ITT: How to get rid of depression and get motivated
ITT: How to get rid of depression and get motivated
nofap + cold showers
vitamin d3
fish oil
simple. it's called discipline
dont listen to this cuck. nofap is a fucking meme for 90% of people it only works for a small portion but its mostly a placebo effect because when u do nofap u usually try to do other stuff to increase ur wellbieng. cold showers are also a meme long term because your body gets used to them, they only work effectively for the first week or 2. if u actually want to be motivated and not depressed, take out a paper and a pen, and no, notepad on ur computer doesnt count, write down your goals, write these goals down every single day when you wake up, every single day you write these goals down and when you complete one you dont write it anymore until theres nothing left.
i'd say alternating between cold/hot water in the shower is always good.
Apart from that you're right about nofap. even though i'd do noporn forever since it fucks your dopamine system.
fapping is the worst thing you can do for your physiology. you so many vital nutrient out and send your entire body into a whirlwind
Wake up every day at a decent time and get showered and dresssed
take 5-htp
kills depression, anxiety, social anxiety
but also libido. you won't miss it though and you can still get an erection, you just won't think about sex at all
read the sticky
Find something you enjoy and put your heart into it.
If you cry make sure its in a controlled manner.
Make a list of goals that you don't make progress on as often as you'd like.
Not only CAN it be small goals you think are pathetic to even list, it SHOULD be small goals. Even if it's as simple as "get out of bed and showed before 9 am," they don't all need to be "go to gym at least 3 times a week."
Use a calendar to keep track of your progress on every goal. You won't be perfect, the point isn't to be perfect, it's to be able to clarify your goals, and know if your making progress on the small stuff even if it feels like you haven't improved at all on the big stuff.
improve your looks,career, social life and get some hobbies
hm doesn't seem to be extremely safe.
Goals are for losers
Successful people use systems
better than antidepressives
I would like to improve my life without substances.
I can try it anyways if it's bad enough.
it's literally just amino acids, building blocks your body uses. if the body doesn't need it, you piss it out. it costs like 18 euros for 2 months, try it and it just might change your day. i envision 2017 to be a breeze after taking the stuff
Change your genetics
Stop waiting for it to get better.
Go play Elite Beat Agents
Every year I write down things I want to achieve and habits I want to cut out. Every month I review the list and gauge my progress. Give that a shot OP.
scoobs have you heard about something called the wim hof method? what do you think about it?
Nofap kinda has survivorship bias, people who fail nofap has little self control, while those who succeed have more, it makes it look like not fapping caused them to gain self control when in reality it just shows who already had it in them.
Not fapping is the natural state of man
>ITT: How to get rid of depression and get motivated
>take 5-htp
i'm actually going to try this
anyone have experiences with it? how much should i take?
here's the thing
lifting helps against depression
> instead of just sitting thinking about how your life sucks you're out there thinking about form
>you're among other people who each do their own thing so no social presure to talk to people like you have in bars
> you'll visibly improve yourself thus gaining some self confidence
> fatness has been linked directly to depression
so you want to get rid of your depression? go lifting!
cardio is better for depression
also forgot one thing
if you plan to do cardio and aren't ashamed then go running during the day
even 15 minutes of direct sunlight a day helps with depression
>tfw your depression was caused by over thinking
>tfw turned my brain off and it went away
really try to feel instead of think, this is how normis do it they don't question life
ugh, I hate this, I know my life quality would improve if I felt more rather then just thinking all the time
but I'm just not a good person if I follow my feelings again since I have a really short temper
I don't like runnning.
Can I get something similiar while rowing, biking or roller skating?
not really a runner's high but rather a cycler's dullness
whenever I'm cycling a long time I tend to zone out and hours fly past
>Tfw realizing I'm turning 21 in just a month and also by the end of this year I'll be moving out to a complete new town all by myself
not sure how to feel but it's fucking scary how time flies
friendly reminder
duck out if the compromises make you miserable. duck out if you get miserable. duck out if it just makes you uncomfortable.
the goal is not to force a relationship to keep going. its to find a relationship worth keeping.
there is literally no benefit to frankensteining a relationship other than possibly sex, but you're better off withotu it if it isn't working.
emjoy the relationship for as long as you can. and if it goes south, leave, cuz all you're doing is preventing yourself from finding the good one that might last.
lasting isn't the point, it isn't the goal.
And yeah you have to take the risk of making a high stakes deal with a potentially very unstable person, plus people change. That's life, you can't play all of it safe.
i need to get in a relationship first before i can take your advice
how do i get a gf?
Vitamin D3 faggots
I stopped taking it and started feeling fucking great.
Care to elaborate? Im interested
Basically what this guy said
Most people when they try and make "Goals" they don't have a system/plan/method in place to help them achieve that goal. They just sort of say they will do it and it either happens or it doesn't.
Let's say you want to learn to lose weight. Let's say the goal is 20 pounds. Most just start to say run to try and lose weight, maybe eat a little less, but becuase they don't a system, a plan, there will come a day when they say to themselves, "maybe not today" and they then don't stick to what they said because there is no rigidity to their goal. Maybe it's because they have another bad habit, such as eating when bored, that they don't stop.
