How do I enjoy normie things? I really try to like shit like clubbing and watching/doing sports but I just can't. Maybe I dislike clubbing because I'm a really reserved person and I don't engage in the crazy stuff.
But I really want to like those things so I can have fun with other people because all I do now is workout and play video games at home.
How do I enjoy normie things? I really try to like shit like clubbing and watching/doing sports but I just can't...
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People who do that stuff are trying to find that "I seized the day I went wild" emotion. Clubbing just does that for them. Find something that does it for you, communicate it to the world, and people will want to be around you, whether or not you engage in sports/clubs.
3 > 6 > 4
wouldn't fuck the others
The first one from the left is the best imo
>I really try to like shit like clubbing and watching/doing sports but I just can't.
Then either don't do them, or find a sport you actually like. Why are you even doing them if you don't enjoy them?
Dude. The whole "normies reeee" thing is a Veeky Forums meme. It's not real. There are many people who don't "club" or who dislike sports.
There's a whole world of hobbies anD activities out there. You need not do only the most popular ones.
Pick a hobby and stick to it. Most people grow out of clubbing and partying by 27-28 anyways. Clubbing is boring unless you're drunk as fuck or on one or multiple drugs.
Get into music, play an instrument, travel solo, get into rock climbing, take some community college courses, etc. Plenty of people in these communities are friendly enough to make friends. Shit, I'm pretty reserved myself and the last solo trip I met so many people and had so many neat conversations. Even still keep up with this old couple that was traveling the US when I met them.
Id personally cut the video games if you're trying to get yourself out there. It's a pretty lonely hobby and people tend to view adult video gamers as immature or weird.
Try a few bars rather than clubs. Might be more up your alley.
I don't care for most sports either, but consider getting into other recreational activities like bouldering, kayaking, hiking, etc. that are suited to small groups. Most "normies" are down for those sorts of things, and you might you enjoy them more as well.
how do you meet people while traveling?
>went to nyc for a week
>started at a hostel
>didn't talk to anyone
The guys I met at uni only want to go clubbing though. And I don't like rejecting their offer to go clubbing with them all the time, feels like I'm missing out too if I'm the only one that doesn't join them all the time.
I've never personally been a big fan of clubs, I enjoy just going to a pub or a small bar and having a few casuals with my close friends, clubbing is cool if you wanna try and bang some random slut, but going out dancing to shitty music from a shitty DJ with strobe lights and people doing lines off the toilets is honesty the lamest way ever to spend a friday night IMO.
Just find other hobbies man, I'm from a small town in Canada so hunting and fishing are huge for me, they're both extremely relaxing and challenging at the same time. Play an instrument, read books, write books, join an intramural sports league, literally anything. In my opinion clubbing and sitting around watching sports are two of the most pointless activities you can do, they're a waste of time and money that provide absolutely no benefit to your mind or body whatsoever.
For a lot of people their only experience with clubbing is in mainstream clubs that just play chart music where people go to get hammered. If you can find a decent club or club night that is more music orientated (almost always some form of electronic music) people tend to be more about dancing and having a good time rather than getting shitfaced and picking up girls.
won't clubbing give you social gains, and sports give you conversational topics and knowledge
Nobody cares and nobody will fuck you
> going out dancing to shitty music from a shitty DJ with strobe lights and people doing lines off the toilets is honesty the lamest way ever to spend a friday night IMO.
This is like saying lifting sucks because Planet Fitness sucks.
Don't go to cities. Best places to meet people while traveling is in state/national parks. People are usually very friendly and open to conversation on trails and viewing national treasures
Clubs are only funny if you let go and are sociable, try working on that instead of forcing yourself to enjoy it.
Try different sports until you find something you like.
I dont like clubing either, i just dont get the point of the loud as fuck music, the disorienting lighthing, the booz costing an arm and a leg.
Well you can pick a hobby and then engage in social stuff with people who share the same interest and shit, just dont get an autistic one like collecting stamps and shit.
