How do I get nigger shoulders?
How do I get nigger shoulders?
Steal shit
Be a Nigger obviously
leave your kids
beat women
sag pants
act like ape
have aids
own "gat"
Dumbbell Lateral raises and work your traps and lats since they insert in the shoulder region.
steal bike 1XF
>be me
>be black
>have terrible bench, mediocre OHP
>great traps and shoulders and while still fat
BBC wins again
My shoulders look like that and I'm asian
Water melon lifts
Drumstick put downs
Baby mama rows
Down low butt sex
2x drive byes with glawk forty lifts
And of course genetics
Idk i've always had them. not sure why. I do a lot of high-pulls and high-jerks.
my shoulders are probably actually broader than that
dont see whats so incredible about them
>be me
>be white
>same exact spot
What's your bodytype? Are you endomorph?
>wanting shoulders
>not enough scoops
what the fuck that's me!!!
I do lots of lateral raises OP
fight with your fellow nig nogs and the police
yo do you go for high reps on laterals or high weight? assuming that you can maintain good form with the higher weight
You must fight and defeat a level 10 super nigger in hand to hand combat
>Are you endomorph?
Ahh look, its retarded.
High reps for sure. I only use 20lb dumbbells and go for 3-4 sets of 12+ reps using really good form.
cool, thanks dude
3 sets of basketball and a bucket of fried chicken every day
Good genes lol. I don't even workout and my shoulders look like that
i've had swole traps and shoulder before i even started lifting