Why bro-split?
Because it works.
Why bro-split?
Because it works.
great thread so far
PPL is much more efficient if you ask me, still pretty much a bro split at the core except you incorporate shoulders (anterior and lateral) on the push workout and (posterior) on the pull
>lmao let's hit every body part once a week
Hope you're enjoying your subpar gains
What routine for a mixture of strength and endurance?
not a brosplit at all. PPL hits every body part multiple times per week and is therefore actually an efficient routine
because you're a faggot who likes to do easy isolations instead of compound exercises that actually take effort
Yeah no.
My bro-split is pretty much all compounds.
Chest Day example.
3-4 Warm up sets
5x5 Flat Bench (here's where my progressive overload goes)
3x10 High incline
2x10 Moderate incline
2x10 Minor incline
5xF Chest Dips
Few sets of push-ups
I do similar for every other body-part, about 15-20 sets per body-part with compound lifts, once a week.
Monday = Chest
Tuesday = Back
Wednesday = Shoulders
Thursday = Arms
Friday = Legs
Saturday = Calves and Abs
I do more total weekly volume for every body-part on this 1x frequency than I use to do on PPLxPPL, and I also lift more weight because I don't need to "hold back" on things like chest in order to do shoulders. Every single body-part gets equal attention.
>calves and abs
fucking kek
>70 reps of incline bench
what the fuck lol
You're either
A) The guy who has naturally large calves, and has no need to train them. You're like my brother, fat as fuck, doesn't even lift, but has 20 inch muscular natty calves.
B) The guy who has small calves and constantly wonders why he has no calves but only ever does a few sets of calf raises per week after doing a bunch of other full body lifts.
My calves, nor my traps, grew at all, until I had specific day to focus on them. My traps use to only get a few sets of shrugs and maybe some stimulation on deadlifts and rows, but that was it. Since actually setting a day for calves, I can do 20+ sets of all sorts of different calf raises, far more than the standard 3 or so sets I'd have done on Full Body or Upper/Lower. Since doing this my calves actually developed as they should have. Same story with my traps, once I started having a shoulders only day, my traps fucking exploded in size, something that never happened when I'd only do a few sets of shrugs on a Upper day, or a Pull day, or on a Full body.
you are such a meme dude
I love how DYEL nerds on here who get all their information from other DYEL neckbeards act smug when people don't follow their retarded 3x5.
I don't understand how you guys all sit on here, doing 15 reps of a lift, and leave the gym, and then wonder why you look like you've never stepped foot in a gym before. Maybe it's time to evaluate who and where you get your information from, and perhaps try something different, instead of just simply partaking in the whole online elitist unquestionable ideals of what is considered to be the most optimal routine, especially when what is considered the most optimal routine on paper, has had shitty fucking results for you.
But you're too obsessed with being part of the whole "superior intelligence" e-club and refuse to change anything about the way you train, because you just have to be a special snowflake who has all the knowledge that nobody else at your gym has, despite the fact 99% of the people at your gym do a "retarded split" and still look infinitely better than you.
To me, the people who blindly follow high frequency low volume training year after year, while still looking like shit, never ONCE trying higher volume and lowering your frequency, these people are just as fucking stupid as the average gym rat running a split because Jay Cutler told them to. You're not superior or more intelligent for running a higher frequency routine, especially if you have no results to show from it. You're just a blind follower who has completely misinterpreted the way science is meant to be understood. You literally take scientific research and theories just as religious people follow the word of their god. TRUE scientists, philosophers and other kinds of intellectuals absolutely despise these kinds of people.
Remember, only people with low intelligence actually think and believe they're intelligent.
dude if the bro split work for you then good for you
I've been on a brosplit when I started and didn't really see any progress until I switched to PPL
Just do whatever works for you and I'll do what works for me
No need to argue
oh and you can incorporate volume in a 3x5 program
yeh i run PPLPPLX and its really well at working all my muscles but i have trouble with maxing out because on bench my arm hurts from pull day
so you're saying that
low rep = strength
high rep = aesthetics
wow never heard this one before, you really do have all the information
LMAO, i just realize most of the guys that do 5x5 program are neckbeard manchilds with noodle arms like mr bloho. They probably do IIFYM; they want to fit a one-eighth of a kit kat bar to get 200g of carbs. Yeah, those science guys, high frequency guys are fucking retards.
Bro-splits all the way fucking way. LOL IM ALSO OUTLIFTING THOSE STRENGTH TARDS AT MY GYM :')
post pic and then fuck off. oh wait, you're not even going to post a pic. fuck off.
t. 25% bf 19ffmi pajeet nutrition
sorry i forgot, exercising more than 5x5 total for the whole day is overtraining for your lardass.