Veeky Forums post your dogs.
Veeky Forums post your dogs
My dog's a scottish terrier occasionally before he goes outside he'll come up to me and *BRRRAPPPTTTTFTT*
Belgian Sheppard.
I have an amstaff. Pibber breeds are the absolute best. Love my fkn dog
Those are very nice dogs
Wow your dog looks awesome.
Supreme doggo.
10/10 would pet
My pupper
182 pound rott. He's a loveable bear.
My dog just died. My pet deposit is still valid and dont want to waste it (non refundable), reccomend doggers for me. Must be under 65lbs, landlords rules.
Lean muscle machine
why is your dog so smiley and happy
my dog hates me and all life
get yourself a puli, they're small but energetic and aren't too prone to health issues
How much would you say a dog costs per month? I want one, but I need to make sure it will fit my budget.
How many kg of proton power do you have to feed him every week to keep him big?
Pretty cheap. Like less than 30 per month. You can feed him leftovers/shit from soup kitchens for free. Let him run around at night and kill cats. EZ
Boxer/pitbull mix
Does he leave really big shits on the neighbours lawn?
10/10 dog
The Jack russel and the Border Terrier are mine. But my terrier died this may of cancer. May you rest in peace Frippe.
enjoy wet wiping its sting piece after picking up its shit
I've never seen that breed of dog before. Is it rare or just a regional thing?
I'd like to have a hedgehog or a weasel
Looks mad
I don't imagine it's an issue given that they're working dogs that were out in the fields all day
That is a fine looking dog, user.
Yeah its great
Looks very similar to my pit/lab mix
I miss her, but when I have a bit more saved up I'm getting another boxer.
>all dese friendly ass labs and airbud bitxh doga
Lmao common where my reel men at wit dat pitbull
Why does that dog look like a fat white guy?
Black lab pupper
that doggo is ripped
Here's my catto since my doggo died 2 years ago
His name is Mowgli, and he's a Bengal. He's very friendly and doesn't really scratch people. Despite being almost 14, he's still the neighborhood brawler and fucks up other cats that encroach on his territory. In his spare time he hunts rabbits and rats, and loves getting scratched behind his ears and under his chin
Why his legs so long
My pupper died last week :(
Here's my cockateil instead, he eats eggs and chicken breast with me
Feed him boiled chicken thighs/drumsticks three times a day. He's just a beast. I love him to death
Another pic. He's the fucking best.
Weasels stink up the place just as bad as ferrets
Wife was the one that picked it. Said it had to be a certain height and build. She loves the hell out of that mutt
Here's mine, still at 4 ft.
Doesnt fetch/bark or pee on my pillows
10/10 best dogge
How many reps do I have to do to achieve this form
Calling Animal police, your dog looks underfed
Apologise to Isley right now
Because he is a dog
What's wrong with your knee?
Great doggo though. I love rotties. I used to know one named Muffin who would roll on christmas beetles whenever she could.
>letting your cat outside
It will be killed, and when it happens, it's all your fault.
Best dog reporting for duty
Well you're not wrong, i AM currently underfeeding him (diet) due to him being obese
>be me midway through uni winter semester
>mom calls from home country
>son your boa constrictor is missing
>u wot m8 how
>got out after i forgot to lock the cage after cleaning it
>at this point i just hope my parents found it
>couple days later say they cant find it
>pissed but w/e its a pretty big snake someone's bound to find it soon (i live/study abroad so i cant just fly back to look for my missing pet)
>finals + approaching summer internship made me busy n forgot about noodles (the boa)
>fly back home in august during the couple weeks break before final year in uni
>enter home town
>electric poles/trees and walmart walls are fucking plastered with missing posters
>i start to notice they're all of cats/small dog breeds and even a couple of parrots.
>decide to get my shit together and assemble a search party (me) and look for noodles
>at this point he's been missing for over 6 months so pretty sure he's either got ate by a coyote or some shit/froze to death during winter
>start overturning every log/big rocks
>after a couple of hours lo and behold i found him inside an abandoned shed , thicc as fuck
>bring him home, parents rejoice
>weigh him, double the weight of what he's supposed to weigh
>hold back the near-irrresistible need to make a fat shaming thread about my boa and went back to his den (the shed)
>HUGE snake shits with bones, fur sticking out of it and bird feathers everywhere
>realize my pet is currently a wanted serial killer
>mfw i hang with all my childhood friends in my hometown and all they talk about is how their pets go missing suspiciously without a trace.
Top dog
Itd be the dumb ass cats fault actually
> Catto lived till 24
> spent most of her last year's inside but still an outside cat
> waited by the door when she wanted to be let out
> Come home from graveyard shift and push open door till I feel a thud
> She sometimes fell asleep while waiting so I knew to open slowly and wait for her to get up and walk out
> not today
> not ever again
> every once in a while when I hit all the isles at the market I accidently throw some cans of her favorite food in the cart by mistake before reality dawns on me
Things that never happened for 100, alex.
Boston terriers are the most annoying dogs on the planet.
And THIS is why you dont let your cats outside. Besides the fact that itll probably kill off an entire species of birds, shit like this will happen.
Your cat will get eaten to fuck.
Say hello to my pupper
Hello pupper. Heterochromia is so pretty.
Whats up wit hus dumb ass eyez
Based frenchie checking in
my Veeky Forums dog
who /sighthound/ here?
He died a few days ago. :(
My condolences, remember the good times buddy
Thank you.
shibers are small energetic catdogs from nippon
or also canananann dogs
Did he drop some epic loot?
The cat let itself outside?
I mean that's the path he chose. He isn't exactly the normal run of the mill housecat, look up bengals. Really he's more like one step above a feral cat honestly. Keeping him copped up inside all day is a recipe for boredom and apathy with him
Your snake wouldn't catch and eat more than one MAYBE two cats or pups in that time.
your puppy looks like my bosses puppy who we think has downsyndrome.
yours looks much more smarter.
>acting like a nigger because no reasons.
Then you probably shouldn't have gotten him. He's screwing with the ecosystem and will probably get hit by a car.
>Here's my cockateil instead, he eats eggs and chicken breast with me
is his name fruit-loop because of his weird fucking nostrils?
>Tfw cucked by dog
Can i get Shiba off ebay
snakes are objectively the worst dogs.
Not even him but the cats made it 14 years, I doubt he's going to get hit by a car any time soon. Fair point about the local ecosystem but this is Veeky Forums, not /an/, so fuck off.
Not him but ifs pretty well known that snakes/frogs/crocs are notorious for overfeeding when they can, they will eat shitloads of food at one time until theyre physically unable to consume more.
Also they're excellent at surplus killing. This is why pythons are trouble down here in the south
he looks like a good boy.
try amazon
/an/ pls
I inherited him from my parents. They moved to Florida and they couldn't have cats where they were going (endangered keys rat) so I was left with him. And I doubt that honestly, he's extremely wary of cars, he always runs to the hills whenever an engine even turns over
Also this
shred dat box
motherfucker probably has the mental capacity of a human god damn
7mo english bulldog, he is not allowed to spot me.