is 2000 calories a day too little for a 5'10 manlet, 200 lbs whos trying to lose weight? i lift every day and get like 180g protein

Other urls found in this thread:


>180g protein

5'10'' is manlet now? I guess it's just a matter of time before I'm considered a manlet at 6'2'' isnt it.

I've been running reddits PPLPPLx for the last two months now as a beginner and although I'm still seeing gains my lifts haven't been progressing like they were on SS.
I've only been lifting for about 4-5 months total, should I switch over to Veeky Forumss greyskull or reg parks or some other full body routine because I'm still a novice? Or should I just stick it out with PPL?

5'8, eating 1300ish calories a day on a cut
Fuck you

>fell for pplpplx before breaking out of dyel mode
this is why I love this site

what's your TDEE

according to a few calculators, on the lower side of ~3000

I feel like I've pinched a nerve between my femur and pelvis socket. I did some heavy cleans one day, then like half an hour later, I was sitting, moved my leg a bit to the side and then I got a sharp pain there.

It's been hurting ever since (1 month) when I do squats and I feel discomfort when I move in general.

What is the best course of action?

wtf is 5/3/1

reposting my req for help from the older thread:

should I train for hypertrophy and go for more reps than 5 after hittin 1/2/3/4? I just want aesthethics

read the sticky you fat fucking goblin

>get/read 5/3/1 beyond
>6 week cyclyes
>joker sets with 5% increases
>first set last, 3-5 reps with 5-8 reps

Tell me what to do now though damn it

do 1-8 reps

>180g protein

As long as you're getting a good amount of protein you should eat as few calories as you can tolerate

starting strength or stronglifts. Eat at a surplus or maintenance til you hit 1/2/3/4

Once you hit your beginner goals of 1/2/3/4 move on to something more advanced like PPLPPLX

just switch to an intermediate routine

It's always been. Don't delude yourself.

What is the fastest treatment for sore muscles

foam roll
not being such a pussy

Just hit 1/2/3/4. Wanna move to something else. Would a push/pull/push/pull be fine? Or an U/L/U/L or something like that. Where can I find examples of such routines or a way to create my own?

What exactly isn't progressing?

On SS Progression should be
Squat = 30 lbs every 2 weeks
Deadlift = 20 lbs every 2 weeks
Deadlift/OHP = 15 lbs every 2 weeks

Squat = 20 lbs every 2 weeks
Deadlift = 20 lbs every 2 weeks
BP/OHP = 10 lbs every 2 weeks

So Squat and BP/OHP should be slightly slower but only just slow. Assuming you ran SS for several months (about as long as it lasts for most people) I fail to understand. As you lift weights approaching your "max" progression slows. Linear progression doesn't go on forever.

Are you cutting? Are you bulking? What are your lifts now? What were they when you started on SS? What were they when you moved on to PPL?

I am fucking sick, no appetite. Even if I manage to eat, diarrhea makes me either puke or shit it ASAP. I couldn't workout since the 30th and I feel like shit, I AM LOSING MY GAINS WITH EACH PASSING MOMENT REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

stop drinking monster, dumbass

I don't even drink coffee

I have a sharp pain behind my right shoulder blade when I move my arm around. It hurts a little when I take a deep breath. It's been like this for a couple of weeks. It doesn't really affect any of my lifts (somehow) but there's just general pain there constantly.

6'1 150 lb 23 yo
I eat a lot now and i go to lift weights almost every day am I overtraining? I don't feel sore but I just started lifting 3 weeks ago any tips to maxing out weight gain

Get a better immune system and sleep more

How long did it take you to reach 1/2/3/4?

should i do farmer's walk with trap bar or DB?

I believe it depends purely on how often you want to train. If you want to train 4 days then ULxULxx would be best. Only do a PPL if your willing to train 6 days a week (or 6 times every 8 days) PPLPPLx or PPLxPPLx

As for an UL split something like PHUL is typically pretty solid, modify it to fit your own goals.

PPL is pretty easy as its kind of a fancy "bodypart" split
Push = Chest, Shoulder, Tri
Pull = Back, Biceps
Leg = Quds, Hams, Glutes, Calves?

