Gonna get that bf next year Veeky Forums?
Gonna get that bf next year Veeky Forums?
>tfw almost had first mansex
performance anxiety
mb next year will be better
>tfw no justin bf
>performance anxiety
that sucks bruh. were you going to bottom or top? what happened?
to top. he was a bottom so it's not like we could've switched it up. mb i'm a bottom idk. it just wouldn't work or it'd work for a bit and then go soft as soon as he tried to jerk it.
but it was a completely great experience, he didn't make me feel bad or anxious so idk what went wrong. mb porn ruining my standards?
how's your chase going?
B-But user boys loving other boys?!
i always wondered why gay people are usually either only bottom or only top and hardly ever both
I'm going to try to fuck the girl who left me for a faggot. Revenge will be mine
most guys are vers with a preference
DONT. this past year I fucked my ex that left me last year thinking it would be great and I would feel closure...all those feelings I had gotten over came rushing back.
I don't care brother I'm going to fuck her brains out. This CUNT made me suffer!!! If I don't fuck her im going to fuck one of her friends!!!!
Boys love best love
Most of us are vers, we just prefer one or the other more.
It also depends on the partner and the way he makes you feel.
So you plan on raping her or having consenting sex with her? One will land you in jail and the other I have no idea how it would be "getting back at her"
By seducing, fucking her and then ditch her. I know the cum dumpster still thinks about me because she text me hear and there.
This is normal for the first time, regardless of what preconceived role you put yourself in.
>why gay people are usually either only bottom or only top and hardly ever both
The short answer is they don't have to be. Faggos are just like straight people in that they usually focus on what they know they like and never venture out of that comfort zone. It's like green eggs and ham. Whether you consider yourself a top or a bottom, you can always find someone who is exclusively the opposite. No need to change.
I will say this, as a gayfag who is versatile, it is completely frustrating that some guys are exclusively tops or exclusively bottoms and don't care to mix it up. Five years ago I started dating a vers. guy and we've actually been married going on four years, now, in a strictly monogamous relationship.
It'd be interesting to see the fail rates among exclusive role couples compared to versatile ones. My pocket theory is it's far easier to get bored/tired of someone and the relationship if both parties have preset notions of their role in the relationship.
Femanon here.
He looks fat and chubby.
Wow user you made her want to have sex with you and then you had sex with her. I'm sure she'lll never recover from such a savage revenge plan.
Shut up roastie! I got sum BBC for you
I mean, God willing I'll be swimming in that sweet husbando I been waiting for.
if he's chubby then I'm down with it. it's a shame that the word "chubby" has been appropriated by morbidly obese fucks that are trying to seem "cute"
At least it will make feel better
>im repsonding to bait
justin is a thicc j00cy hunk, you cow
How fucking retarded are you?
Looks better than Zyzz tbqh
try using a cockring, it helps with staying hard while nervous
>Femanon here
As if insulting Justin wasn't enough, fucking get out of here with your shit taste Justin is THICC!
>This is normal for the first time
this is what i'm hoping/assuming. do i just keep trying/slut it up until i get the hang of things? now i'm kind of reluctant to label myself 'top' to willing bottoms out of fear of disappointment (and tiny dick).
i don't know if i agree with your theory or not but having sex while vers seems a lot more fun, longer and less nervewracking if you cum early. which is why i'm all for it. the best of both worlds.
you guys all follow 70s_big on insta? i would highly recommend. keeps my testosterone high
Not him but really? Was it that bad user
t.user who may be in the same situation in future
>do i just keep trying/slut it up until i get the hang of things?
Yeah, there isn't really another option but in the end it will work.
>tiny dick
Did you ever have anal with a woman? It's the same with men. It's tighter than a pussy and as long as you have more than 4 inches nobody is going to complain.
My first bottom experience was with someone with a 8 inch dick. I doubt he got more than the half in the first time and I still don't manage to take something so long.
also, that's another guy not him
If you have a small dick, focus on your thrusting game to compensate.
There's nothing more disappointing than douching your ass and the guy turns out to have a small dick and weak af dick game.
Lol! FAGS!
>in the past men made twice as much as they do now (comparatively) because they were the only income in a family
>two gay men would essentially have a quadruple income, and no kids to spend it on
>tfw you realize wage equality has been disproportionately disastrous towards gay couples
>tfw you can barely afford nice clothes
How tiny?
the gays have higher income, IQ, etc compared to breeders. don't be too greedy
how to? pelvic thrusts, squats?
>2017 will certainly be the year of the bf
>with vers guy
>try to top
>doesnt work at first
>give up immediately out of embarassment and bottom instead
Every time. I must have had sex 20-30 times but I've still never topped. im just too shy i guess - when bottoming is so easy i just take the path of least resistance and do that instead
is it bad for me to be a faggot that likes muscular guys but I'm not into butt sex ?
will I ever be able to find a bf
Currently trying to score with my gymbud after finding out he swung that way.
We're currently just playing mindgames with our grindr profiles, somewhat acknowledging each other but not really. I'm gonna make my move on new years.
Best of luck to you guys for the new year.
ask him if he wants to clean & jerk
The gym girl I had a crush was dating my gymbro but he broke up with her after a couple months. I used to fantasize about fucking with them but now I just want him. But I'm also kind of mad that she doesn't want me so I want to get with him as my revenge too.
there's this dude at the gym that i see every so often.
I dunno if he's gay, but i'm just going to ask him.
>tfw found an amazing qt bf.
Now if I could only get him to lift with me.
