What do you think, Veeky Forums? Should we go vegetarian part-time?
What do you think, Veeky Forums? Should we go vegetarian part-time?
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>Should we go vegetarian part-time?
Sure, the 'part' where you have some veggies on your plate next to your meat.
Face the facts: Humans are OMNIVORES. There are even Vegan scientists who will tell you that a strict vegetarian diet is not the healthiest for humans. Pediatricians will report you to the police for child abuse if they find you're trying to raise a small child on a strict vegetarian diet; what does THAT tell you about vegetarianism?
Moderation is the key. Don't be stupid about your omnivorous diet, keep exercising, and your health will be awesome, especially compared to the average fat, weak, sickly, unhealthy schmuck.
people that lift have an actual reason for eating meat, while normie fatty dont
>not eating meat a few times a week
I see no problem with this. Sometimes I do it. I mean, don't you guys have days where you're just craving vegetables and they're fucking delicious and you can't get enough? Fuckin hell happens to me all the time.
I'll heat up a can of black beans, throw some seasonings and sriracha on it, and steam a bag of frozen veggies. God damn it's delicious. Excellent for when you're cutting too.
No reason to be faggy about this.
>Face the facts: Humans are OMNIVORES.
or, face the facts: There are 7 BILLION fucking people on this planet and our current level of meat consumption is not sustainable.
Beef should be cut out almost entirely, as it's the worst for the environment. Pork is pretty bad too. Chicken isn't too bad, but should still go with veggie alternatives when you can
I was already thinking about eating vegetarian every other day or giving up red meat, except for special occasions. I've already given up pork.
I eat red meat 4 times a week for test gains and fish the other 3.
Eating lean meat everymeal is insane and costs a fortune which is why real bodybuilders eat whey, yogurt, and egg whites.
LOL you're delusional; stop drinking the W.H.O. kool-aid. We've been eating meat for MILLENNIA and will continue to do so. Chickens grow quickly. Eggs and dairy are good for you too. GTFO veganfag.
OP here, I'm not arguing about going vegetarian for health reasons. I'm just asking what Veeky Forums thinks about the idea of reducing meat consumption for environmental reasons (as suggested in the pic).
Sounds like it's time to full the herd
I'm not talking about the beef cattle
Fucking auto correct
No one is arguing that meat is bad for your health, you backwards retard.
I'm not going to limit my meat consumption just because past generations were retarded and kept having too many children
Kill yourself
If you think you're "tough" for eating steak you are the scum of the earth. Meat twice a week crew.
i've been a pescetarian for the past 9 yrs and im gonna start eating red meat in a year. what should my first meal be?
I agree, there are too many of us, we need to institute strict one child policies in many nations.
Beef ribs
Except that's not the point of the post at all, he's talking about the environmental impications
I only eat animals I've personally killed.
I go fishing almost every week during the summer and fall, and do a little bird hunting as well (no room in my freezer for big game). I'm thinking about raising chickens, too.
As a result, most of my protein in the winter comes from eggs and legumes.
lift pls
I lost all the respect i had for him the very day he talked shit about Trump.
Fuck him, next thing he's goin to do is to start MtoF HRT
>we've been a planet with 7 billion people living on a meat-based diet for millenia
no actually we haven't user, but thanks for trying
not even a strict policy, one proposal I've heard is just paying people who don't have kids. Just like every year between the age of 18 and 25 that you don't have a kid, you get $1,000 or something. Would massively cut down on poor and stupid people having too many kids that they can't take care of
But either way we have to change our lifestyle. Our planet could sustain maybe like 2 billion people at the same standard of living as the average american, and eating too much meat (especially beef) is part of that
>I don't eat meat often
You didn't have to tell, I can see
Humans are definitely omnivorous. That doesn't mean anything for what we should eat though.
Some science fag came in one of these threads and basically told us that animals are a net addon to nature. They dont detract.