Playing an instrument (guitar, bass, drums is in the autistic verge)
Photography (can get quite expensive even at antry level, but you can enrole in classes and shit, even nikkon when you buy a camera gives you a walking tour in some place near you(city))
Dancing classes (you know like that one movie with Jlo and richard "venom toad" geere)
Cooking classes (use the tiniest shirt you have)
>how do i start liking things i don't like
1,2, and 3 are the hottest. 5 is a decently hot follow up. 6 has a really cute face and looks damn pretty. 5 is an absolute trainwreck
People like clubbing if they are good-looking and sociable and like to binge drink and takr drugs. That is basically the only scenario in which clubs are fun.
People like sports of they are naturally athletic--it's normal to like things you are naturally good at, and dislike things you are naturally bad at.
Actually watching sports is pretty much pointless. It's the same as watching a LoL stream or something. You have your team you cheer for, you bitch about flaws in the game, praise good plays, etc.
There are other "normie" hobbies if you really want one. You could become obsessed with cars or dating or raising a family. You can go to bars/pubs with quieter music and decent food and drinks and just spend the night chatting with people.
Personally I would leave the normie shit for people who like it. You can get into these things to enjoy them when you feel the need to but if you have tried them and didn't like them then you're basically never going to enjoy doing these things a lot. I'm not into sports but I can get behind watching the super bowl or olympics with my normie friends. Just treat it like you're doing some one-off gimmick thing you hardly ever do, like going to a play or one of those restaurants where you eat in the dark.
Meant to say 4 is an absolute trainwreck
>buttfblastes woman detected
That's not the point of rating you used up cunt
this thread gave me hope. thx lads. you are all awesome and we are going to make it!
What if I don't enjoy anything? Does that mean Im just autistic
No. Autists are usually very passionate about their hobbies. You're most likely depressed. You used to like things, right?
Conversations with normies about it usually goes
>you catch the game last night? One big nigger threw the ball to another big nigger and he caught it and ran with it! They're gonna go all the way this year! Woooo!
I don't get why they like watching overpaid niggers toss a ball around so much, I'd much rather listen to music or watch a movie or draw than watch any professional sports besides maybe hockey if I was bored
The more intelligent you are the less likely you are to have friends
Simpler minded people surround themselves with tons of other people to make themselves happy
The smarter you are, the happier you are when alone with your thoughts
Tesla and Einstein were loners
Normies are normies because they are fucking stupid. Find friends that share your interests and enjoy them.
latent homosexuality
> tips fedora
> blows a thick cloud with his vape
Quit trying so hard and over thinking everything
Just accept you are like everyone else and get on with your life
go to better hostels. check reviews before you book
As a kid sure. Nowadays I don't really enjoy anything as much as I used to, I just watch films/ play vidya too pass the time. But I don't feel unhappy at all so I can't be depressed right?
i was like you once, hating sports and clubs. but i kept trying out different things and while it took a pretty long time i eventually did find something that i enjoy. now i'm regularly meeting up with friends to enjoy the nice weather and play table tennis or just go to a club and rave our asses off
this. you gotta find a club that suits you. if you're actually dancing for hours you'll not only get in a lot of non-boring cardio, but also mires from others on the dancefloor. good for the ego and getting laid
Are any emotions involved in watching films and playing vidya? If yes, you're good. About other things, are you at least mildly interested to consider doing? I dunno, something competitive or creative.
Go with them once then tell them you didn't enjoy it much
Take MDMA and go to rave. You'll totally open up.
