Steroids general.
Tanned and tattooed blonde sluts connoisseurs club also.
Steroids general.
Tanned and tattooed blonde sluts connoisseurs club also.
Other urls found in this thread:
first in fro SARMs
MK677 and LGD 4033
If I just take clomid without anything else, am I still natty? And if I do, what would happen?
>tfw been cutting since last month, went excellent but this past 2 weeks I've just been on maintenance mode, actually gained a bit of weight since I upped the tren some time ago and the fucking prolactin bloat added 3kg and I'm lowering compounds again
It's just so fucking hard to cut when food tastes so good, I make pork roasts and baked sweet potatos with marrowfat peas practically every meal(sometimes with veg pasta) and portion controlling is ridic.
I think I'll stick back to yogurt/soymilk + casein, that shit's easy to count.
But I'm srs. Pls help
clomid only or hcg only are things endos will sometimes get you on before real TRT to see if it increases your testosterone enough without having to inject for the rest of your life
it's not that much, but it's an increase to your natty testosterone. clomid has really really harsh sides though
>shoot 2 g tren/test every day
>eat everything in sight
Its easy man.
What's the likelihood the cops will charge me if I buy ugl? Any stories experiences? This is pretty much my deal breaker. Going g to doc soon hope my t levels are normal.
exactly zero if you order domestic
unless you get caught for something else and they raid your house or something, but then that's on you
Does it show up easy on background searches incase I works for feds
what are you even asking
does what show up on background checks, you buying from an ugl? no, background checks aren't that advanced yet
medical records are fair game for federal background checks though. not that it matters, prescribed TRT isn't an issue at all.
I'm buying ugl if my doctor says "grats user you have 400 serum levels you don't need test" but I want to work for the feds one day. So I was wondering if this would show up in a background check. Thanks
Passing the lie detector is gonna be more of an issue
>I want to work for the feds one day
>doesn't know if a fucking federal background check that can only check mandated federal/state records surrounding criminal activity will register that he buys illegal bathtub chemicals from some mongolian on reddit
I'm curious how you think it would show up on a background check
>pin a fuckton of tren
>roidrage at all the questions for even suggesting you could be lying like HOW DARE U FGT FITE ME M8
tits hurt too much, had to lower from 800 tren to 400 tren and 500test+400eq.
I don't even know how the polygraph is still part of the hiring process
that shit has been proven to not work for a long ass time now, even the creator of the polygraph is fighting to get people to stop using it
>lfm DHT
>female panda
reported and called the cops
>I don't even know how the polygraph is still part of the hiring process
>federal agencies drop polygraph requirement due to 'questionable validity'
>have to spend and repay millions to hundreds of thousands of inmates who were imprisoned based on same polygraph tests
Us or EU fag
Rude. I just want some DHT.
Yeah even if I was natty. My current polygraph was a bitch I've heard terrible stories and can't even imagine federal ones. I was just curious idk how the more in depth government agencies do their background checks.
As long as you're not required to get a SSBI you probably won't have a problem with regular polys as long as you're good at lying. What agency were you looking at?
I’ve passed two of those by just focusing on not being too anxious no matter the actual content of my answers. I mean, meditating twice a week and abusing shitloads of klonopin in the past may have helped, but you get my point.
Yeah. I agree that they're utterly worthless, it's just that they can't reverse the usage of such a widely adopted platform without some huge blowback at this point.
Fbi doesn't matter really just a longterm goal in life
They really are shit but it basically CES down to what you said, they've relied on them for so long revising the decision to have them considered valid would look pretty bad.
Wait, are you the same guy who said this a couple months ago? What's your interest though like Intel or criminal justice?
I'd suggest picking an agency with more international presence so you can travel and get cool assignments.
>do something idiotic
>realize it is idiotic
>must keep doing idiotic stuff as not to jeopardize previous idiocy
The US are essentially one big 90s sitcom episode.
Comes down*
Thanks autocorrect.
>that first cumshot a few days after pinning test for a new cycle
Honestly is there a better feeling?
It's crazy how underwhelming I look in my home mirrors. Gym mirrors are so much kinder.
Too bad, we could have talked about consumer electronics together.
Lighting is a hell of a drug.
i look best in home mirror, go up 3 levels of shreddedness and muscle mass
grandpa are you there
1 - worth it to try and get a pharma script for test? wouldn't I still get busted if I had more than my prescribed dose? seems like it's only useful for travel, and even then, are TSA going to ask to see a script?