So start each day with a "main" lift. Do a second compound movement as your 2nd lift. Do a variation of your primary lift as your 3rd movement.

From there you add 2-3 more movements targeting one of the areas or weakness you have in that group. Here is an example...

Pull1 = BP day
BP = (3-6 sets)(3-5 reps) [Main]
OHP = (3-4 sets)(4-6 reps) [Additional Compound]
Incline BP = (2-4 sets)(6-10 reps) [Variation/Assist]

A Tricep Exercise (2-3 sets)(10-15 reps)
Lateral Raises (2-3 sets)(10-15 reps)
Arnold Press or Flies or Shrugs or Nothing

At 6 months I was almost there but not quite. 8-9 months for me.

I never asked a question - any idea what this might be? Should I rest it or keep going because it's not affecting my lifts?

When I started SS:
Squat 95lbs
Bench 65lbs
OHP 45lbs
Deadlift 140lbs

Squat 185lbs
Bench 125lbs
OHP 85lbs
Deadlift 225lbs

All these are 5x5

I couldn't tell you what they were when I switched to PPL, I just know I haven't been able to progress like I was. I was 138lbs when I started and now I'm 155lbs and have been bulking the entire time, and continue to do so.

Because my lifts are so small should I just switch back to a 3x a week full body routine until they're semi respectable?

At the end I typed Shrugs or Nothing that should be "Dips or Nothing" but really its more about plugging in a 6th exercise or not doing one.

They seem very low for you to have switched off SS. However, with that being said your lifts are just very low on the upper body side of things. I don't think switching will really be a big deal, as I said above your squat progression goes down a little but not much. My biggest suggestion might to do an AMRAP set as your last set for your upper body exercises. If you hit 10 reps on your last set then increase the progression next time to 10 lbs.

My biggest tip is watch a shit ton of videos, get someone to critique your form (that knows what they are doing) or to film yourself if possible and critique yourself. Building the right movement pattern as you lift will go a long way to your progression.

Man that should of said Push1, fuck posting this early in the morning i'm brain dead.

Is there any program you recommend given all this? Or just stick it out with PPL and focus more on upper like you said?
I've heard people say full body is better for beginners because my muscles will grow more being hit 3x a week since they're still unaccustomed to weight training

thanks bro, will try

Anyone have a link to that imgur gallery with loads of high calorie mealplans?

Thanks man So focus on form and keep away from doing ORM for awhile?

I heard about fixing posture to gain a bit of height but this makes you ust look taller right? Not actually becoming taller?

trap cause you need a shitton of weight

What's wrong with 180g? At 6' 3" 240 my fitness pal told me to eat around 180g protein a day.



I wouldn't bother doing any 1RM pretty much for the first year of training. At the lowest maybe do 3s but typically doing 1RM is for ego and typically shitty form until you are more experienced as a lifter.

A bent stick will reach shorter.

A bent spine will reach shorter. Just remember the natural curvature and not try to over do it.

Atlean X on YouTube has a good video.

Most people recommend about 1g per lb of bodyweight. On a cut its often highly recommended sometimes even going as high as 1.2-1.5g per lb of body weight to try to maintain as much muscle as possible.

For obese or close to obese level people I don't think it is as big of a deal though. But I wouldn't go any lower then 1g per lb of bodyweight for your "goal" weight. So at 6'3 your "25" BMI would be 200 lbs. I wouldn't go below 200g of protein.

If your goal is 210 then I would say go up to 210g of protein.

would you consider Candito's program as intermediate?

You should fix shitty posture because it will only lead to pain and problems down the road. You don't gain height. However, you will carry yourself better. But no, you aren't going from 5'5 to 6'0 because you fixed some shitty rounded shoulders.Maybe you go from looking 5'5 to to looking 5'5.5

The reality is when most people get their height taken they stand up straight, chest up, shoulders back so they at their "max' height. THen they walk around half an inch or an inch "lower" because they have shitty posture but you aren't gaining anything. Only maximizing what is there.

pls respond

Does every workout routine has an exercise done with 5 reps? I thought when aiming to volume all exercises had more reps, while I see some of you saying that the main lifts are still done with 5 reps.

