Anyone else feel like they could take down MMA fighters in manlet weightclasses?
They look so weak.
I mean I'm strong 200lbs 1/2/3/4pl8 lifter... what is this skinny weak 5'6' 145lbs Conor McGregor manlet gonna do lol
Anyone else feel like they could take down MMA fighters in manlet weightclasses?
They look so weak.
I mean I'm strong 200lbs 1/2/3/4pl8 lifter... what is this skinny weak 5'6' 145lbs Conor McGregor manlet gonna do lol
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>200 lbs with 1/2/3/4
Pick one
He's trained in fighting, you're trained in weightlifting. Why do you think you could beat him at his own game?
He also walks around at ~170 lbs with probably more muscle than you have at lower body fat. He also an expert martial artist.
You aren't strong.
Knock you out...
You'd get KTFO'd like a bitch, jesus christ what an idiot you are.
I'm the strongest guy in my gym. And don't even train for powerlifting kek
You think you can handle that left hand?
If you were like 6'5 220 he wouldn't be able to do anything to you at all.
But, you wouldn't be able to hit him so it doesn't matter.
1/2/3/4 isn't strong
>t. 1/2/3/4 lifter
mcgreggor would probably be able to 1 hit KO you quite easily but if u could get him on the ground it might be tough for him because he doesn't train to fight people 60lbs heavier than him.
Yeah I get that feeling too until I realize these fools are trained and paid to fight and be the best at it while I haven't been in a fight since the 2nd grade. I try to keep the part of my brain that realizes that in control so I don't end up getting my ass kicked by 5'2" 110 lb manboy.
>Biglets btfo
if op was throwing punches yeah he'd get floored instantly, but not if he just defended himself.
>Finally reach 1/2/3/4
>Suddenly Veeky Forums isn't remotely impressed with this
Congrats, you're the biggest fish in a little pond. I'm the fastest runner in the wheel chair special Olympics, better brag about that shit.
Are you serious?
If that man had no martial arts training at all Conor would piss on him in a fight. 220 lbs isnt too much, as conor weighs maybe 50 lbs less. The height difference is real, however with Conor's great reach means he would knock this guy out pretty quickly.
>implying OP knows how to defend himself
>implying boxers who keep their hands up don't still manage to get KOd
Daily reminder: lightweight manlet fighter can literally kill you with just one punch.
Who is this fighter (the irish/scottish one)?
Also why are Irish people so good at fighting?
You would also be the strongest person in the room if you went to a third grade classroom. That isn't impressive, is it?
connors weight class is 155 and he's only 5'9.
he would get absolutely trounced by a super heavyweight amateur.
that's why theres so many weight classes
but yeah if op has zero formal training im sure he'd get rekt, but it wouldn't take long to get to a level required.
maybe a year assuming you were already fit.
One decent fighter and Irish cucks think they're on top of the world
Yes, fighting weight class. He probably goes around 20 pounds heavier than that, with him being extremely athletic and muscular(for his size).
Of course he would get stomped by a super heavyweight amateur, assuming he doesnt have a glass jaw, that's why there are so many weight classes and conor had so much trouble with an average pro welterweight.
>Also why are Irish people so good at fighting?
Because that's all they do, since the potato famine.
Before that, all the did was potatoes.
>that knee angle
You are a fucking idiot if you think a person can go from 0 to fighting a two division UFC champion in a year.
At a 70lb weight and 7" height advantage? Yes, pretty easily especially if you could get him on the ground.
Looks like they learned.
You're a bit dull. I'm 6'4" 250ish and absolutely know that my deadlift won't keep me up for more than 15 seconds against Conor unless I'm just trying to run away.
isnt he 5'9?
On the ground it is in a sense really easy for conor, his bjj would be too much for almost most individuals that size. On the ground you would have very little chance.
Correct, probably a weak 5'9 or a strong 5'8
damn, he is killing that guy
>clip which shows only the times where he connects and none of when the other guy does
Gee I wonder why it looks that way
Nate won that fight though.
Fatty fatty boom boom :D
I'm 200 pounds 2/3/4/5 and still suspect my strength wouldn't be enough against his sort. Maybe if I hit a 500 pound squat and 390 pound bench press, then the strength difference would be too great for somebody that small to overcome.
he has better lifts than you. well, at least im his height and weight and i lift the same as you - and a top athlete is probably way superior to me.
Choking someone is 100% the easiest way to win in a fight. Advanced chokes, like the ankle scissor choke and the arm bar choke, are nice, but unnecessary. Even the rear naked choke is overdoing it. What you need, is the double wrist toke and choke.