2 - any real reason to use tren E if I don't mind pinning tren A ED? gave up trying to find affordable DHB so am thinking of running high tren low test (500/200) as a third cycle. good?
1. Get test u if you travel that frequently, or just frontload your E for a week before you leave. Yes your bloodwork would still reflect that you have higher than prescribed test levels.
2. No. It's just personal preference. I'll use tren E in the future because I fucking hate being a pincushion and I respond fine to tren. Depends on your goals of course, but there's certainly nothing wrong with that cycle.
An anabolic one at that. I literally get estimated up to 8-10% less bf with gym pics vs. normal lighting. Not that I care but I love being called a fat cunt in one thread while getting somewhat homoerotic mires in the other, with two pics taken about an hour apart on the same day.
TSA literally do not care about your prescription drugs. Their only job is to stop weapons and bombs and 97% of the time they can't even do that. I've flown a bunch with needles and test in my bag and the only time they even searched my bag was to see a tube of cheese I brought back from Amsterdam.
>Yes your bloodwork would still reflect that you have higher than prescribed test levels.
Was thinking more on the lines of getting busted by cops for having more test than my prescribed amount in oil form but the bloodwork is an angle I hadn't thought about.
>It's just personal preference. I'll use tren E in the future
Gotcha, thanks. Was wondering if Enanthate lent itself more to prolactin side more than Acetate
How were the mental sides on tren for you? Got some mild anxiety on 600mg EQ/week (2nd cycle) but idk if that means I am predisposed to mental sides in general or something...
thanks for the insight. did not know that needles can fly in carry on luggage. I assume you have to put them in a ziploc along with your test vials and syringes?
I'm currently on 300mg EQ/Week and have no anxiety. Granted that is half your dosage and I've only been on it for a month, so it's not entirely possible to draw a comparison.
Tren kept me up at night (I had trouble staying asleep, but falling asleep was fine) and I was incredibly sweaty when working out, moreso than usual. Not throughout the day, though.
No huge increase in aggression or anything. I respond fairly well to it.
So far as where I have been, being a mobile fag my ip gets periodically banned for two months at a time.
Plus I realized I wasn't going to morph into masT anytime soon, that first month I blew up so much I got illusions that it would keep up like that, but not so much.
25mg of DMAA twice a day if needed. the meth tends to keep the hunger away when your to focused to feel fatigue or pain for that matter .
because it scares dumb people into admitting the truth and weeds out those who think they'll fail.
these 2 factors alone are worth it too keep polygraphing people despite it not being proven.
yes are you still here ?
Yeah just a regular Ziploc and leave it in my luggage when they scan it. I usually don't even take the toiletries bag out which I think they usually want separate.
Up the dose.
Gotcha. Yeah it was weird, not really a sort of low T anxiety (which I am very familiar with unfortunately due to bad genetics) but more of a heart racing with random fleeting feelings of panic. low t anxiety was more like overthinking and the like.
Might have been due to higher red blood cell count, but I don't know. Definitely felt like a more physical sort of anxiety vs mental, if that makes sense.
Started getting bad about 8 weeks into the blast so yeah I guess keep an eye out for it. wouldn't be prolonged but more episodic, but bad enough that I am not that interested in a repeat performance until I figure out a way to mitigate that side effect
What test dose are you running at 300? I was running 150-200 when I was blasting 600 EQ.
awesome, really reassures me so I don't feel compelled to PCT and go through the hoops get that low T diagnosis through "traditional" means (despite having pre-bnc bloods showing it I doubt a doc will give it to me while running gear)
Yeah I did, even did npp and deca for a few weeks each.
Currently on 800mg test a week and 60mg epistane daily.
Remember when you were going to just do one conservative cycle?
I member
Yeah that went out the window fast.
I just expected too much.
I even got some mtren on hand but I'll build my cardio back up before fucking with it.
>somewhat homoerotic mires
got bad news for you buddy
currently on 300 test/300eq/200deca with 100mg adrol/day (100 PWO on workout days, 50/50 AM/PM rest days)
try pic related if you ever run EQ again
Eh a mire is a mire, I am pretty tolerant kek
>cardio first
Indeed. Learned that the hard way myself, oh boy.
Reeeeeeeeee. Mailman took the pink redelivery slip and didn't leave my package. Time to burn down my house and move to Panama?
Okay who did we lose?
I'm guessing this guy was using the Suicide Grip properly then right?