Powerline PPR200X, typically is around 350, I got mine new on sale for 225 some point. The same rack has a Lat attachment that isn't perfect but gives you more options, that runs 220, I found on Amazon at some point for like 180.

Craigslist about ~315 lbs of plates and a bar. Although this might be the worst time of the year to do it, better in march. I spent 200 dollars for 325 lbs, a olympic bar, ez curl bar from a guy moving, drove about 30 miles to get them but whatever.

A set of Powerblocks is nice but can be expensive. I dislike them cause of their size (despite owning them) bur the Bowflex adjustable DB gave me a good start and I picked up the DB and Stand for 200 online.

After that, I recommend getting some "Horse stall" mats from a tractor supply store so you don't fuck up your floors and you should be set. Everything else is minor after that.

No most programs have a primary movement at "low" volume high intensity and a similar accessory with more volume and less intensity.

Like bench 3x5 then incline DB bench 3-4x8-10

Can OHP with ez bar?

If I do cardio in the mornings and weight training later in the day roughly how long should I wait between them, or does it even matter?

Only if you can't lift a 45 lb regular bar.

Shouldn't really matter as long as you have rested long enough that your cardio is not impacting your lifting. That may vary between individuals. If you are waiting 15 minutes after doing cardio to lift I would tell you to do lifting first then cardio. If your waiting an hour or more then I don't see there being a problem.

The best source that I found suggests that athletes need to eat at 1 to 1.6 grams of protein per kilogram of bodyweight. 200lbs is a little under 100kgs. So at most you should be eating 100 to 160 grams of protein. 200 if you're a low body fat and cutting

Another source says 0.652 grams per lb of bodyweight. Meaning 130 grams. But I can't personally verify that.

Typically volume training is about driving hypertrophy. There is more information coming out that hypertrophy is driven by training to failure (or near it). That you do it with lower weight higher volume or higher weight and lower volume as long as your training to failure it makes little difference. There is the caveat that you do need a certain amount of overall volume.

So for many people you can get that training to failure "easier" by training with lower reps, higher weight and getting a good 4-5 sets of 5-6 reps. If you drop the weight to say 75% to train to failure you might need to do 4-5 sets of 15-20 reps. But the key is you still need to push yourself to failure. For most people, especially less advanced lifters, it is easier to keep good form with heavier sets of lower reps and still get the benefit of training to failure for hypertrophy.

Again though, as you said, most programs use a mix of rep ranges as it provides a good overall plan and gives you enough volume to see growth.

There is alot of research that higher protein intakes while dieting help not just with lean body mass maintenance but also with keeping away hunger pains as its more filling. It also can help stabilize blood sugar. So again I would recommend going with 0.8-1.2g per lb of body weight not under your 1g of your goal weight.

This will keep your diet in check as the higher amount of protein will limit some of the other foods you can eat to keep your macros in balance.

That's my opinion i'm not here to tell you what you have to eat, but my suggestion would be more is better up to a point and 1g per lb of bodyweight is a pretty good starting point.

>Bodyfat estimate?
>is my collar bones too high? (what do I do)
>do I count as wide hipped/narrow shoulders? (though it seems my fat deposits are on my love handles)

What should I do bros? thanks!

No, if anything, it's too much, especially if you're fat.

I'm starting to cut after retardedly dirty bulking and my lifts are still babby tier:
B: 145 5x5
S: 225 5x5
D: 285 1x5
OHP: 110 5x5 or 115 3x5

Is it possible to bring my bench to 180 while on the cut?
5'9 @ 183 lbs (I know, I started at 160 lbs when I was already fat AF with no muscle mass)

Hey guys, kinda fat person here. I already run 3 miles 4 days a week but I want to do a little extra to lose some weight. I was thinking of building up to the 100 pushup meme and maybe doing 100 squats. Will this actually help? I used to lift but I can't afford my gym membership at the moment so I'm forced to do some stuff at home from a while. Are there any other at home exercises that I can add that are worth doing?

There are plenty of body weight things you can do to workout. But if you want to lose weight you need to get your diet in check. If its not in check you won't lose fat, you can't out run a shitty diet.