Ever seen some arm wrestler with massive fuckin forearms? That's you. That guy doesn't need to worry about self defense, he's got wrists thicker than a powerlifter's chode. These guys are expert wrist chokers. You wrist curl to failure, every day, before you get out of bed. Then, when you get jumped, you wrap your popeye meat around the guy's neck, and just pretend to curl. Instant choke out.
We can do better though. If you're smart, you'll alternate wrist curls in bed so you don't get asymmetric gains. Then, you make an X with your hands, and do wrist curls with both arms around the guy's throat. 2 arms = twice as fast choke out.
But we can do better. Since you're choking with your wrists, your hands are free to maneuver about your target's face. When you ready your choke stance, you've secretly brought a blunt into your hand. It can't be any simple grass either, it's got to be the fattest doobie he's ever seen. Then, when he's sucking his last, you tactically insert the ganja into his mouth. No oxygen, 100% hotbox. He'll choke even faster, and everyone around you thinks you're just having a good time.
Remember OP, this is the real deal. The covert, tried and true, double wrist toke and choke. I've done it countless times on unsuspecting manlets and soccer moms who got in my way, I'm sure you can do it too. Good luck brother!
Those stats do nothing for your glass chin and slow reflexes, so keep dreaming fuccboi
If I'm honest, most of you cunts couldn't take down a non-professional gypo boxer. The fuckers can hit and they don't mind getting hit.
Unless OP and you is a professional fighter, I don't think strength will make a difference in the result of the fight.
A 250 lb powerlifter can easily take beat up a lightweight boxer, like Floyd Mayweather in a fight.
Once their on the ground, they're done.
Where did I even come close to talking about Floyd Mayweather you fucking spastic?
Ya don tink like he tinks, ya don move like he moves. Yer in fer an arse whoopin ya fookin yellowbelly cunt
>t. tapout wearing manlet living vicariously through his idol
One year of fight training, and a guy with a 50lbs+ advantage will ragdoll him. There's a reason Conor isn't fighting for the light heavyweight belt too.
t. CM Punk
You are the definition of a retard. Go from 0 to beating conor mc gregor in 1 year? Downs syndrome with spell correct detected.
Side kick to the knee, everyone goes down the same.
Jesus fuck.
Yea, that reason is the heavyweights ARE ALSO TRAINED FIGHTERS.
If McGregor picked a fight with you in the streets you would back down so god damn fast. And if you had the misfortune of actually fighting, hed be in jail and youd be in the hospital.
OP would get his ass kicked by McGregor. Just like the rest of us.
Veeky Forums just makes these threads to bait eachother and the twelve people that actually train something
lifting weights doesnt translate to punching power, fattys try to "push" their punches likes its the bench press (protip this makes the punch weak as fuck)
>t. Conor dickrider defence force
>retards forgot to read 50lbs+ weight advantage
I'm guessing you are the same guys who think he would be able to beat the Mountain when they play wrestled in that sparring video.
If you guys had any fighting experience at all you would know how big of a difference just a couple of pounds can make, so yes, a guy much bigger and stronger than McGregor would be able to fight him as long as he isn't totally fucking green. That's assuming a big, fit, athletic guy who gets into fighting, not a fucking basement dweller. Stop falling for the UFC marketing this manlet as Superman because he isn't
And the question was in a real fight, which is a lot more fucking variable than a ruled fight in a controlled enviroment as the octagon. Do some searching and you'll find videos of mma fighters getting btfo'd by regular thugs
>If McGregor picked a fight with you in the streets you would back down so god damn fast
implying I would not get knocked out just to be able to say I fought him, or even better be able to say I beat him
>Clearly I know everything about you user
I've been sparring since 7 years. I've been shoving MMA down my throat for 10. I fucking love that shit.
You're being an edgy contrarian jumping on the REEE MCREGOR IS A MEDIA CONSTRUCT train and its fucking pathetic. Do you even know what he walks around at?
>bu but the Mountain
Oh so you're the second strongest man int he world? You think the Mountain has only 50 lbs on McGregor?
Jesus I get it you like MMA too and youre just the worlds biggest expert. Good thing you're putting it to good use shitposting about what a hardass you are, which is I'm sure what actual fighters do all the time.
>Do you even know what he walks around at?
I'm not speaking about 50lbs+ from his weigh in weight
Nope, just that he's not unbeatable. You're missing the point. I'm not saying that a random skinny dude on the street could beat him up, but that a guy much bigger than him who also knows how to fight would be able to give him a hard time.
>You think the Mountain has only 50 lbs on McGregor?
50lbs+ means 50lbs or more
And where have I mentioned being an hardass? You clearly know a lot about me too. You're the one being the edgy expert calling anyone who disagrees with you a contrarian
It's not just the size of the biceps, but the velocity of the hand, thats gonna teach you a lesson about kinetic energy if you decide to square up to a professional MMA fighter.
