How much do I have to be able to lift for normies to think I'm strong?
How much do I have to be able to lift for normies to think I'm strong?
normies don't really give a shit. they don't know what strong is.
1/2/3/4 pl8 x 5
You have to be able to lift yourself both physically and metaphysically.
Three months on SS.
I have no idea what these numbers mean.
You have to be able to lift a normie
Literally pick up anything.
Then wait for the dudes around you to say they leg press 700lbs and deadlift 500lbs. Not sure why those are the magic numbers but they are
4 x 45 lbs on Deadlift
3 x 45 on Squat
2 x 45 on Bench
1 x 45 on idk what
100 kg
It doesn't matter which lift is it.
>1 x 45 on idk what
the press
>when a normie asks "how much can you lift?"
what do you say
80kg bench.
100kg squat.
100kg deadlift.
They don't know OHP.
be tall and not-skelly and normies will assume you have magical lifting powers anyway
>deadlifting 4 reps of 1 plate
>"wow you're so strong user"
"which lift?"
"uh like how much weight can you lift"
>when a normie asks "how much can you lift?"
a lot
But any 17 year old DYEL can do these lifts once they've sorted out their form. Or can someone clear this up for me?
520 lbs
muh deadlift
Yea, I expected that, but 1x45 on OHP isn't that much...
Some people get stuck on squat, and can't go over 2pl8s. Or bench is a weakness. But it should take most people around 6 months or even a damn year.
beginner goals nigga. Once you get to 1/2/3/4 you most likely have correct form (or at least correct enough to not risk injuring yourself every time you go to the gym) and the dedication necessary to continue improving yourself for the rest of your life.
All of it.
1 plate = 1x 45 lb plate on each side of a 45 lb bar. lmao1pl8 is 135 lbs
2 plate = 2x 45 lb plate on each side of a 45 lb bar. lmao2pl8 is 225 lbs
Really it's just beginner goals like
you make Veeky Forums a little bit less shit thanks user may your lifts be ever greater
thanks, any time brah
>just found out that 1pl8 is 45 pounds
Once some new guy talked to me and said he wouldn't do MMA because he could killed some scrawny kid that got paired with him
>There are weight classes, besides lifting is different from fighting...
>I can lift 100kg, I could kill somebody!
He was completely serious and proud of his 100kg lift, I don't know in what, never saw him lift heavy, he was doing isolation
It is heavy for non lifter standards, but since it is achievable in a few months for a guy that can't lift the bar, it's not impressive at all
>Pretty Veeky Forums at around 15% bodyfat
>I look better body-wise than anyone in my group or friends and normies in general
>Mfw people assume I can lift a lot of weight
>Mfw I've been asked several times if I leg press more than 500lbs by normies
>Mfw 2 normies made a bet that I can bench 100kgs thinking I didn't hear them
People who don't lift will be impressed by what Veeky Forums considers mediocre. Normies literally have no idea how their body works, what determines a good looking physique, what exercises target which and what bodyfat percentages show. If your bicep bulges slightly and you have at least 1 visible vein on your arm you're considered strong as fukk
I can squat 4pl8 but can only deadlift 2pl8.
How do I improve my deadlift?
Are you doing 1/16th of a squat? That level of disproportion means you have deep muscle imbalances, check the ratio of your quad/hams, add hip thrusts to start activating your ass (no one does, that's why it's important) also check your grip...
There are many factors involved. Sounds that you are T-Rex and forgot about posterior chain.
>2pl8 is 1/16th of 4pl8
how does this magic work? i thought 2pl8 = 2 plates each side = 4 plates
4pl8 = 4 plates each side = 8 plates
am i stupid?
He's saying you're probably not going through full ROM on your squat.
Step 1, learn to squat.
i wasn't the guy who he was talking to, but thanks for clearing that up for me
just one 20kg plate on each side of the bar on the bench press
thats it
it looks heavy to normies
U are...
i should double read everything i reply to i guess
That is correct, anyone else saying different is misinformed or delusional.
he wasnt saying what i thought he did, i just misread
Welcome to January, Veeky Forums
do you think 15% bf is a good percentage for tall people?
im guessing that you would look like a hungry skeleton at 10%
if you can move 100lbs around like it's nothing then normies will think you're strong. Best one is just ohp 100lbs
What's this picture from? I see it around a lot but I don't know what happened
lmao today some NYR fags where in awe of me deadlifting 3plate.
Was literally just warming up. They must have died when they saw me doing 5pl8 a while later.
Not much at all.
weak as fuck lifts but I'm relatively lean and work IT so I'm "the strong one".
this isn't enough. When I startet training, ich had a ohp 5 rep max of 40 kg/88 lbs, so better go for 120-140 minimum.
That's very interesting user. How is the rest of your life going while we're updating your blog?
Rookie mistake user, normies don't care or talk about strength.