Today marks my no fap, I will not fap from today till the end of January even longer if I have to, the only time I will be ejaculating will be with my girlfriend. I hear there's a lot of benefits to not fapping, and although fapping is nice I'm pretty sure it effects testostetone/hair/facial hair growth. Anyone know anything more about it? Anyone try it?
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no fap is a bunch of pseudoscience.
I'm going to do no fap 2017. Brb test levels through the roof
This guy is fucking retarded.
I think I'm gonna do it. Just need to find a roastie to bust inside of otherwise I'll get ball cancer.
I'll be doing No-Porn. You No-Fappers are weirdos.
Nah, it's gonna have to take more than that, another part of the woman's body to bother me buddy ;)
I look at No-Porn as a lifestyle. No-Fap is a tool to use when you need motivation for certain things or if you think you're fapping too much, it's good to implement for a few weeks.
Doesn't no fap help facial hair/hair growth, this is coming from a still developing 19 year old
the penis?
Day 8 here, and already had 2 wet dreams so far, still feeling bretty powerful. Aiming for minimum 100 days.
Fucking forget it
Laughing pretty hard that you used a monk as the pic
>Doesn't no fap help facial hair/hair growth
I think it's high time you guys got your own board.
Can't deal with your cancerous bullshit anymore.
If you're baiting me, well done, 10/10.
Well its called going monk mode when you go 100+ days with no fap.
So you're going to stop ejaculating for a whole year with all the harm it involves but the other guy is the retarded one? Okay...
No, he will stop busting nuts by himself, on himself, to two strangers fucking on screen for money. He will still ejaculate with his partner, if he has or gets one. That's the whole point of this thing.
Come on, let's be honest here. 90% of NoFappers are autistic virgin losers that think that NoFap will turn them into super attractive sex god alpha males, they will get some sort of social super powers and women will be throwing themselves at them. That's the only reason for 90% of them.
I respect the other 10% who are actually porn addicts and are trying to cure themselves.
>projecting this hard
say 5 here i need some good porn blocker jewgle extentions
How is he wrong? This shit started for porn addicts and virgin losers ran with it thinking they'll get super powers and that they're draining their body of power every time they ejaculate.
stahp being a pussy any of you who think they cant do better you have to
no fap makes me feel amazing up until some arbitrary point where I start getting odd aches in my body and have to start over. dunno why but it works this way every time. Sex is different for some reason probably because of real human interaction + much higher physical exertion counteracts the memes released by ejaculating. regular sex still leads to a drop in sense of well being after a while too so I dunno. I don't find the evidence to fap or not compelling either way. Seems maybe a moral issue more than anything.
What a coincidence OP, the only time I will be ejaculating will be with your girlfriend as well.
>that think that NoFap will turn them into super attractive sex god alpha males, they will get some sort of social super powers and women will be throwing themselves at them.
This literally happens to me and my friends, and many others while on nofap
Week 2 and people are already acting nicer to me. End of week 1 usually girls start throwing smiles, and end of 2-3 weeks Ill have girls approach me once a week, and girls carry the conversations and I just let myself get hit on at parties
I usually relapse around 3 weeks. Longest ive gone was 60 days but i was doing infantry training and no girls were around. Im exited to see what will happen as I keep going with this!
Ignore the naysayers, nofap magnifies your personality and aura, and those people are just shitty people
I'm still not convinced either way. Do you guys think it's worth it to do no fap when you have diminished libido from Propecia and Paxil anyway? I kinda feel like I need to remind my dick how to get up from time to time or else it'll stop working
Also I'm not sure if I get the same 'benefits' from no fap as if I had normal libido
maybe no porn would be better?
Stop being (((medicated))) you fool!
After just a few days of not fapping I realised that I usually fap whenever I'm bored. This makes me waste like an hour watching porn and then afterwards I get tired so I just watch some show or play video games.
Now I had no choice but to do something (while having too much energy to do whatever I usually did after fapping) so I've been a lot more productive these last few days. Probably not gonna go for longer than a week or so but I think it's really good to not turn to porn whenever you're bored.
>I hear there's a lot of benefits to not fapping
There aren't
>and although fapping is nice I'm pretty sure it effects testostetone/hair/facial hair growth
Fapping doesn't decrease or otherwise negatively affect testosterone testosterone. It's healthy and can do favors for both your body and dick
>This guy is fucking retarded.
>defends a meme
>calls other people retarded
>Doesn't no fap help facial hair/hair growth
>No, he will stop busting nuts by himself, on himself, to two strangers fucking on screen for money
Then he can quit porn which is fine. But there's no reason to demonize and subsequently quit, fapping
>Do you guys think it's worth it to do no fap when you have diminished libido from Propecia and Paxil anyway?
No. Fap, when your not otherwise having sex. also eat more protein, sleep more and work out harder than you normally do
>I kinda feel like I need to remind my dick how to get up from time to time
You do
or else it'll stop working
It will
This guy showing up in every thread, copy pasting the same refutation, and replying to everyone has convinced me to try nofap
Seriously, every single thread. Someone must be paying shills, so this must be worth looking into
>sex with your hand
>call other people losers
Good luck OP.
I'm a porn addict. No fap is a pipe dream for me. I've been trying to use memories and my own imagination but holy shit it's hard.
>Always fap whenever you're not having sex goy, it's good for you.
Fuck off kike.
Does anyone use porn regularly but never have any issue jerking off with nothing or having sex? I cum in like two minutes using either
I just want to stop using porn because I feel like it overstimulates me, but then I'm just horny
All things in moderation user.
dude why cant you just let people do what they wanna do lmao
>I won't fap unless it's with a woman's body
How is a human fleshlight harmless but your hand (also flesh) is bad?
>Paying shills
Are you retarded no one is going to pay money to make sure you masterbate not even the autist who you say is in even every thread. No one gives a shit about you or your dick.
>has a gf
>Still faps
Fuck you
>fourth day of nofap, doing it good
>sleeping, suddenly heard moaning of pleasure from the cutie neightboor.
>fapping until they stopped fucking
What would you do in this situation? Btw I have no earphone or headphone.
Can confirm, you still fap with gf. Your in it for life, pal.
I would look at porn everyday and jerk off at least once or twice a day, now I can't even get fully hard anymore and sex doesnt really excite me. Plus it's taking more and more crazy shit to get me excited.
NoFap 2017 for me