Oriental traditional 'martial arts' Why does cringy shit like this exist, fit? Why is bullshit like this so popular...

Oriental traditional 'martial arts' Why does cringy shit like this exist, \fit\? Why is bullshit like this so popular? Why do people take this crap seriously? Why not just train something proven effective like MMA?
Also pls share any kung foo woo woo webms if you have any looking to boost my cringe folder.

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I think most of them aren't for actual fighting but more for like inner peace or some crock of shit like that

Weebs and trainers seem to think they work though.

It's more fun to watch a martial art fight than 2 men grabbing and rubbing each other's dick and balls over each other.

Martial arts also has a pretty big wellness component, helping with flexibility and posture. MMA it's too adrenaline and testosterone driven since most of the injuries are pretty severe, and probably has it's fair share of roiders.

I would rather watch technical grappling than two people perform a synchronized dance.

Just watch gay porn starring van darkholme, plenty of grappling action for you there, faglord.

Its more of a dance than a combat system. That said, bjj is useless in real life confrontations.

>tfw you get a guy in a choke hold while his crew stabs you to death

Thats part of mma's trademark, its real. Its severe and there aren't many rules thus resulting in a more brutal and effective combat and a very intense sport to watch. MMA shows us that it is individual fighters that make the difference, not the martial art or gym they train at due to its opportunity for diversity.

Are you implying that ANY martial art could help you fight multiple men with knives?


yeah sure

>Oriental traditional 'martial arts' Why does cringy shit like this exist, \fit\? Why is bullshit like this so popular? Why do people take this crap seriously?
For the same reason any other martial art exists, is popular and is taken seriously if you think it's cringy, bullshit or crap that's your personal problem with the art or the art being not for you; not due to the arts failings and shouldn't be lain at it's feet.
>Why not just train something proven effective like MMA?
Because MMA is nowhere near the end all be all of martial arts and if your going to argue this, or, the 'TMA's shit in MMA' argument it's been covered before.
You can't expect an art that hasn't been practicing under the same rules (rings, gloves, etc.) to adapt faster and at the same curve as one that has and that has been doing so for far longer
>two people perform a synchronized dance.
You do realize kata has a very necessary purpose?
>Its more of a dance than a combat system.
Now you're just baiting

fair play big boy, its not the martial art but more the martial artist. Still some 'martial arts' like capoeira are straight up a dance not a combat system and thus are rather ineffective for most people.

oh are we about to defend wing chun and aikido

Where do I get those traps and forearms?

You do realize that MMA stands for mixed MARTIAL ART?

This cringey ass thread is like complaining why people practice drawing and painting real subjects when taking a photograph with a DSLR produces a more accurate picture each time.

this thread reeks of autism and ignorance, since you clearly form opinions based on stock photos and not real life experience.

tae kwon do is pretty good as a sparring sport and judo is pretty much the basis of all modern martial arts/fighting system of any kind.

OP here, I have 9 years of TKD experience. The kicks are good but the tradidtional patterns stuff is utter trash. MMA really is the end all be all of martial arts because it is all of them with a couple rules thrown in just to prevent murder from taking place.

I used the stock photo because its funny. I have plenty irl experience and I can say that the whole chi oriental shit is incredibly overhyped and based around dogmatism (in that only its techniques work (when so many of them are utter ineffective garbage)) and ignorance its self.

This. Memers, mall ninjas, glory seekers, and the entertainment industry has really undermined the image of traditional martial arts.

They exist because they're supposed to teach discipline and conditioning. They've been watered down over the years for softer people. Thats not to say there arent bad schools or whatever, just that a lot has been diluted over the years because civilization no longer requires brutal conditioning and techniques.

To make a relatable comparison, "Accessability" erodes everything, even the fitness industry. See Planet Fitness lunk alarm and HAAS bullshittery.

it's so popular because white people are obsessed with eastern culture for some reason. we think everything they do is some sort of crazy magic solution to all our problems that the ancients figured out, when in reality they're just as much of human fuckups as we are

>martial arts thread
>complaining about the art component
For some the end goal isn't just beating up your opponent

>why can't people learn non oriental techniques like Jiu-Jitsu and Muay Tai?

