts in SS.
If you want to do a split, you should just do a split.
what can I replace the powerclean with? feel like I'm gonna kill myself if I try a powerclean
Some people will say bent-over rows. Others will say light deadlifts or RDLs. If you're not going to do chins as an accessory, I'd probably go with the rows.
Just make sure your form on bent-over rows is good. You can really fuck your back up if you have tight hamstrings
A good alternative is dumbbell rows using a bench as support
You can add a few accessories at the end of your main workout
should I stop drinking diet soda?
sidebar: styrofoam cups or plastic cups? i'm a styrofoam man myself
Is this molluscum contagiosum lads?
It doesn;t hurt, itch, or spread. Just kinda there and definitely derived from sex.
i quite like styrofoam cuts but they tend to bend more when you grip them so im gonna have to give it to plastic
Beginner here. Doing the following currently:
A: 5x5 Squats 5x5 bench press 2x max chin up
B: 5x5 Deadlift 5x5 barbell bent over row 5x5 military press
its from the sticky. Is there something i should add, since i have the time? Also, is it normal shitting thrice as much as before? Its fucking exhausting.
Should add in accessory work like curls, tricep pulldowns, calf raises, etc.
for what goals? pure strength, keep doing that
At what weight did you start to use mixed/ hook grip for deadlift?
Also in your A) workout. You're adding in a pulling exercise (chin ups) with pushing exercises while putting in a pushing exercise (military press) with pulling exercises
If I were you I'd swap those two.