Why does Veeky Forums love Asian qts so much?
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Does the idea of your kids looking completely different from you not bother the fuck out of anyone else?
Not to drag pol faggotry into this but holy shit the idea of having mulatto/hapa what the fuck ever kids tempers any desires for this.
Probably my upbringing.
I think it depends on the type of asian
If it's disgusting SEA/Indian/ Tan asians then into the trash
If it's a moderately tall, very pale east asian (korean, japanese, some chinese) then the kid usually ends up looking pretty good, pic related
Now post all the Elliots
As a woman having mixed kids would be one of my worst fears, they just wouldnt belong
because they're perfect
Fucking this.
The only interracial couples I ever see, one is absolutely disgusting in some visibly obvious way.
I can't fucking imagine my kids having brown eyes, ugh.
Not too bad, but I don't think it's hard to cherry pick.
asian is master race of women
Mixed race people are the prettiest
Anyone who has a child with an asian woman is praying for a daughter
Lol i wouldnt mind brown eyes rven though mine are grey what i would mind is them being less intelligent than myself or my society or just not belonging at all, aside from this being beaten up daily or attacked(slav country)
I want my children to carry our family lineage if they are also not my own then they dont carry anything but a name of us and they wont even resemble us at all
Lol mixed race people are hated here they will beat you up think you are chechnians or siberians mutts they will mock your, not to mention they are ugly compared to our own people they just look odd, you watch too much tv with mixed people with 10,000 in plastic surgury or celebrities
When you date one, you'll know.
Then again you also learn about all the extra baggage that comes with them ofc, still no regrets
I admire the slavs, you guys have it right. Western europe here, I want all of this to crash and burn soon.
>you will never have a slav wife who adheres to slavic traditions and culture
I'm already mixed so I might as well muddy shit up even more.
Moving to China soon for work.
loving them is one thing. ever having one is another
Most white women are sluts.
Most black women are fat.
Most hispanic women are just plain crazy.
Most asian women are calm and collective.
>Specifying Races
Self Hating Chink detected
All of those except the second one are memes.
Pick a side and purify it, strong roots builds strong character.
marry me bae
You don't sound like a bitter loser or in favor of Chinks or something
>not choosing a black beauty to have children with white level IQ and nigger level athleticism
I just find the attractive ones extremely attractive.
Just like redheads.
how the fuck did he get a qt azn gf?
No Asian in my bloodline...yet.
Ooohh baby
Should I bring anything? Vodka dowry??
>being this autistic
>living in a third world country
turns out having a personality is more important than having a Veeky Forums body.
Stick to your white whores who have had 100 dicks inside them, while I stay with my pure asian waifu.
Black and asian works best as men. Married to an asian and praying for a son.
>third world country that is xenophobic to non europeans
Sounds like paradise.
Anybody got sauce on this video?
care to elaborate?
I have one of these & have made two korean hapas. They are significantly better looking than all the rest of my relatives, embarrasingly so. they will be some Bruce Lee level shit.
I never cared for East Asians ("white" Asians) very much myself. Some have pretty cure faces, but their boyish bodies and over the top "zomg look at me I'm so kawaii uguu~~~" tryhard bullshit disgusts me. Which I find funny, because normally I have very wide tastes in women and love all the races as long as they're sorta cute and not fat. Chinese girls are okay, but only if they're not the types that look like japs or Koreans. In most cases I'd take a brown Asian any day.
I'm mixed race all to hell so I don't give a fuck myself. I'm mostly white (anglo and slav, inb4 "slav isn't white"), but also have substantial Native American and black in me. My mom looks like a Native American or Latina anyways, and when I was a kid I had angel straight blonde hair, the whitest skin, and blue eyes, so superficial differences didn't matter. We looked so superficially different that I had multiple people confront us and insist that she wasn't my mother, that she stole, that they'd call CPS on us, or just straight up threaten to kidnap me because they couldn't comprehend how an Aryan cherub came out of a mulatto woman. My brother looks like a Jew with black dude hair, so that just compounded it. Now that I am older I have loose curly hair like a Greek guy, heterochromatic hazel and blue eyes, and I'm more olive skinned from being in the sun a lot, but I still get a lot of "no way that's your mom, dude" type comments when people see her with me or see a picture of us together.
But as an interracial guy from a mixed family, I can say definitively that you're a complete fucking moron if you think mixed race kids look "nothing like" their parents. One, that's not how genetics and phenotypic expression works. Two, if you examine mixed families for more than five seconds instead of stopping at the hair and skin color, you'll see clear similarities between the parents.
I'd post a pic of my family to show what I mean, but frankly I don't trust /pol/ not to somehow find and attack my family through the internet for the audacity of existing, so take an Asian I find cute instead.
you're not important enough to raid, nor does half of /pol/ object to half asians unless the other half is nigger.
You didn't read my comment. I don't have any Asian in me, and I am part black.
>not important enough to raid
I don't discount the obssessiveness of unemployed, keyboard warrior racists. Not posting a family pic on here.
I feel like only beta white men marry Asian women. I feel like men gave up on white females and are going for their submissive Asian counter parts. I see a lot of "alpha" types with Asian women. I think there is a correlation between insecurity/esteem and dating Asian subservient women. Just a generalization of course not true for all, but for many.
>Pure asian waifu
>Posts plastic chink with fake ass
Doesn't work like this. At best it will lie middle way between both parents (being born a genius is a spontaneous gift, but mixing with blacks lowers that chance a lot...), at worst it will be straight up a downgrade.
Genetics are pretty much a lottery, so you can have not exceptionally bright parents, but turn out very intelligent. The reverse is also possible. Same with height. With everything, basically.
