What are you doing for New Year's Eve, Veeky Forums? Besides waiting for sir's comic
What are you doing for New Year's Eve, Veeky Forums? Besides waiting for sir's comic
Working out
Attending my sister's and dad's birthday, and then hanging with friends in the evening.
Pounding my fiance's balloon knot.
Is she cute?
>waiting for sir's comic
implying, fag
Playing Hotline Miami 2
Working :/
Work and then hitting bench.
NYE rave with friends
Throwing a party for my closest friends at my place. Maybe 8 people attending, lots of booze and good food and card and board games. Gonna be chill as fuck.
Gross. Why even have a sister then?
Let's see, that's Saturday which is a cardio and skill work day on my calendar. Then I'll be heading to bed early so I can try and get a good lift session in before the NYRfags storm the gym half-hungover
Hopefully doing flake with a couple of good friends while out partying
Thinking about making beef Wellington or a ribeye au poivre and washing it down with a good scotch then smoking some pot to pass out before the realization that I've spent another year alone sink in and I feel like killing myself
Get drunk and self-loathe, just like last year.
That wasn't really up to me.
Getting drunk and then i mostly run around like an insane child and get auto-erotic as soon as i spot a mirror.
Seriously, when im drunk get me away from mirrors.
>go home while thinking of the life i could be living if i wasent so autistic
>play mount n blade all night
Do some journaling and introspection and review the year before bed, won't even stay up till midnight. I'm fken grinding gym, bulking, studying, self improvement, normal day for me alone in my flat.
going out with some girls and gf
Worried since I dont know how to dance and I dont want to just sit there like last time, oh well
Want to stay in but the temptation to go out with friends is hard. Don't really fancy another comedown or hangover though. It's a tough choice
poppin some lsd and smoking some kush, I bet the fireworks will look great.
Hopefully muster up the confidence to off myself
Working out and or browsing Veeky Forums because no friends.
Aside from doing some Benchpress, Curls, and working my abs at home, I guess i'm gonna play some Animal Crossing, read some mangos and have a comfy new year's eve eating a barbecued chicken breast with my family.
Work. Im a bouncer.
geez Louise, why?
I was going to sit around and drink and eat with my best female friend, but she got invited to a party and blew me off (not in the fun way).
Women suck, and everyone else has plans now or is at their parents' after Christmas.
So far nothing, it seems doing a bad job of keeping contact with friends has bit me in the ass.
What can you tell me about your job user? I'm interested.
Going to a party, gonna ask a girl to join me.
>Besides waiting for sir's comic
I g-guess nothing else
Same thing I do every year.
Go running and do some shadowboxing in my local park/outside the cathedral and act like the guy from "Drive" in which I pretend to be reflective and emotionally deep. I reflect on 2016 and the hard times.
Only now I have a gf, so I'll go round her house at about 11pm when her kids are asleep and I'll be all loved up with her and pretend that it won't go to shit when she realizes I'm just a damaged boy in the body of a 27 year old man.
Anons is it a bad idea to ask out a girl for NYE? Both of us are 20 years old so im guessing she'd spend it with friends....
Btw we have been on dates and hung out but no sex yet
Excellent b8 m8. Hitting all bases with the autism and cuckoldry. Mind if I save this?
>polar bear plunge
I will be confessing my love to a guy who is the love of my life, at the rooftop of a highrise in downtown exactly at the midnight when the fireworks start blasting left and right.
If all goes well this will be the best new years eve ever and I wont be walking into 2017 single.
Why force it? Why not do it at another time?
How is it forcing tho?
Wouldn't the guy just want to be looking at the firewroks at midnight?
Going to drive for 5 hours to visit my parents. Maybe I'm going out with my cousin if I'm not too tired by the end of it.
Youre confessing love at a specified time
what if he turns out to be straight?
Might make a scene in front of everyone.
Getting half naked, surrounded by women who are also doing the same?