How should I factor swimming into my lifting routine? I haven't been following my routine over break, I've just been working out the muscles that don't get it hit from swimming and then heading to the pool. When I'm back at my uni I want to start lifting seriously again desu

I've been lifting for a bit but took a break due to tension headaches. They went away but now that I'm back at the gym I've noticed extreme tension in the right side of my neck. It won't go away and it feels like every single muscle there is constantly tense. I've stretched, I'm sleeping with straight back, what can I do to relax those muscles?

Thank you for this image, and yeah i'm still on a diet, i'm also doing intermittent fasting now ontop of that. Thanks again

will having a higher bench increase the amount of pushups I can do?

swim after lifting


is this better then sl? will i make good gains on this or what exercise do i have to add to it?

It's good I would simplify it even more. Pick one, the press or the bench, and do it every workout. Pick one, the chinup or the row, and do it every workout (I suggest chinup). Add in shoulder/arm/ab/calf work as you see fit.

us army here


> bulking
> set new bench PR, 2pl8 x 5
> take a week off cause family visiting and stuff
> start cut on New Years
> go to gym last night
> fail on 185x5

Wut? Is this normal? This can't be normal.

Is it even possible to squat any lower than absolutely just past parallel with low bar?

do cardio

A bad day will happen occasionally. It will be even more "bad" if your last workout was a great one. A week off can take you off the edge if you were at your best. Don't think too much about it and just come back next time more determined.

you probably won't bring anything up while cutting, just focus on cutting

Right now I do what the SL 5x5 app tells me to do, and then I run for 15 to 25 minutes on the treadmill. How could I improve my routine?

Also, should I monitor protein intake if I'm exercising to lose weight? Like, if I'm eating well and monitoring calories I should be safe to assume protein is fine, right?

You don't have to improve anything. It's a beginner's routine. You stick with it until you stop making progress.

I guess I should be asking about the cardio. Is 20 minutes on the treadmill good? What else should/could I do?

up to 30 of cardio is fine for a strength program, but afterwards like you're already doing. For SS and SL5x5 iirc it's fine to add in an arm isolation exercise at the end if you want more of that.

After I end my linear progression and start an ULxULxx. With which rate should I up the weights and by how much?

Really up to you. You can look at rep schemes like 5/3/1 or something else. You can do something like Texas Method where you still try to PR 1 a week. Something in between. It is going to vary and you will have to likely find out what works best for you.

Is it possible? Yes. Should you? Depends. Typically high bar squatters will go a bit lower. Low Bar squatters should stop just past parallel.

As for your diet you should always have a rough idea of your macros. If you eat similar things everyday and can gauge it, great. If not I would recommend tracking it for a couple weeks and make sure your pretty well balanced overall.

I never drink coke but I had one today and I felt like utter shit. Not mentally but my fucking body felt so bad and sugary. How the fuck do people do this every day?

Not really looking for an answer, just ranting

go back to le reddit cunt

I know you aren't looking for an answer but really its like anything, the less you do it the more severe your reaction is to it. So it makes you wonder how the fuck, but then you remember there are people that need 2-3-6 a day to feel like they can function or get the caffeine they are used to.

I honestly feel the same way about drinking alcohol. I pretty much never drink, went out on New Years to party and drank quite a bit (for me) and felt like total dog shit the next day. My roommate drank like 4x what I did and got up the next day like he didn't drink at all. But then he puts away a 12 pack every 2 days or so where a 12 pack might last me 3 months, if not 6.

Yeah man I got a new job and we went out for lunch, and then for drinks. Throughout the day they kept eating bags of chips and other shit and drank so much beer.

I only had a bit and wanted to die from how off balance I felt. Fuck I hope I won't be ostricized at work if I refuse to do this again.

Should failure be the first shitty rep or when I physically cannot rep anymore?

Fug, figured I'd be at that level of fat where I can still gain a bit of strength while cutting.

don't let yourself do a shitty rep; failure is when you fail

>those abs moves

they're all so lightweight what's the point?

I'm asking cause I'm similar to OP's stats but I'm like 25% bf. Would you still recommend eating at a surplus or maintenance?