Getting pissed off mostly lol
Yeah I can get emotional over some films or they can bring a smile to my face. But I always feel my emotions are less strong than other people's emotions. I never really felt anger and I rarely feel hyped but when I do feel it its sweet as fuck. Wish I could get that feeling more often to be honest ;_;
will psychedelics fix aspergers
no but you may be able to harness the Aspergers to rewarding spiritual pursuits
to cure Aspergers you should consider doing a cycle of steroids because you're probably low test
Just go with them but stay at the bar. Act disinterested in everyone and just play games on your phone. After about an hour or so some drunk girls will start talking to you. Don't go for it though, it's a trap. All the want is free drinks and a shoe to throw up in. Tell them you saw Justin Bieber outside and he was giving away free hugs. Keep this up for another hour or so and soon enough some stuck up princess will notice you are different. When she talks to you, open up. Eventually when she looks away, steal her drink and pretend you don't know who she is. Then before you leave, ask a guy if he'll suck you off for a Twix bar and an attaboy.
Clubbing is awesome
You don't do those things because you like doing them. You do them because you like hanging out with your friends.
>how do you meet people while traveling?
>>went to nyc for a week
>>started at a hostel
>>didn't talk to anyone
Lol how do you expect to meet people if you won't talk to them. When i was in Europe i stayed in a hostel and i was supposed to go home but i extended my holiday by a month and ended up going to Greece with friends i made with people who were in the same room as me.
If only we were all as charismatic as you are user
hey bro if you like competitive video games you can find a way to like sports. I was never into watching football until I met a buddy who was into it.
it's a competition like any other, you pick a team that's "your team" and then you watch them beat the fuck out of other teams. You go wild when they score and you gloat to your friends when they win. And they do the same back to you. It's like a sport you don't even have to play, you just watch.
Not even charisma you will literally never see these people again so who cares if they think you are weird. The best people i meet overseas were weird.
All of you who "don't like clubbing and doing normie things" don't like it because people don't like you - nothing else. So you justify it by pretending to be a special snowflake.
If people liked you, you would love social situations. In short, you are slightly aspie and average genetically, of no particular significance to either gender, basically wallpaper. Find a project and become very good at it.
Going to clubs is one of the most shit tier normie activity
thats because you dont play sports fucking autist
a year and a half ago, me autist, heared the advice from some Veeky Forumsizen.
started playing rugby.. fuckton of god-tier bros.
its like going to war with your brothers but you simply dont die, so when the game is over, you can go with them to get smashed
shits cash brah
related to post: now i enjoy watching super rugby and mirin' pro's habilities
top kek. homo sapiens is a sociable beast. get him with no-contact for years and hes gonna lose his mind
just relax and let other people meet you, youre gonna be happy user, i promise you
>Let other people meet you
No one's going to engage with an autistic fuck
> I really try to like shit like clubbing
You're right, it's boring as fuck. Here's how to make it more interesting. Get drunk before you get to the club. That's the trick. Clubbing is shit otherwise.
yeah nah 4 is worst there by a distance broham
Like you wouldn't bang them all faggot
Sad kunt
Pretty interesting. I am taking a long break from that scene so I can focus on my body and shit. Just gets exhausting partying every weekend, really weighs on your body senpai. I am excited to hit the gym on weekends and play vidya with some bros. I empathize with you though, there's plenty of people like yourself who aren't into that sort of thing and there's nothing wrong with it. Honestly, I don't think many ppl are THAT into it, it's moreso just something to do and a chance to get out at night. As a result, I feel like there's this unnecessary stigma about staying in on weekend nights. Like many others have already said, there's tons of things you can do that you enjoy that you don't have to feel forced to do because of what "normies" do. Tons of "normies" can just as well be interested in things that don't involve clubbing/binge drinking. Get out and try new things, bro. Best of luck and a happy new year.
I hate clubbing too. If you don't like to dance, listen to edm, and are not extremely extroverted, you will have a bad time. Been in VIP at Light in Las Vegas and was still bored out of my mind. I was at a table next to a bunch of escorts who were hot, but all I could think about was how many old men have jizzed on them.
Clubbing in a nutshell.
As cringy as this is, it's true.
>tfw 131 IQ and no friends
>tfw I can't relate to normie things like Net Flix shows and sports
Completely missed my point
Smart people have the ability to socialize and make friends, its just harder or they choose not to.
I have no friends because I haven't found any I really connect with.