Any mix is a random combination of both parent's features. No telling who you will be more similar to. Some traits lie dormant, only to show up in the next generation. So, for an example, you can be balding even if no one in your family did.
I agree. I'm white and white girls are my main target, but those azn qts who don't have those typical chinky eyes, have light skin and so on, are very damn hot. The whole exotic part also plays into it.
I would destroy that ass.
Appreciate the kind words
Slav countries are 2nd world and most the capitals are equally as good as westerb capitals kiev mosvow belgrade warsaw all good places equal to western
>still believing the universally debunked, cooked data IQ "studies" simply because you want to feel superior to someone
Wew lad.
>t. anecdotal evidence is final
You every study human or population genetics nigger? The shittiest subject ever but I needed it for my degree and masters.
Of course mixed kids "look" like their parents, the laws of phenotypic experission and inheritance will always come into play but you completely ignore polygenic inheritance.
You are ONE case and one case I assume you exaggerate. You call your mom latina and you describe yourself as "aryan" in appearance and your brother jewish in appearance. Seriously?
When you have two individuals that are not admixed to hell from completely different races (to make the starkest example let's say a nigerian woman and a swedish man), their child will most likely have a skin color that is an evenly spread mix of the pale white of the father and hard black of the mother. In most intteracial white/afro couples the hair tends to be curly. Not extreme nappy hair but now we get those jewish curls.
Eye color, be it the low melanin green or actual genetics for gray/blue tend to lose out to brown.
Mixed children look vaguely like their parents and not much like their grandparents and the further you go back the more seperate the link seemingly becomes.
I don't care what you are, I want my kids to resemble me and my family as to better relate. I'd liek to preserve my phenotype to the best of my ability and in general populations animals tend to find stronger attraction to individuals who's phenotypic expression best resembles theirs.
>still believing the universally debunked,
Source? Leftypol tried to do this and frankly got BTFO.
Whatever helps you sleep at night, friendo.
I know I'll be sleeping with my japanese qt 3.14.
>Refuting IQ tests as a means to cope with scoring low on IQ tests
>getting this triggered over someone challenging your worldview
Your safe space is over here:
Wrong one, this one is better
Also i was married at 19, of you want a slavic traditional wife prove yourself worthy in some aspect then marry them young because we marry early and for life, you need to show yourself as good in one way music career or whatever to get a girl attractes to you, hope you find what you like but if you are western maybe you should find a western wife and help your own people make her and them better
Yeah, I know you was kangz n shieet.
I judge people case by case basis, so I don't really care about statistics.
I can see who the greatest scientists and inventors were/are, though. The creators of the greatest civilizations.
>counters an argument
I think there is a stronger correlation between being a beta and posting about shit like this unironically.
Dubs and you name your dick Trevor
>i was only pretending
this is the new meta fucking lel
On the contrary there seems to be a strong correlation between high achieving individuals and individuals with high IQ. Hence why many corporations choose to include IQ tests in recruiting for higher positions withing the organization.
>in denial this hard
>still falling for the everybody is equal meme
>posts no source to validate claims
Since /pol/ can't go a single minute without derailing a thread and injecting their bullshit into it, I'm going to dump the rest of my SFW asians to get this thread back on track.
Also forgot to mention dont worry about age its common for 25-30 to marry 20 because thats when men are more established financially and with their life goals hope i helped you
>I have no retort, let me insult him instead!
You hate anyone with strong family ties don't you mudblood?
Appreciate the comments. Living in burgerstan for work and school but here and back in spain things have degenerated. Girls still in their mid 20's are often reluctant to commit to anything serious.
I'll talk up some bulgarian QT's when I go back next year.
ty frend. I only am here to see the QT asians
even though I do browse /pol/
I have very strong family ties breh. Post more qt Asians, nobody gives a fuck about /pol/shit here because it's not /pol/.
What trauma did you experience to actually feel the need to browse /pol/?
I'm amazed Veeky Forums let you post that tiny ass image. I thought there was an image size minimum?
Being proud of your own doesnt make you pol it just makes you not westerner ideology
Lol /pol/tards know they are worthless failures and they know that the only thing they have left is their whiteness and ability to clingy to values from the 50's. LMAO
I'm white and live in detroit.
I think loser doesnt cover thid anymore
Lol i dont know how anyonr could live somewhere not european, i live in odessa
What's keeping you there? Why can't you leave? You are the first step toward the un-mixing of the races
His oneitis fucked Jamal instead of him.
You're the one who tried to pretend like I wasn't close with my family. I don't give a fuck if you're proud of your race as long as you do it quietly and keep /pol/shit where it belongs.
I didnt say anything to you im just posting to help people who feel disconnected and hope they can find a nice partner before they grow too old i think you reply to the wrong person
If you fags are going to argue and be off topic you could at least post asians.
How big is your dick?
because we're betas
He just bust you Nigger arse
Can't you read?
Not sure why I saved this one, she's not very cute.
>You hate anyone with strong family ties don't you mudblood?
Nah I replied to the right comment, I just checked.
I didnt even say that to you i didnt say mud blood or anythinf
>tfw from a country where Blacks and Asians are not seen fully human and are treated like retards becuase no one takes them for full
Feels Good Mang
>1/8 black
>all this racial fetishism
Fuck of with this shit, I come here to read about fitness.
Sorry user but it really is true, once you go black you never go back. Your bloodline is a nigger bloodline now
>What's keeping you there? Why can't you leave?
my job,
lack of career options because retard through college
the three non nigger friends I have.
not much but enough to keep me trapped.
taking classes slowly now to make sure I pass them and don't waste anymore money
Same, from ukraine where are you
Are you retarded? >implying Veeky Forums discusses fitness outside of QTDDTOT and other general