Cutting season starts in 3 days boys.
Are you ready?
Cutting season starts in 3 days boys.
Are you ready?
i'm already married, don't need to cut so i'll continue bulking until summer
>lifting for girls
Man Veeky Forums has changed
>tfw skipped around 10 workouts since august
>original plan was to reach 1/2/3/4 by the end of the year
>currently at 0.75/1.5/2.25/2 pl8
Shit man if i had been more dedicated I would start PHAT by february, I'll try to lean bulk until I reach atleast my BP and Squat goal.
>Not thinking your wife deserves the ultimate sickcunt husband
I've been cutting through winter.
310 down to 240. Kill me now I'm fucking platuing.
This joocy cunt has the right idea
>skipped leg day on and off for months
>if I cut now I'll look like johnny bravo
Fuck man just kill me now
nah im always bulking
i don't see the need to be at 10% for the summer like most people do in hopes of getting some
i'm usually hover around 10% but even at 18% wife still loves the body and can't get enough
>not wanting your own wife to find you hot for dat dere sex gains
>almost 2017
>not lean bulking well into february or march before even thinking about a cut
>not just lean bulking into late april
It only takes a month or two to cut down to chad size if you're lifting for girls. Unless you're competing just get big user, cut for two months or so with some hard cadio as well and just hop back on the lean bulk train.
I prefer to slow cut to get in the right mindset for the year but that's just me
skelly here, I just shovel any and everything I can find into my mouth and lift as much as I can
Why not eat what you want on special occasions and eat maintenance/small deficit other days of the week kek?
Been cutting on gear since november so I'm ahead of the curve, already at 13% BF but I wanted to hit 9% by early jan to troll the NYR pajeets, but that ain't happening.
I think it's cause the food I make is so good, roast pork legs/joints or whole turkey with sweet potatos, marrowfat peas, vegeterian pasta, etc.
With test-tren-clen I could easily go 1500 deficit and retain everything but it's just so hard when the food is good, I think I'll try eating yogurt/milk + protein powder exclusively + supplements.
Try frozen chicken breast and rice friend, you'll come to resent eating
Lel it doesnt get hot up here until july, ive got a couple more months until I need to start my cut
>cutting already
not gonna make it lol
I started my cut the day after xmas. On New Years I'm gonna roll and dance for 3 days straight so I will probably just rave all my muscle away desu
>Lean bulking
>Went from 168 to 178
How much of that is water? I was literally on point with my nutrition all winter.
Does she know you browse Veeky Forums?
Does she know you're gay? N-no homo
>Cutting before march.
Help me out a bit Veeky Forums I'm 5'10 and 245 lbs and go to the gym 3-4 times a week lifting and doing some cardio. How many calories should I eat per day and what should my macros be like? I already have some base muscle from working out before but need to work on my diet
me too.
6'1 and from 205lbs to 180lbs currently
Fucking cuck, I lift & cut largely for my wife to find me hot.
>cutting through Christmas
>with a wife that loves baking
We're already dead and in Hell, brah...
I can't cut for shit. So, good luck everyone.
>Tfw i have permabulked for 2 years from 68kg - 94kg
>Tfw I will be ready for my first cut
I think if I just cut out cheese from my diet it would count as a cut as I eat fucking loads of cheese
yeah. she is laying next to me reading a book caressing my chest while i browse Veeky Forums on phone
everyone is a little gay
My pops used to train under Mr. Colorado. His one saying? "Cheese makes you soft"
Implying a fat ass like me ever started bulking. I've been losing 2.5lb per week for 6 months now.
Pigged out 2 days on christmas (10k kcal total) did 2 18 hour fasts back to back next two days, lost a pound.
I plateaud at 240 lbs for a few weeks too, power through it man
If only we had some sort of thread, perhaps pinned to the front page that addresses this very issue. Oh well.
I'd like too see pic of that transformation
>there are STILL obesecel gymcels who lift for "muh strength"
just give up there's literally no point if you aren't at least 6'2"
>check the cutting
>total sum is 3155 calories per day
Hmmm this doesn't seem right
>not blindly following advice from a message board
When has Veeky Forums ever given anyone bad advice
Average caloric intake for the last 3 months: 1241kcal.
5'7", 145lb. My goal is 130lb. I'm going to make it. Not even the holidays made me break my intake goals.
Just a few more months of misery.
>tfw moot gets plastic surgery
>at the start of winter
It's a lot harder to ask a question on Veeky Forums than to Google it, but I'll spoofeed you just this once :^)
Eat around 2400-2800 calories, play around in that range till you find a nice balance between weight loss and not being hungry. The more clean food you eat, the less hungry you'll be . This means chicken, rice, broccoli, nuts, etc.
You want to go on the low end for carbs since you're pretty fat as is, so do a macro split of something like 40-50% protein, 30% fat, and the rest carbs. The less carbs and more protein you eat, the easier the weight loss will be.