>go on a couple dates with qt guy
>really hit it off so I assume he's into me
>text and snapchat him for a few weeks
>doesn't seem very interested unless he's drunk or hungover
>ask him if he'd like to go out on Boxing Day
>says sure
>text him on Boxing Day asking him when he'd like to go out
>says he doesn't want to go anymore
>tell him it's okay and have a small conversation until he one words me
>he hasn't texted me since
What do gay bros? Should I text him again or am I just desperate to find someone
>tfw nearing 24 years and never been in a relationship
>very limited sexual experience
>not into hookup apps because they feel cheap and sketchy
>feel like I'm going to disappoint any guy I eventually end up with
I've only been with one guy and that was over a year ago. Only did oral and it took 4 attempts to cum from that. Really frustrating.
Also there's a new guy at my gym and we got along pretty well right away. Chatted for about 10 minutes yesterday and the day before. I hate myself for it but I can already feel a crush growing. Trying not to get my hopes up.
>amazing qt
>doesn't lift
pick one
Just not compatible, dont beat yourself up over it. Cant make him like you.
I went through something similar and I think your best move would be to leave it alone. It sucks, but he's probably not interested. At least he told you he didn't want to go instead of just ignoring you all together. Give it some time and see if he reaches out to you.
yeah I'm aiming for 12% bf
are you cute ?
>tfw fell for the grindr/scruff meme when I moved out of parents and went absolutely fucking crazy
>can't even remember how many guys I've been with
>stopped about two years ago after I tested positive for herpes and hpv
>now I just want to find a serious relationship
>hard to find any gay into ltr and even harder to find someone who's okay with their partner having STDs
Consider yourself lucky, my man. Apps can be an extremely helpful thing or an extremely destructive thing. I have a couple friends who met their partners on Tinder or Grindr and they've been voting strong for years. It's all above it how you want to approach the apps
yes desu
Yeah the whole app thing is very temping, and i'm sure i could score pretty easily..but that's not what i want/what i'm comfortable with.
Good luck man, that sounds rough
10/10 suggestion
My relationship of 4 years ended like 3 days ago, so I doubt I'll be getting a bf in 2017.
Plan to suck lots of cocks though. Just not fall in love with one.
Fuck, that is goal body. Will SS get me there?
>live in Central Yurop (Pooland)
>dyel, dreaming of bara bf
>still in closet
>too chickenshit to just try and download Grindr/Scruff because I'd have to show my face
>very unsure about buttsex
>currently have eye infection anyway, so intimate contact is no-go
I know that feel, and don't know what to do with it either.
were you using protection? not blaming/judging you, that sucks.
>Veeky Forums
Why does the camera lose focus every time he gets low on a rep? Is it autofocusing? This bothers my autismus
Best of luck my guy you're gonna make it
I wanna get that trap bf
How much does a THICC Justin husbando cost at the bf store?
Because I have phimosis and topping physically hurts.
If you have to ask you cant afford one
What will $100 get me at the bf store?
A steve from the discount aisle
>tiny dick
h-how tiny?
>tfw french decent looking slim twink
>only had girlfriends
Why is it so hard to find a bf bros
Alright I guess I should come clean about some things
>be 19
>/pol/ as fuck
>trying to get more Veeky Forums because I want to actually stop being an edgy LARPer
>start coming here and browsing other boards
>getting a social life is hard but I'm working on it
>when I came back home a cousin of mine and I were joking around with the rest of my family
>brings up gay rights and shit
>I say it's a dead issue and it honestly hurts the GOP politically
>over time she subtly drops in with something along the lines of, "user I know you are gay stop being such a shut in about it"
>on the outside I look ok but on the inside I'm like a Jew from those, "OY VEY THE GOYIM KNOW." memes
>over time I find myself repressing it more and more
> looked like a nervous wreck every time gay topics came up
>finally go off to college and start making myself less autistic and edgy
>getting slightly more Veeky Forums over time
>I have a couple friends who I am close with but only one who I have really come out to
> still conflicted over whether I should just come out because at this point
> only reason I'm not is because I rely on my family for school because I don't have enough money on my own to afford school.
Is 7.5" x 5.5" too big?
I remember back when I used to think this guy was ripped af
Now he just looks fat to me...
>Body dismorphia pls go away
>Now he just looks fat to me...
He is.
don't bully my bf pls
if you like being a little gay slut and sucking meaty cocks thats between you and god senpai
big enough for me babe
Got it bro. Have a happy new year
Depends on how hard. I have a firm 8x6 dildo.
Awesome hey I'm looking to get some briefs and I was recommended Aussiebum, are they good because I'm going to get a few pairs.
How do I get Justin's body lads
I was kind of in a similar predicament, user.
>Raised roman catholic, Catholic church and schools always preaching the negatives of sex and homosexuality
>Dad was cool with gays but wanted a manly son, and always emasculated me because of how girly I acted, which strained our relationship greatly
>Mom less so, she didn't understand them, had no desire to, and found them gross
>Eventually find Narnia during my closet exploration
>Dad kicks the bucket, mom still around, figure I might as well open up to her about it before she gets intimate with maggots
>Tell mom, cries right in my face asking why, why I won't give her a grandson, etc
>Figured this would happen, by this point I'd dropped out of college already from stress after dad's death and quite frankly, didn't give any fucks
>Tell her she has to deal with it and accept it because I'm still her son, and I'll always be there for her
>She's becomes a total bro eventually and we hate on Mexicans and Blacks together, despite her being Mexican
I'd say if you desire to open up to your family, do so when you're financially able to or at the very least finished with your major so you don't get fucked by them if shit hits the fan.
Still have my brother to spread our family name, but the genetic blood line was never existent in the first place, with us being adopted from separate families, and not even related.
I wish you the best user, and do explore your sexuality. You'll come across shit like performance anxiety if you haven't gotten with a dude yet but don't let that discourage you.