>be scrawny AF
>have lame /reddit/ personality
>still get Amazonian Goddess for a waifu because you're 6'6"
Other urls found in this thread:
Can you imagine the sex between these two?
>still get Amazonian Goddess for a waifu because you're 6'6"
And because you have a fat bank account.
There's literally nothing wrong with having a femdom fetish
so does she you retard...
Fuck tall people.
>tfw Moot finally found his Amazon princess
That doesn't mean his money don't matter. Do you honestly think she would date a jobless guy, a minimum wage earner or even a guy with an above average income? Because I don't.
he's not even scrawny he is lean
>Do you honestly think she would date a jobless guy, a minimum wage earner or even a guy with an above average income?
peasant mentality in spades. you'll be a poor little midget your entire life, frodo. lmao @ your existence.
strong impotent rage from the financially retarded manlet detected LMAO.
>dating a male baboon in a wig
This guy can't separate memes from reality
>serena the sheboon
Pick only one
"She" looks like Terrell Owens in a wig
>she's going to be fucking super hot guys around the world while he sits at home and browses reddit
Rich women are nuts about how much their partners make. I get that they don't want to fall for a gold digging dude and that they have gender role hang ups, but they choose to shrink their dating pool to a puddle without bringing anything to the table for the guys they want.
When will this mostly shit board finally realize it's more than what you look like and your bank account. Fucking deal with your dirt personality and zero social skills
when mook finally deletes /r9k/ and the faggots have to fuck off to another site
well the thing "wrong" with it is the fact that almost all women just want to be submissive. It's not morally wrong but from a practical standpoint there are literally 100x more men into that stuff than women who will indulge them.
Kinda funny though, since we keep hearing about how The Patriarchy forces women to be submissive when in reality, dominant women are wayyyyyyyy more in demand than submissive ones
>but they choose to shrink their dating pool to a puddle without bringing anything to the table for the guys they want.
This. I have a female friend who works at a law firm. Works likes 70+ hours a week, is always working nights and weekends, but makes like $200k. She's attractive, but is almost 30 and single. She won't date poor or even really middle-class guys, she basically only wants a 6-figure partner. The problem is
(a) she works a crazy amount of hours, which is a turnoff to guys who want to actually spend time with their gf/wife.
(b) Her having a ton of money doesn't actually make her more attractive to men, especially not men who already earn 6 figures
(c) Men who earn 6-figures ARE a lot more attractive to women, so those guys can go after younger hotties that don't spend their life at the office
Serena at least has the body of a world-class athlete, which while it isn't every guy's thing there are definitely a lot more men who want athletic women than there are athletic women. So she can bring that to the table, but for your ordinary rich women they're fucking themselves
>be literally the founder of reddit
>having excellent social skills
highly doubtful
no serena is an idiot
she can't get some rich guy at her level to date and control. so she choose the reddit guy who is only worth 6m while she made 20m+ this year alone
i bet this guy is gonna divorce her and take her to the cleaners
Imagine pounding Serena's giant booty cheeks
This Reddit cuck won't ever be able to satisfy a true Negro goddess like Serena
It's be disgusting, like fucking a landwhale
She's more attractive than any girl you'll ever have sex with
That's more like Vordt than Dancer
As long as she doesn't look back at you with that face you're probably OK.
if she does her makeup then HHHHNNNNNGGGGGGG
>dating a woman who can kick your ass
At what height is someone considered a manlet?
6'5 is the cutoff
I picked one.
Under 5' 11"
>not dating a woman who can kick your ass
>not having an Amazon femdom fetish
>not having your waifu go into roid rage when you don't do the dishes so she crushes your testicles then rapes you
what are you gay?
>still get Amazonian Goddess for a waifu because you're 6'6"
>Amazonian Goddess
Since when did niggers infest the amazon forest? Oh yeah that's right, they didn't.
Since when does being an UGLY AS FUCK negroid constitute being a goddess? how about since never!
Get the fuck outta here with this bullshit.
How can blacks even compete?
Black wymen are tired of yo black asses leaving them and their kids having no dad.
>Walk into bedroom
>See this
What do?
Wonder how harambe's corpse got in my room
>The slaves were freed over a hundred years ago. You know you can leave, right?
>He doesn't know about escorts
Ask your mother
Call the zoo
Godamn it
Why do you keep posting this? Did a manlet steal your girl?
That's what happens when you're on PEDs
Ban niggerposters
I know about escorts. There's definitely some cuties but even in the large city I live in I've never seen a legit athletic girl on there. Skinny girls and the occasional one that's genetically curvy, but no Veeky Forums grills
>tfw Backpage.com owners are facing prostitution charges and idk how to get laid if it gets shut down
feelz bad man, the only other places I've seen with """escorts""" like that are higher-priced ones, not the $200/hour whores you can get on backpage
OP here. Dunno why you say "keep posting this" since I've only posted it once. Maybe other people also post current stories involving famous athletes?
And I'm actually only 5'9", sometimes I just like to funpost
>skinny borderline manlet
>engaged to Miranda Kerr
CEO of snapchat
I see what you did there xD
She's a basic bitch desu, I saw better looking transexuals than her
2/10 would not bang
Top laff
>That Gorilla
>tfw 181cm
His net worth is only 2 million lmfao
Call the police. A black has broken into my home.
mean while mine is $10k
>tfw 6' king of the manlets
omg , when will it be my turn for ebony gf.
I like a girl who can throw me around a bit
dont give a fuck
id hit it
>only 2 million
Teach me your secret investment techniques.
no you wouldnt dude stop lying
This definitely requires a 10x7
Think about their kids though. His height with her muscle.
>people have different sexual taste than I do
Do you think she pegs him?
motherfucker there are people on this website [and this board] who want to fuck anime cats. clearly you havent been here for too long if this surprises you
with her 10 inch feminine penis yes
>Implying her muscles are natural
Either way you cant deny she clearly has great genetics.
>dat gyno
great genetics for a man, yes. His children are going to be bodybuilders
Mine is -$200k
Don't go to law school kids :(
absolutely plebian
>tfw skelly and can't even pick up a girl in water
>the thing "wrong" with femdom is the fact that almost all women just want to be submissive. It's not morally wrong, but from a practical standpoint, there are literally 100x more men into that stuff than women who will indulge them
But how many of those guys are in good shape? If I can get a solid ottermode/athletic physique and become somewhat Veeky Forums, it'll be easy finding a partner.
It's kinda sad negroes have white palms desu. It looks weird because of the contrast. Could look better full black I believe.
it's relative, her net worth is 77 million iirc
clearly not in it for the money
just be tall and white theory confirmed AGAIN
it's OVER for manlets and ethniks
i want some negress slaves reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
But why
Why would he go after that
>has to settle for a shaved male gorilla
Fuck Trump and fuck tall people
>Responsible for Reddit
>Marries a huge butch black chick to get his privilege checked nightly by a giant black strapon
"hello, animal control? it appears there's a chimp in my room"
can you even penetrate that without a 9 incher??
>Implying "she" needs a strap-on