Your non-professional fitness inspirations
Your non-professional fitness inspirations
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I want to feel his muscles so badly. All of them.
>n-no homo
I touched them at RTX. I hover handed Elyse too.
How big would you gauge his penis to be having met him personally? Just from the videos I would assume 6.5 to 7in
Hard to tell. I would analyze videos in which he's wearing shorts to tell for sure.
flaccid size doesn't mean anything because people are either growers or showers
Does Veeky Forums love Blaine as much as James?
Blaine's a caricature of a fit guy
No, because he's not funny. James should be king of Veeky Forums
Is that even a real question?
Here I've made up a playlist of all the videos of him wearing shorts (just something I do in my spare time). There's about 8. Lemme know what you think. I'm still guessing around 6.5-7in.
Well shit I thought for sure y'all would, but given the last guys comment I'm not too sure now
what about thicc boi bruce greene
Oh wow, epic troll.
The true prime human form
pls be troll
Blaine was cool when he was new but bought into the goofy internet personality too much. I enjoyed RT way more up until around 2012, when the staff seemed like normal people rather than Internet celebrities. I hate the attitudes of people considered Internet 'celebrities.'
I feel ya. But I think they're persona is just that. I've met multiple of them in person and they're all pretty chill. Jon risinger was the only one that seems a little self centered. Blaine on the other hand was super cool. We talked about different workout programs and diet plans and shit.
Who is this person?
Julian from trailer park boys I wanna be thic
James Willems
And what is he known for?
>semon demon, cum drum, etc.
Being a member of Funhaus. They make internet videos mainly of video game gameplay with commentary. He's really funny and deadlifts like 450.
James is a quick fuck but Bruce is comfy boyfriend material. I would genuinely settle down with Bruce if I had the chance.
>no homo
Fuck that, James is a passionate lover, Bruce is a settle down kinda guy, and Lawrence is a quick fuck
And Adam is the cuck that watches from the chair besides the bed
And Peake?
>This is the ideal male body. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.
I wonder who's behind these threads.
He has nice eyes
oh yeh tots. i never really like rvb, but season 1 of RT shorts was great. it was just normal creative people with a small budget
They look nothing alike you fucking moron
I like how almost all of those guys are into fitness culture. Would be nice to have a pack of friends working together and working out. tfw no friends
He would be the bull
I wonder if they browse Veeky Forums. They responded to one or two posts form Veeky Forums in their comment show, so I guess they visit some boards occasionally.
I just wanna hang out with all of them.
lvl on osrs?
Lawrence definitely goes on Veeky Forums.
this isn't /mu/ son
who is this?
Fuck you lawrence
I am not Lawrence Sonntag.
That's exactly what Lawrence Sonntag would say.
No, he wouldn't. That would be lying on the Internet and everyone knows that's immoral.
but Lawrence doesn't play by the rules. I'm onto you, buddy.
That's just a facade that the Funhaus fanbase likes, Lawrence is a good boy in reality.
Natty King.
Reminder, he's not only our champ, but he's your champ.
Even if he's good boy in person I bet he still shitposts on the internet sometimes.
My inspiration for this year, same height as me (both mallets). Making the best of flawed genetics
Lawrence is better when he's not forcing his comedy to be as funny as Bruce or James. Elyse is always funny but I love dry humor. She's terrible at every game they put in her hands tho
I also feel like James knows that Elyse is funny and so he, not to sound like a tumblreta, sortof steals the limelight she might grab for herself. I noticed this especially during the DnD sessions where he goes out of his way to overshadow Eylse's character with his own.
Insecurity? I honestly don't know. He talks a lot about himself and his fitness as well as showboats his wins over others in a way that would draw a room to him. Narcissism maybe. I donno. That's my two years of psychology, but it's those features in James that make Bruce all the more attractive by comparison.
>no homo
read the text in the OP, you illiterate dolt.
leg day skipping motherfucker
Yeah I can see them being cool and normal in person (which I'm sure they are) when they're not under pressure to be entertaining. I haven't followed them for a while but I hope I'll be able to hit up an RTX for the first time the next few years.
I guarantee at least Adam and Lawrence browse Veeky Forums on the regular. Adam talks about doing so on the podcast all of the time
I want to stroke Adams beard. I think he'd make a great short term partner. Bruce is definitely long term marriage material, though. James... Well, James is a one night fuck. I'd pick him up at the bar and then skedaddle in the morning.
I forgot how jacked Burnie was back then. He could have a sick aesthetic I bet
dude back in like 2008 burnie was thicc
That picture is, maybe, about a year old. It's from the season of The Amazing Race where Burnie, and his fiancee, starred in.
Doesnt look like he's ever trained legs in his life. James on the other hand trains legs literally every single workout. He deserves to be king of Veeky Forums on that merit alone.
How would you feel if your hot wife started cucking you by stealing your internet show and all your friends when she was supposed to just be a video editor reeee
Holy shit I never knew Cr1tikal was so fit.