In the middle of winter?
Everyone is looking for warmth?
I'd like you to kill yourself first
No lol he pretty much implied he'd want me to give him the ring right there.
Hey nothing wrong with picking a memorable time ;)
Naw he ain't.
There wont be anyone on the roof besides us anyway.
Okay bud.
Go ahead
But it's not bait T_T
I'm a fighter; last year I spent new years eve going running while listening to music and feeling heavily depressed and lost. I got to the cathedral where there is no one, I did a bit of shadowboxing and a few sets of press ups while I was warmed up.
I then ran home, felt like shit for a bit and went out to meet my parents who were in a local bar.
I had literally lost all of my friends the same month and I felt lost as hell. I'm in a better place; I rebuilt my social life by fully committing to boxing rather than only training twice a week. Now I've got a great team I socialize with, I met a grill through boxing who trains at the same place at me and I've got direction in life.
I might go out with some friends if they're still down to chill. If not I'll continue my tradition of playing Majora's Mask and time the clock tower opening with the ball dropping irl
Bump, im really conflicted on whether to ask her if shes doing anything on NYE
>hey what are you doing for New Years?
>cool, I'm going to X, you should come!
Low pressure brah
>that first shot of the year
starting my cycle with rich piana
If they is no party, gym . If it is closed, go take photos of the stars with my m8.
So I should find an exciting non-party event to go to before I hit her up?
My jp qt and I will be spending it together. We're gonna bake a cake. On new years eve. We're gonna visit the local temple for their celebration.
All in all I'd rather be at home.and working out.
What were you going to ask her to do? Ask her to do that.
Literally just to hang, i didnt even bother looking for something to do until she agreed
>All in all I'd rather be at home.and working out.
Do it, I'm sure your Waifu can handle it.
going to Decadence, two-day rave in AZ (30th and 31st). gonna do A LOT OF DRUGS :3
nice 1
:( crying and wondering why life sucks sometimes.
have no friends I can go to and too embarassed to tell my parents that I have none, so I'll just tell them im out with friends and sit on some bench for some hours and come back home
Going to a music festival on a farm with some friends. Pretty excited don't get to see them much and their are a few acts I'm looking forward too.
I'll be your friend
Going to a party run by SJW's and nerds with lesbro. Most of em are kind of boring, and the expected median attractiveness is probably 4/10 at best, so I'm not expecting much. I have a sour beer bomber from my favorite brewery I plan on nursing the whole night tho, so that will be nice.
We will probably get bored of listening to people whine about 2016 and watching my ex get drunk and slut it up with fat nerds around 11ish, and carve out a room to watch movies in.
Oh well. At least the following week I have a party guaranteed to be populated by qt's.
getting drunk enough to question if im an alcoholic
working, disappointing my parents, the usual
damn bro. I hope things get better for you in 2017
might as well sit at a bar. you might meet some people
Probably shooting heroin into my ass and commiting a vault robbery
Dude nobody cares about your blogging
lift, play dark souls 3 and watch a few movoes with one of my only friends
Same here man, except I'm worse. 25 years old. I'm not gonna leave though, I'll just stay in my room. Parents will probably go out for dinner though. I bet you're probably like 18-19.
that only works for good looking or normal people. if youre a person who doesnt have friends you likely arent normall enough for that to work
crying, wishing I hadn't dumped my ex
I usually watch the ball drop and end up crying when I see all the happy people with loved ones and friends. I might just try to ignore it and lift at home through it.
Eating out at a sushi bar with friends.
Then 45 minutes of swimming and 15 minutes in the steam room.
hey sam didn't know you used Veeky Forums
Very rewarding work if you can find it. Lots of pussy and most of the time you dont do shit but stand around. Maybe once every few weeks someone gets out of hand in which case you just call one of your coworkers over and then bum rush them out of the place.
Piece of cake job desu
are you me
I love that 80's pepe!