I'm a pale ghost and now that I have some gains, I need a tan
Would you recommend solarium? Summer is still ways off and I'm tired of getting blinded by my skin tone
I'm a pale ghost and now that I have some gains, I need a tan
Would you recommend solarium? Summer is still ways off and I'm tired of getting blinded by my skin tone
just stay ghost
it aint worth it brah
t. ex-tanner
Pale people are ay higher rosk of akin cancer. I used to tan on the loghtest bed for the shortest amount of time, like twice a month max, and i ended up having nearly cancerous moles removed just two years later.
How do you want your skin to look when you're 35 user? If the answer is not like leather. Don't tan and make sure you wear sunblock in the sun.
Pale looks so much better. Dark hair and pale skin....mmmmm Mmmmm MMMMM
Don't tan, trust me Lad you'll only end up a regret filled poorfag douche bag
Don't use tanning beds. If you really can't wait for summer, find someone in your town who does a great job spray tanning. Shitty spray tans make you look like a clementine but a good one looks pretty natural.
take 30mcg of beta carotene a day for a month then 15mcg every other day indefinitely afterwards
Mfw used a tanning bed for the first time in a year two hour ago then come into this thread.
just go lay in the sun for like 30 minutes a day and you'll get enough sun exposure to pull what you need from it.
>just go lay in the sun for like 30 minutes a day
Did you not fucking read the "Summer is still ways off" part?
Its one third of the post, motherfucker...
Don't do this!
Ghost-mode is sexy af.
for girls yes, for guys...no
RTT (Roided Tatted and TANNED) is what looks best on 99.9999% of men
Be the first to order your custom made transparent-tupperware box as a windbreaker, a portable power supply and a heater.
Place in hidden outskirts of city, not too far. Bask under the Sun.
No I mean for guys. I love pale guys.
But I guess everyone likes different things.
And I can't stand this look. It just looks like a callboy/manslut.
>It just looks like a callboy/manslut.
>If youre a faggot
Alright, fair enough everybody has their thing i guess
>If girl
Youre massivly in denial since girls say they want X but in reality they only select Y
Opinion dis-fucking-carded
Pale is great. Grow a beard and rock that viking warrior look
you cant stand them because they wont fuck your nasty sub 4 uggo pussy lmao
>not wanting to be pale demigod
What the fuck wrong with you?
Unless you live in the arctic you should have plenty of sunlight to do a little tanning outside
Or just carrots and sweet potato every other day. More betacarotene than you will ever need to get that dere orange skin.
pasty white skin is for autists who never leave their room, real men have tans
I got a perfect tan with Melanotan II
>250 mcg 15 mins before
>10 mins in bed
>250 mcg soon as possible after
3 sessions
I did regret it after. I looked good but i think i look better with my pasty ghost skin or i never got used to it i don't know.
So beta carotene is the secret to healthy looking skin?
Hey mate. Have the same problem. Started drinking 1l carrot juice every day and eat lot of carrots and tomatoes too. My skin color is pretty healthy now and I feel better in general. Can only recommend it.
Hey fellow /fraud/! I used melanotan II as well. my doses were lower than yours and I spent time at the beach instead of a tanning bed (I live in FL, so it's easy). It took 1 or two weeks to go from casper to a great tan... and it has lasted WAY longer than a natty tan.
why would you do that? pale skin is beautiful.
palebro here, monitoring this thread
Please tan...
I may need more customers in few years
for job security.
-Mohs' histotech
these guys have zero idea what they're talking about don't worry. you want to ask girls what they like, not a bunch of shut in guys who never play sports thus never get a natural tan. the guys you talk to here's biggest accomplishment in life is the fact that they're white and so they think all women must love the fact that they are pale and lifeless.
Nigga it's literally winter now.
It's like 5 degree celcius at best during day.