How am I supposed to breathe during this meme lift?

How am I supposed to breathe during this meme lift?

In and out

Hold your breath for 5 reps

Like a man

Hold your breath...go to amazon and find a relatively cheap trapbar.... exhale when you've clicked order

I inhale before I start the lift and then do a slow exhale on the way up making the hissssss sound so that as little air as possible escapes. Then another big inhale on the way down. I believe it's dangerous to hold your breath during the lift as you will very easily pass out

Big breath before the pull then release when you return the bar to the floor.

I hold my breath all the way up, then exhale at the top. Inhale at the hop, hold my breath on the way down and exhale.

Dangerous. Take breath at top of lift

brace before pull? like you do before every lift?

absolutely do not do this

t. deadlifts sub 2pl8

So what he can deadlift 450 kg?
How is that every going to be used IN REAL LIFE?
Calisthenics is the only useful life exercising for humans.

Its useful for when he needs to lift your momma's fat ass out of bed.

I know this is bait, but sometimes things doesn't have to apply to real life. Lifting is fun, get over it.

>These kind of questions are still asked

Has no one on this board lifted more more than six months?

My mom is dead.


Dude, that guy trains with such intensity that he needs to pop his eyeballs back into his skull after lifting

>Has no one on this board lifted more more than six months?


Out of the coffin, then.

How are they still asked? Because fat powerlifters insist that their form of ridiculous strength is "functional". It is not functional.