>there were spotters
how fucking shit do you have to be at spotting to not see a guy struggled with lmao3pl8?
to the point that he actually fucking dies from it?
they have to take the slip back to the post office with them once you've filled it out and put in a request to have the package for redelivery the next day
also USPS sucks fucking ass and they don't redeliver like ever. Just go pick it up.
This is why I don't use spotters
Neglected the cardio since September because I didn't want to nwe'd eat banked calories ontop of all the food I'm already stuffing in my face, didn't notice anything until I went to fuck and then adding the epistane and my BP has gotten deadly high.
I figure I might even save the mtren for my next blast after I get rid of all this fat.
Very cool, what are your goals? Bulking? Last pic I saw of you looked pretty low bf so you could afford to do it
Lmk if you feel appetite gains on that dose of EQ. I didn't really feel any different in that way but I am already a good eater
Thx for the advice regarding GABA - that seems to be a broscience meme that has made the rounds on all the forums so there might be some truth to it
5HTP is great, used to use it before/after dosing molly back in the day
Was this guy going to testify against Hilary or something?
>ust go pick it up.
I filled out the online redelivery thing last night so he should've had it.
like I said, they're faggots and never redeliver.
I do that shit all the time and end up having to go pick it up from the same old grouchy cunt at the post office
low, slow bulk over ~6 months (5 to go) so we'll see how it goes. Feel like I'm gaining weight a little quicker than I'd like to be already, so I'm gonna keep it dialed back a bit. I'm not as low as my cherry picked decent pictures make me seem, probably 13% at best.
If I get too high in BF again I'll probably cut the bulk 1-2 months early and hop on a low dose of tren transitioning into a cut before a cruise/continued cut down to 10% or lower, if possible.
we assumed you dead
so far i have been taking DIM 500mg once a day, instead of 250mg 2x a day.
Will that result in #NoAcneGains or is that insignificant
thats more than enough if its once daily, supposedly if its split twice daily then the results are better since it keeps the estrogen levels stable.
3 days time is when you should see the results at the worse.
i am uncertain as to how it would work without your asin or with steriod esters and there longer half life. but theres there should be a good reduction of acne regardless.
then im gonna continue doing so.
That DIM is seriously a bitch to consume and weigh out. Its so fucking sticky
Yup pretty much same here. Thought “it will do”, heck it did not at all. The actual blast I used it in afterwards was delightful (well as much as AAS can be kek) and well worth the wait and added cardio work though.
Kek, sad I missed the speculation over my demise. Honestly fido will likely block my ip again.
The key to living with my ex is getting stoned, playing Borderlands all day, ignoring her after work and going yo bed alone.
10 minutes later shesinbre begging me to suck in her nipples.
Also I got all3 borderlands bundled with all of their dlc for 20 bux, gooddeal.
glad to hear
>paying for games
I hope you own a console
Have you played Overwatch?
You talking about the mtren?
The guys I know taking it rave about it, the focus, the controlled rage, the strength.
Figure I've already done more than enough this blast and need to save something special like that for my next.
Also I'm really trying not to kill myself.
I don't like video games I like distractions.
where do I go from here
Yeah the mtren. It’s a rabid cunt if you’re not prepared, but in a good way, essentially all stereotypes Hollywood has about roids without most of the disadvantages. Not to be toyed with though, re: my cardio-lacking near death experience lmao
>tfw failing captcha because the Italian in me does not consider chicago deep dish real pizza
lol mad mad
>I did it for a while, I enjoyed it but felt that same symptom I felt with 5/3/1 of not being under a truly 'heavy' bar often enough.
I think a big part of it is just how much weight you're moving, like the heavier and heavier you get the less you can get away with just grinding away at it before your body starts to throw a shit-fit
>brickington Don't spoonfeed me directly, but can you please list some principles for bbing that I can research more.
