Can't stand this cunt
Can't stand this cunt
dem hashtags
Why would anyone actually legitimately hate blaha?
The guy is a living meme, providing a shit load of entertainment.
Only a normie would hate him. Why are you even here if you're a normie? I hate how Veeky Forums has become overrun by normal everyday people who automatically hate anyone that deviates from the norm.
Fuck off and go back to your normie life of watching sports and picking up "chicks" and leave us to enjoy our meme.
That's our boy Hemingway!
Legit question here. The guy is a nutcase, but what about his channel and the knowledge he provides? Is it any good?
I feel like if I worked out, I'd become this guy except with hair....
He just packages his "knowledge" like it's something new and innovative; not just another 5x5 routine that everyone else already has and know about
Daily reminder that this retard deadlifts way more than you.
Is that my boy Hemingway?
Daily reminder that he doesn't.
He deadlifts double his bodyweight. I can do more.
He's also been roiding for like 2 decades bro and is fat as fuck.
His stats are actually completely shit considering his time spent lifting and steroid usage.
Because unlike let's say, Jason Genova, he's actually smart enough to be fully aware of what he's doing.
When Janoy says he's ex MMA bro, it's fucking funny because it's so obviously not true and Janoy doesn't even realise how untrue it really looks. But for a while Blaha was selling his fake mercenary story with complete sincerity, and it's just not remotely endearing when a person with an iq of above 100 lies to such a degree. It seems more sinister and a sign of a serious personality disorder rather than just a retarded and misguided attempt to look cool, like Genova's wild claims.
Veeky Forums is full of normies and allways was, we are all normies.
Fuck off back to /r9k/ you autistic piece of shit
>muhh normies
>muhh memes
kill yourself you walking failure.
U sound like an angry normie who is posses off they gotta go back to wagecucking soon :-)
this. Veeky Forums is the exit board even though we probably never leave. But still a part of this board is for people who actually want to improve their lives and not just edgelord shitposting to hide their nihilistic tendencies.
Even do we do that too ofc.
>Can't stand this cunt
Then quit following him, you dingus.
Maybe you'd have to just keep scrolling every now and then, but you'd basically never have to think about him again.
this is the type of person that wonders why they can't get laid
I feel bad for blahino but I mean. I wouldn't say he doesn't deserve some of this.
Regardless, he looks like a non-lifter or a fucking novice in that pic...
And this is someone who has ran huge amounts of gear, hell he probably runs 500mg of test weekly.
He literally does 1 set per exercise.
>#nothing but metal
>only showing polymer parts
Fucking kill him
>Can't stand this cunt
then why do you keep posting about him you petty little bitch? fuck off.