>he thinks you need to eat meat to get big
Having children is as bad for the environment as eating meat. So you can keep eating meat as long as you agree to never reproduce
let the niggers die and all the white men will have enough to eat. There is no reason to add more niggers to the planet, nothing ever good comes from adding more nigger to it.
I simply can't picture these numbers
God damn, how much cashew cheese is he adding to those meals to make that 10,000 calories?
all of it
I'm usually not a fan of hunters because who gets off killing animals? but I find this approach really respectable.
ahnold has (ab)used PEDs in such a way he has to. This will be relevant in Veeky Forumss liftime.
>10,000 calories a day
>14% protein
>spent 3 months out of the past 3 years playing on practice squads
Top kek
Americans need to learn to eat more legumes. The United Nations declared 2016 the "International Year of Pulses", hoping to promote legumes to the point where they could become a main protein source of first-world nations, since they're very healthy and great for the environment.
Legumes are popular in Europe and South America but still have a way to go in North America.
that's because most beans are poor people's food to rich americans
the only time they're eaten is when they want to feel ethnic
Poor people food is kind of regional, though. Like collard and mustard greens are considered poor food in the north, but common fare in the south. Same with different kinds of pulses (e.g. black eyed peas are symbolic for luck in the south as well)
>Pediatricians will report you to the police for child abuse if they find you're trying to raise a small child on a strict vegetarian diet; what does THAT tell you about vegetarianism?
I guess you know more than the American Dietetic Association
"It is the position of the American Dietetic Association that appropriately planned vegetarian diets, including total vegetarian or vegan diets, are healthful, nutritionally adequate, and may provide health benefits in the prevention and treatment of certain diseases. Well-planned vegetarian diets are appropriate for individuals during all stages of the life cycle, including pregnancy, lactation, infancy, childhood, and adolescence, and for athletes."
>Moderation is the key.
No it kills, there are millions of people dying a year because of that mentality.
>tfw you forgot to eat black eyed peas on new years
The real problem is all the hypocrite fucks who gladly eat shrimps but won't eat insects for some reason. Farming insects would be a lot more eco friendly than farming animals
Were you born that fucking stupid? Or did you have to work at it?
It's a cultural thing, unfortunately. I'm quite sure they would taste similar due to them being so closely related.
idk why people always refer to us being omnivores as a justification to eat meat. the argument is that, on a resource basis, meat is very inefficient. the amount of land, grains and water needed is staggering for a single kilo of meat. Not only that, but GHG emissions alongside the waste it produces is also quite noteworthy.
the argument against meat is about the environmental impacts that the meat industry holds.
to be quite honest, we're mostly just raccoons with a better palate. We used to fucking eat dead animals that were being picked off by vultures and then try to stick any root or berry in our mouth to see if it was edible.
Opportunistic feeders is probably a better word.
It's an obvious transition but people think it's more gross to eat a non sentient insect than slaughter sentient animals in a factory. Gotta love how fucking hypocrite this whole situation is
Don't forget that an appeal to nature is a logical fallacy anyways.
I'd eat insects. Too bad they're expensive as fuck
The fact that we're omnivorous is actually a good argument against eating meat now. We're omnivorous, therefore we can choose to eat from plant sources of food instead. We're not obligate carnivores that require meat.
But Rachel Notley the cunt premier in Alberta has to issue a carbon tax to tax the every day person that drives a vehicle. Hey sorry you wagie cucks. We built our entire society around the automobile. Roads every where. Sprawling developments with tiny population density. Oh! You want to use your vehicle to drive across the city?! Well guess what. Now you gotta pay even more you retarded wagie slaves. We take 50% of your money every year at income tax time, but now we will take even more!
A message from the government of Alberta
The funny part is he thinks he is not dyel mode.
The funniest part is that some people weight under 200LBS and think they're not DYEL
spoiler: You don't have to eat meat with every single meal...
>that realization that i would have to gain 80 lbs to even reach 200 lbs
>There are even Vegan scientists who will tell you that a strict vegetarian diet is not the healthiest for humans.
Then why the fuck would they be vegan?
Gonna need source of that claim.