Always have a spotter when maxing your brench press

Always have a spotter when maxing your brench press.

Not pint maxing on flat barbell bench press unless you're an actual power lifter, and even then I'm 98% sure you're not even supposed to do 1RMs outside of competition.

>A hot new street exercise is sweeping across the country.. and has already claimed a life. It's known as the "Widowmaker", "bathsalt pec deck" or simply as the brench press. Are your children safe? More at 11

I have no life

It should honestly be illegal to sell benches without safety spotter arms. It's not even that much material or cost to buy a bench with them.

I bet that dumb fuck put the plate collars on

>not bringing a bench into the squat rack so you can adjust the arms as to guarantee that the bar won't fall on you should you fail a rep

it's like you idiots have a death wish.

None of us do, desu

or just learn to bail properly

Sounds like he dropped the barbell on himself. 315 is heavy but you can rest it on your chest and either motion for help or shimmy it down your waist.

If he dropped it on himself, a apotter wouldnt have made a difference.

You can't bail if your wrists suddenly give out.

This is almost guaranteed to happen when you use suicide grip. I guarantee that's what he was doing. Use a normal grip lads

have you seen this guy from the front

looked like a manlet


>be me about 3 years ago
>Tight on cash so workout at home with some dumbells and a barbell.
>No bench, so limited to doing floor press.
>Bed has some open space underneath it, so I stick my lower body inside that space and roll the barbell off the bed and onto my chest.
>Misjudge my ability to lift a higher weight, get stuck under the barbell.
>Have to silently wiggle myself free for 30 minutes so my mom can't hear me.

wow that's sad. thanks for sharing


this is why I legitly HATE bench pressing, I cannot try my 5RM without having a spotter

BUT there are dozens of idiots here who do NOT comprehend of DO NOT HELP ME UNTIL I TELL YOU PLEASE, they see you struggling just a little bit and rush to help oyu hte first microsecond youre pushing yourself


I get angry when I see people put the clips on the end of the weivjts with bench press

I don't get why more benches don't have the arms that come out. If you're benching properly your chest should be up above the arms.

I would move the bench in my gym under the power rack but then I'd be using up a bench AND a rack and people would stare.

It seems like a good idea to bail by dumping one side of the weight. The problem is that with a 315lb bench you can
>suddenly have a force impulse on the other side of your chest that has a decent chance of causing a muslcle tear
>barbell catapult which lays out the nearest gym patron

this lol

why do people use collars for anything other than deadlifts?


>barbell catapult which lays out the nearest gym patron

Because holding onto the bar despite unloading one side's weights is too strategic a move for your tiny brains.

Somehow I doubt you've ever bench over 225.

you should have used heavier weight so you ended up like the retard in OP

>t. someone who benches 100lbs

I dare you to do the technique your retarded brainlet just spouted with at least 225 lbs.

Don't forget to record it, just so you can contemplate on it while you are in the hospital

>physically exhausted to the point of failure
>can't handle the weight
>"just hold onto the bar"

>Brench press
Was it a 1rm, or was he just some freak level test taking powerlifter? Either way, that's a lot of weight. Of all things not to 1rm for me, it's squat and bench. The thought of getting caught under the bar and having to bail, especially right after new years, I'd look like a complete DYEL faggot. Sad that his wrists gave out though, while it may seem stupid to some, it was still tragic nonetheless.

idk maybe after tomorrow that will happen. I've been caught having to use the lower arms instead of the top ones a couple times. I couldn't imagine the embarrassment if I couldn't at least push to those.

After new years I can imagine the pain of benching. Try pushing weight, arms shaking, still getting my 6 reps out but some dick comes and ruins my set by guiding the bar. I'd be fuming.

All we need is a high profile death from benching and this will happen. It's fucking crazy that it's not illegal.