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They pick mainly the guy in the ic saying he looks less freakish/tryhard etc
He's also the guy that made the video so he could have edited it in his favour

cringy as all hell. the dude is DYEL to the max and obviously didn't include the majority of women favoring joff

Looks like he has pectus excavatum, and a little worse than mine, so it's interesting to see what that looks like once you're in shape

is this guy mentally spasticated?
I've never seen his videos before or is it all a joke?

he's literally a ripped nerd.


Muscles don't fix his painfully average face and crooked teeth

and posture

How does this come as a surprise to any of you? Bodybuilders are generally as far from alpha as it gets. The vast majority of them are nothing but "gentle giants" and that's now what women want in a guy. Just look at the way Zyzz used to behave around women, he had no game other than flex his guns like a spastic. Unless there was some drug-powered trance festival happening near him, his weekends were spent in his room doing video calls with fellow autralian shitposters.

And let's not forget how Greg Plitt died trying to outrun a fucking train. This is how autistically surreal things are in bodybuilding culture.

Bodybuilders are mostly vapid cunts. Don't kid yourself just because you watched that teddy bear movie.

>Greg Plitt died trying to outrun a fucking train


Nice. We have something in common

>Zyzz used to behave around women, he had no game other than flex his guns like a spastic.

But he had women throwing themselves at him, the fuck are you talking about

He had festival sluts wanting to pose with him for pictures. He also had a crush on some girl in the months leading up to his death but had no idea how to approach him. I'm pretty sure the sad cunt died a virgin. RIP

Calum is based though, so not all are sperglord douchcocks

oi man he's right. Zyzz just stood around and danced while girls came over to him. He was literally a peacock

>how to approach her

Yeah I'm 99% sure too that zyzz dies as a virgin

What in the world is wrong with his breast muscles? Theres something off about that. Talking about the video like at 1:10. Is there some other muscles he didn't train or are they just overdeveloped? Poor genetics? Check his front pose at 2:55 that's not normal.

It makes me feel pretty good because women don't want bodies you probably need to take steroids to get (at least to be so cut and stay there) which i'm not interested in.


bad posture and only training chest leads to that

>oh so would you cuddle with me? cuz that's me! UH HAH UH HAH UH HAH UH HUH

that autistic laughter kek

He "overtrained" chest to compensate for his rip cage deformation, I'd guess.

This guy is a chinlet autist


>that laughter
fucking kek

Women prefer athletes to body builders. Whoda thunk.

Major cringe. Thanks, OP.


what mode is he Veeky Forums?

He does look like an athlete. You might say "but what about his posture?" - there are top athletes with remarkably bad posture / deformities. Watch the olympics or football sometimes, you'll shake your head in wonder at how some of these people can fucking excel in physical competitions.

but he's not an athlete


>bad posture
he truly is /our guy/

God, this guy is fucking annoying and trying too hard to be someone who he isn't.
He sounds awkward as fuck around these women.
Super beta.

But women wouldn't know that when looking at his picture, now would they?

no,they wouldn't

still bigger than you

He isn't though.
200 lb master race.
I can lift twice what he can.
Now fuck off, Cassady.
Also, nice woman name.