With a system you have something to stick to, you have something that punishes you when you fail and you have backup plans to help you succeed. You have something to help dignose problems.
The TL;DR of it is that Goals are meaningless without a proper system in place to achieve it. And even then once you reach that goal it's gone,nowhere as a system can stay in place forever
I read a study last week about sleep and exercise. It is well known than exercising will help you sleep but the study compared the effects of exercise in the morning (07h), mid-day and evening. People who exercised in the morning spent an average of 75% longer in the deep phase of sleep (the most important one).
Can't find source since on phone.
So exercise in the morning and sleep better and be less depressed.
enjoy your eosinophilia myalgia syndrome
trust me. if you have the willpower to achieve a goal you already know how to do it, especially if it is simple and not complex, such as 'hit a 3pl8 squat'. this is a good goal, where as 'get a gf' is a shit goal because you have no way to measure your progress realistically. goals should be
if u follow this guideline and write down youru goals everyday and mentally track your progress you will feel like u have direction and purpose in your life, which motivates people and stops depression
Best advice I ever got about motivation is that motivation is a fickle bitch and you can't rely on it. Motivation is a spark. It only lasts so long and only burns so hot. It will always die out.
What you need to do is build a habit. Routines stick around because they become part of who you are. If you're a guy who takes a walk every afternoon, that eventually gets baked into your personality. You'll take that walk because it's a thing that you do. It'll feel out of place not to do it. Just like showering, or brushing your teeth, or going to bed at a certain time.
How do you build a habit? There's a million books out there on this sort of thing, but the short version is that you plan for it. Otherwise your goals become too vague. You need something small, actionable, and specific.
So an example - you're depressed? Pick some aspect that may be contributing to this. How is your sleep hygiene? Do you normally go to sleep 'whenever' and then start half your days off in a shitty mood at 6am? Perfect chance to plan something out. Write it down - bedtime is 11pm. A bit childish, but bear with it. Can't sleep at 11pm? Find what interferes. Work backwards from there. Last vidya time is 10:30pm, or last caffeine is at 4pm. Whatever. You'll eventually break through. Then maybe try for 10pm to get in a full 8 hours.
Success is a thing of momentum. If you can start pulling off some small successes, the entire thing snowballs.
when I get depressed I start thinking about how I can improve my self. It makes you feel worse at first but then you start to convince yourself that it can be real and you start to come up with really good ideas like easy to make meals and creative ways to get better gains. After a lonely new years eve while I was planning out my keto for the next few days I got really excited over a idea I had about how I can retain more protein and eat less.
I really reinforced myself that I am the only person to think of this or I would have heard about it by now but I bet everyone in this thread is just letting protein seep out of their body via hair. Hair is just protein anyways. So really in the end I was able to put aside my depression by just sitting under a light all night carefully plucking all the hairs on my body making sure to get the root so that they dont come back and waste protein. I think now I can probably eat a bit less too and reach my target weight a few days earlier.
Continuing on...
Momentum. You're sleeping better, so you shrug off the crippling fatigue, so you start doing some light workouts, and now you have actual energy during the day, so you start doing better at work, so you're more likely to get a promotion, so you have more money, so you upgrade your wardrobe, and so on and so on. This is why some people really seem to have their shit together. They have a system, and it feeds success upon success.
But this momentum works both ways. Failures feel failures. That's why you have so many guys just mired in a shitty web of bad habits, negativity, and wondering why they can't get it together. They feel like they can't win. They are stuck. Winning is for 'other people'. Getting the good job or GF or whatever is for other people. Because they've never tasted it. And you can't really blame them - if they've never won how are they expected to feel like they can? The whole 'just be confident' thing is crap for this reason. They know it's a lie. They can't just reinvent themselves on the spot. People don't work that way, because habits don't work that way.
So where do you start? Getting right back to the beginning of my rant, you work at building better habits. Small ones. You don't tackle the whole problem at once. You get some small victories, and then, eventually, your habits start to work FOR you, instead of against you. Winning begets winning and then before you notice it - bam - you've escaped. You're making it. Good luck.
>believing the runner's high meme
kys hobby jogger
are you okay bb?
try cardio, might improve your mood
>I was able to put aside my depression by just sitting under a light all night carefully plucking all the hairs on my body making sure to get the root so that they dont come back and waste protein.
>What you need to do is build a habit. Routines stick around because they become part
routines are terrible for depressed people. Doing the same thing over and over again isn't going to help.
stick a dildo in your ass constantly don't stop if it hurts when you are about to cum STOP.
> wake up at 6am x 360
> discipline x f
> healthy diet
Congratulations, you have beat depression.
>What you need to do is build a habit. Routines stick around because they become part of who you are. If you're a guy who takes a walk every afternoon, that eventually gets baked into your personality.
This. I would add that you have to have the right knowledge, you have to be sure that what you're going to be doing will give beneffits.
Just b urself bro and the world will become your oyster! Any day now....
There was more to it than that.