You should only need about 20 minutes of cardio after each workout, but you can also do some LISS on rest days, or HIIT if you're up for it. Workout 3-4 days a week, do compounds, don't skip legs. For any other questions, reference the sticky, or learn to use Google
I'm 184cm 92 kg at about 25% bf. How much, to what bf% can I realistically cut in like 5 months? Also is a half year cut even sustainable?
t. dyel
In 5 months you can probably drop 10kg and reach ~14%
No meme when is the optimal time to cut. I wanna look swoll by the time people start taking their shirts off but I don't wanna hop off the bulking gainz train until I have to I like getting stronger.
Depends on your choice of cut. Keto start end of feb-march, regular diet/exercise start very soon
i thought keto was a meme?
I have a question, if I am cutting while doing IF and taking an EC stack, does taking bcaas during my fast in the morning ruin the benefits of IF? I am reading conflicting things on the internet and I would rather trust a Mongolian rug trading forum over anything else.
During SS I should be only bulking, right
>He fell for the wife meme
Well, if you want to gain muscle, yeah
when should i cut
when i move to TM?
No, told myself Id start cutting in Jan 2016 but still havent started... this year has gone by quick lads
I have no idea what my TDEE is. I've tried three different calculators and they all came up with different answers.
At maintenace, the lowest score is 3741 and the highest 4180. These scores seems a bit high to me.
I'm 193 cm, weighs 134 kg with a bf% of +30 (estimated).
I have been working out atleast three times a week for roughly two hours (90 strength, 30 cardio) for a year, which I consider a moderate pace
I have no idea what I should aim for to cut 0.5 kg a week, Scoobys calculator tells me to eat 3135 kcal a day but even that seems too high. Am I missing something and fucking up my calculations?
What kcal/day should I aim for?
trips checked
try eating at 3135 for a couple weeks and track your weight. if you aren't losing, go down 200-300 calories and try that. sooner or later you'll find a point where you're losing weight at a satisfactory rate, and you can just eat at that until you lose enough weight that you start plateauing. then recalculate and keep going.
Why are you trying to become auswizct?
T. 5'7" Manlet who went from 130 to 140. Not even remotely big at 140
Thank kek summer starts at late july so i can still eat muh pizzas for a while
I'm setting 3100 so that it's a nice and even number.
Also, when should I weigh myself? Morning? Evening?
the common advice is doing it right after waking up gets you the most accurate result.
it doesn't really matter though as long as you do it at the exact same time every time you do it. you're trying to track progress from one weigh-in to another, so it doesn't really matter if the reading is off by a few pounds, so long as it's always off by the same number of pounds.
Cheers, I'm buying a scale on Sunday and starting on monday. Thanks for the advices.
no prob. good luck, user. we're all gonna make it.
Any good supps to help with the cut, anyone got any fav low sugar protien?
i bought a bag of myprotein impact chocolate smooth around october. it's pretty good. 25g serving has 100 calories, 20g protein and 1g carbs. doesn't clump up and tastes almost like actual chocolate milk. they have sales all the damn time (got a 5.5 lb bag for $34), so you usually get it pretty cheap, too.
one caveat, though: the serving size is 25g but the little scoop they include with the bag is holds some 30-35g (don't remember). if you have a scoop from optimum nutrition, those get you exactly 25g. my recommendation is to just figure out the nutrition for whatever amount fits in the included scoop and count that as a serving.
Cool, ill check it out thanks man
>frozen chicken breast
This is why I will never get into powerlifting or do a fuck ton of squats and deads.
Can I start cutting in February and be good by June?
powerlifting and oly lifting give you a reason to lift
bodybuilding is boring as fuck
I have a solid 3 month cut ahead of me and I dread it more than a turkey dreads Christmas.
fuck with cutting
Is bulking a meme? Especially for women.
post pic and we'll see how you are doing
>tfw long ass winters here mean bulk season gets extended another 2 months
actually around your stating weight and about to lose it all (again). What was your calories at the start? I have alot of trouble finding consistency for calorie recs for this weight. Don't want to starve myself/eat a fuckton.
Running a half marathon this spring to help with the cut. We all gunna make it boys.
stfu you only need to be 6' to be good.
>qt azn grill in line behind me at restaurant
>don't know her
>you're tall user, what's your height? 6'1?
>hahaha my friend is short he's 5'11
>skinny guy friendzoned next to her nervously laughs
>convo ends there
I know this sounds unbelievable that a girl would come up to me and hit on me for my height but if you want confirmation that this was real just know that I spaghetti'd and nothing came out of pretty much a perfect opportunity which I think is good proof that this happened.
6 foot is the official manlet cutoff and magic number
I'm jealous. My wife is completely indifferent to my gains, hates when I'm at the gym, and would rather eat burgers with me than help me through a cut. Shit sucks.
>starting a cut that early
why? just wait till April/May then fast for a week and you'll lose all that fat quickly instead of torturing yourself every day trying to eat a threshold below maintenance. You lose strength either way, better get done with it as fast as possible.