Huh. Think about what you just said


I fucking hate this comparison.
>"Why learn to defend yourself when someone with a weapon will win?" t. /k/, /r9k/, /b/.

Because lets say you are in a public place like a bar or something and someone starts a fight with you. Nobody EVER pulls out weapons, that's begging for jail or being charged with attempted murder. Fist fights usually go under the radar.

Why would /r9k/ say this even.

I disagree with this. I live in China and there are a hell of a lot more idiots who believe traditional magic bullshit works in fights than in the west where people seem more rational and actually understand the basics of what makes a combat stance effective

Couldnt agree more. MMA is the end all be all of fighting sports. Especially bare knuckle.

retard, getting into a fist fight in general is asking for jail time.

you fuck up and accidentally hit somebody in such a way they fall and hit their head? guess what? you're going to jail.

you hit them and they stroke out? you go to jail

you hit them and they have any issue at all? jail.

you fuck with anybody at any points and they have any issue post the event? you're going to jail or are paying a massive compensation.

+ If you're shown to have studied martial arts at any point you'll be dealt with more harshly in the courts.

>van darkholme
Hey buddy I think you've got the wrong door, leather club's two blocks down.


Because they are all inferior derivatives of Pajeet martial arts. Pajeets were actually very good martial artists before they got cucked by Brits and their own decadence


Give it a watch, it's very interesting

no fuck you leatherman

how to increase my coordination? this pajeet moves so smoothly...

To put it lightly, Chinese martial arts is in a bit of a depression these days, and here's a major backstory for it all.

A lot of different people came up with various concepts of using body mechanics in order to get an edge in combat:
Tai Chi Quan - Much like Jujutsu, you manipulate an incoming force instead of pushing against it.
Pigua Quan - Expanding and contracting your entire body, utilizing whip-like motions.
Bagua Zhang - Heavy focus on footwork.
Those are just a couple examples, but they are based on legitimate ideas that aren't unique to Chinese martial arts alone (like Jujutsu as I mentioned earlier, or good footwork). This is also why you practiced different styles, so you can incorporate each of these concepts and grow as a fighter.
Now, since China is such a huge place, there are a lot of people who made up styles that probably fucking sucked, since everyone was trying out all sorts of different methods and concepts. Fortunately, in the 1800s and earlier where security companies were around and police enforcement may not have been as prevalent as our modern day, you could put it to the test.
Moving forward, now you are in the early 1900s where competitions start to form, and people just did traditional styles. Eventually, the commitees who hosted them started to allow more acrobatic moves to display how coordinated, flexible, and agile someone has become, but these were also moves that had no real basis in combat either, and it was quickly becoming the norm.

And then the Cultural Revolution happened, causing martial artists and their teachers to go underground with their teaching, some of them stopping altogether, and other masters fleeing to Taiwan (good place to look for traditional CMA, usually).
It was like a cultural nuke over the course of 100 years: Martial arts was pushed out of the country because of being illegal for some time, people started promoting acrobatic moves instead of combative moves, you weren't in an environment that required you to really know a martial art (these days as well), and a lot of masters also fled the country.

So what are we left with? A lot of people who may be using the wushu (competition) variant of a traditional art. However, if you can find a legit teacher, it's like hitting a gold mine. Or you could just practice something else, like I said the concepts aren't exclusive to CMA, so do boxing and supplement it with Jujutsu or whatever and you'll be solid.

tl;dr - there's a lot of bullshit out there due to the progression of chinese history that caused it to be heavily distorted, but if you look hard enough you can find some real gems. But unless you're interested in Chinese culture and history, you're probably better off doing something else.

I have to say it doesn't look good in video but some of the best martial artists I know are Kung Fu guys and they really know their stuff.

The main strength of Kung Fu I think over other martial arts is the teaching style. From the ground up specific body mechanics. Practiced until you really have it right. Whereas at my Muay Thai club say it's more like 'Ok throw a hook' a few pointers and then just do it until the class moves.

It's important to note that Kung Fu comes from a time where weapons where the norm and it's more like Fencers coming up with a boxing style than a direct no frills boxing style.

rex kwon do

>Nobody EVER pulls out weapons

You have to be at least 18 to post here.

Ah yeah, the good old I'm OP and have trained in various martial arts for 10 years but still haven't realized people don't train in martial arts so they can get into street fights.