imagine the smell..
Imagine the smell
Ew the fuck is that guy doing? Did he lose a bet?
you never know if she washed that clean
jesus christ. i hate this board
As a black man, I'm calling for a change for all black males
No more fat chicks
We're done with that shit
If you way more than /FIT's average dyel you've got to go
he looks quite into it
All fat white chicks belong to white men.
a challenger appears
>All white chicks belong to white men.
FTFY. Stick to your own kind, coon.
Nah, I'll enjoy blacking white women as I please cuckskin.
>witeboi mad he can't compete so he wants his fat orange daddy to outlaw racemixing and deport Juan
It gets old being the only one in your group who gets approached by the fat drunk girl when we go out.
That man must have testosterone sloshing out of his ears
what did she mean by this
>this triggers the whitey
as an asian guy this happens to me too.
all the cute girls go for skinny hipsters in my city.
>roleplaying a black man
omg yes i need to do that and then fuck her
who is he?
what niggers dont understand is that any white woman who would marry or fuck a black man is by virtue mentally retarded. there is no winning for them because any white girl they fuck is pure trash since any decent or smart white girl would never go for a nigger.
you simply cannot win : )
I am black lol
>no true scotsman
Haha, cute.
how can the whitebois even compete
thats whats up my black brother....
this anons point stands
now kill yourself nigger
You bagged a cute one. Way to go Hispanon
you know damn well she (he?) can't wipe down there very well.
Bros where can i find a woman like that who is willing to fuck me? I was on tinder and matched with one like in that webm. I thought itd be an easy fuck.
I messaged her and told her shes looking thicc and she got offended. I was only trying to be nice. Anyway i tried to set something up and she blew me away. Wtf? Dumb bitch im probably the only me with such a fetish with rock hard abs and she blows me off. Her loss desu.
Anyway where would i find someone else like her?