Why are UFC fighters so slow ?
They have to take into consideration stuff aside from strikes
I'll just leave this here
it's mainly that MMA is contested at much longer range than boxing due to the threat of kicks, knees, and takedowns
they have more distance to cover
Ok so, you can out lift him... How will that assist with your fighting ability?
How many years have you trained mma/boxing/muay thai/jitsu/wrestling?
If you haven't done atleast 2 for 3+ years I don't care what weight you are you've already lost.
If you have trained you wouldn't ask this question as there will always be a 50-60kg guy kicking your ass at muay thai
its not fucking impressive unless you weight less than 150lbs. its an arbitrary lifting w8 that usually any adult man can reach in a short time with OK training (SS). its progress, sure, but it should only be a short term goal
>mfw you have no face
>mfw I have no face
>Not showing the later half when Nate butchers Connor
Ayy hop on dat der dick some more lad
I'll bite only because you're misinforming the ufc noobs, also I want to make it clear that I despise connor.
With that out of the way, Connor won that fight by descision, dunno what you're on about
>It's an OP wants to giveshimself brain damage episode
top tier
D-d-do UFC fighters sip?
The Mountain is at the ABSOLUTE TOP of strength and mass and height in the entire fucking world. 6'9 400 lbs. How in the fuck can you compare that to Conor fighting a 200 6' dude or something like that?
Some of you idiots on Veeky Forums need to understand you are not going to beat up an MMA fighter by lifting.
Conor McGregor will kick your ass no matter how much you deadlift. Like said. The Mountain is not your average lifter. But even then, I guarentee a light heavyweight fighter would fuck his shit up.
yeah wtf, you are barely squatting 1.5x...
God Miyu Yamamoto's hot
Did anyone catch Rizin? It was pretty cool even though Gabbi should never have been matched with that wrestler
30fps camera makes it look slow
>>retards forgot to read 50lbs+ weight advantage
>I'm guessing you are the same guys who think he would be able to beat the Mountain when they play wrestled in that sparring video.
50 = 200?
get the fuck out of here with this russian shit
The guy died from hitting the floor with his head, not from a punch
Rasul dindunuffin
It's more cinematic that way
Tы бeшeный, бpaт?
>All this McGregor dickriding
At 50lb+ weight advantage and a bit of training you'd just need to land one punch on him.
Also at five inches more reach it will make it a lot lot tougher for him to tag you. Saying that though, I think OP would have a better chance against Ronda.
yes i also think i can drive better than racecar drivers who are shorter than me. it seems so authentically logical right?
more like i can beat the best driver if i'm in a bugatti memeron and he's in a prius
He almost certainly lifts more than 1/2/3/4.
I've trained with hungry skeleton tier middle distance athletes who could squat 3pl8 and throw around 30kg dumbbells for sets of 10+.
You can actually get quite strong without gaining weight.
too bad op isn't a super heavyweight amateur but is a skinnyfat dyel who makes this thread every other day
Because round 3 is a bitch and nobody on this forum could make it past 2 minutes of .......CARDIO
his speed alone would be a problem for you, oh and the fact that he's a world class arguably the best pound for pound all around fighter in the world.
and you're....200lb user from the local gym with zero experience in MMA
>b-b-b-but muh deadlift PR last week
doesn't mean shit in a fight
plus skinny guys fight till they're burger
OP gettin rekd in this fight
watch the early UFC fights, i mean like UFC 1-4 where literally anything went
they sent sumo wrestlers, boxers, form pro wrestlers you name it and fucking 170lb 5 foot something royce gracie destroyed them because of his technique in ground game
size in a fight doesn't mean shit unless you're equally experienced in fighting, then of course it's a huge advantage
your shit is ass backwards
that was fight number 2, nate won round 3 and maybe round 4 but otherwise it was all mcgregor
legit question, but why are they just eating the punches?
>anyone else delusional?
Will out box you and knock you out cold while you are triyin to flex to intimidate. Hawhawhaw.
I'm quite sure even the lower weight class fighters like Demetrius Johnson would beat a 6 foot 225lbs bodybuilder.
You guys don't think they'd adapt their offense to counter your perceived strengths?
Dude would just use angles to make you chase him in circles, exhaust you, dart in occasionally and throw a power shot at your knees, few of those and you got no legs anymore and then you're done.
Plus I've never been in an mma gym that didn't let people of different weight spar each other.
tl;dr a trained fighter of any size will more likely prevail in a fight against some strong bodybuilder.
Jesus Christ, you expect anyone to read that 200 page essay?
Stop lying. Who are you kidding.