macronutrient composition of foods and how it along with meal timing affects hormonal responses like insulin in the body, also it's somewhat individual but how certain "inflammatory" foods can take you from looking ripped first thing in the morning to bloated turbofat after a meal
even within training methodologies slanted towards bodybuilding there's a definite place for more than just hand-jamming volume on top of volume as a certain amount of heavier strength-focused work is necessary for continued progression, just like powerlifting benefits greatly from increasing emphasis on volume in certain areas especially assistance exercises
rest pause and myo-reps will give you a bit of insight into what you can consider "effective" reps vs what's essentially wasted volume that only contributes to wear and tear on your body and wasted time in the gym
I'm of two minds about agonist/antagonist pairing training, on one hand you're "priming" the antagonist/synergist muscle groups which is undoubtedly beneficial, but on the other hand you could also steamroll those muscle groups so much that they can't provide effective stabilization when you flip to the opposing group
now that's fucking poetry right there
>As long as you're not required to get a SSBI
god that was a fucking headache, I had to fill out an sf-86 by hand
I can't imagine they're actually region-blocking you, just toggle airplane mode on/off and it'll generate a new ip
To walmart
Buy a shotgun and kys
do people in america really talk like that wtf
Always wanted to try a deep dish but I'm told that it's just disappointing.
I have injectable mtren.
4mg a ml, so got some insulin needles so I can draw a very tiny amount like .1ml when I try it.
Thing is the needle is only 8mm long, not sure where to pin.
Thinking bicep is only thing lean enough.
You guys lack good music, I know.
yeah good luck hormones affect everyone differently but, ive seen nothing but luck with the people who've taken it. just look up the amazon reviews for the company about the DIM product and then a genral look up of DIM on amazon and read the reviews, half of its acne, 1/4th of its boosting test, and the last 4th of it is for menstrual and menopause.
women need less mg by mg basis then men do to see the same results. just drink something sweet with it or eat some fruit doesnt matter most of it should absorb. for max absorbtion of anything eat grapefruit or bioperinebut you should be fine with it as is.
men need to take more of it if your on hormones and low levels of acne is 200mg, but bad acne like i had on my back needed 500mg dosage. and generaly thats more than enough to cover the DHEA that i take with my supplements for that extra boost. so hope it works m8y.
is this your first day ?
hairy but tight
How fucking huge can someone get on a modest dose of Test only? We are talking like 500mg weekly, just cyp or enth...
This is assuming they have normal muscle building genetics, are only 5'8".
Cardio would be included, at 60 minutes LISS daily, not for fat loss per se, but for cardio protection.
Then the plan is to eat unrestricted. Not purposeful bulking, because I got a big appetite as it is, and when I don't restrict calories tend to over eat.
Diet will also include a lot of healthy stuff, kale, beans, brown rice, unprocessed meats, fruits etc... But I'm not turning down things like pizza either. Basically make sure to eat enough high fiber nutrient rich foods, but allow other stuff and calories not counted like when I would be cutting.
Routine will revolve around basic compound lifts, more so deadlift than squats, as I like deadlifts more. Barbell rows . Incline BP, overhead pressing. Weighted dips & Pullups etc... but also add in extra metabolic fatigue work with machines too, dumbbell curls added in. Nothing fancy, typical broken down into a 2 day plan, run 2x a week Bro split. Rep range 8-12 on all lifts, even DL's, no 3 or 5 rep work painful shit.
Goal is to just look big and brutal as fuck, without feeling like shit like Orals and Tren are notorious for.
Deep dish is fun but essentially cheese pie, not pizza. Fite me irl bout dat m80
And yeah I pinned triceps and pecs for exactly that reason. On that note: kids, never pin pecs.
i already found him
One day I'll have me a cheese pie.
Sounds good.
Pec had bad pip?
I figured the small amounts you end up pining would make the pip negligible.
Only complaint I heard of crippling bicep pip is from a retard pinned 3ml first time in the virgin muscle.
good old electric eel type shit music is is what i like
chill as a pill mane
people can get pretty big on 500mg test. Do you want to look like your pic?
That guy was blasting grams of gear to reach his 300lbs goal
play battlefield w me
Bicep was ez in comparison, but pecs had pip to claw your fucking eyes out. 1.5ml was the most I ever subjected it to (with way less than that at the start of course) but it tortured me like it had been 10ml. Was forced to alternate between the two because if I pinned the bodypart I worked out that day it killed me even more. I may sound whiny, but fuck, I am but a human (although trying to surpass that) lol
Note to self: try 10ml to prove previous claim, leave this wretched earth with a bang huehue
Not like your pic (not at damn all), but breddy yuge if you know what you’re doing, yeah.
That was when he was trying to hit his 400 pound goal.
I just want to look obviously bigger than anyone could hope to gent naturally, but I don't care if I can't see my abs or even if I have love handles, so long as my lats are still wider.
Fuck multitasking
I have $750.
Should I invest it all in dude weed lmao stocks, or spend some of it on supplies for my first test cycle and invest the rest?