Having a baby in your early 20s? What do you brahs think of it

Having a baby in your early 20s? What do you brahs think of it.

21 and accidentally a baby boy.. he's two months now

I have no idea how to feel about it but will probably just go with the flow like I usually do.

I did enough partying and adventuring and drugs in my teen years to not regret losing that part of being young (except I did not have enough casual sex)

I'm not sure where I was headed before hearing that my GF was pregnant but I didn't really care about much except for trying to get laid to make up for my lack of sex in my teens. was getting kinda good at it.. but I'm stupid as fuck (the baby wasnt my first consequence from raw dogging random grills)

I had to move back in to my parents place to not be broke. Now I'm just looking forward to landing a job after I finish my 2 year welding program. That should make things more doable.

Anyone else know this feel?

you dun goofed

i accidently my gf at the time too but she knows id kill her if she made me pay child support just because she decided to leave me or hop on chads dick. so it works out. she was offended at first but understands child support laws and divorce courts favor women and i would kill her and an hero. SOOO she respects me too much to fuck me over. it sounds like you got some dumb SJW feminist normie preggers tho and she will prlly cheat on you or leave you and youll be stuck paying child support. you fucked up

how so? I know there's a lot of stuff that I can't even think about doing now. like going hitchhiking in amsterdam or whatever dumb idea I might have had. but I don't know, it doesn't seem that bad. most guys seem to have a kid sooner or later

>accidentally a baby
did you jizz in shower and your mom get pregos?

enjoy being poor for the rest of your life.

and hope to god you don't get divorced, lose what little you have and lose any future scraps you have with alimony and child support.

You're more of a human than most people here are, or will ever be.
He never mentioned being married.

so your saying you have a baby with your ex but you aren't raising it or paying for it? that seems like a sweet deal if you didn't mind not seeing your kid. my GF is actually alright. she likes splitting things equally and I'm alright with that. I doubt she would cheat, I know her friends and what she's like. but even if she did I wouldn't be emotionally devasted or anything because I don't put her up on a pedestal and I'm not insecure and she knows I would continue on my life if we broke up

ok, he's just gonna be poor and incredibly stressed out then, but not rock bottom from divorce.

I rawdog my gf, but she's on the pill. Neither of us want a kid until much much later. I don't like being tied down like that, and my gf is too career driven to want one.

Plus kids are like little fucking parasites that scream constantly. Fuck that.
Good luck dude. Maybe when you're 30 and everyone around you has had a great time in their 20s you'll wake up and regret having the responsibility of a kid too early, and never having the time or money to pursue the things you want.

>just go with the flow like I usually do

Time for you to grow some balls, man, I'm not saying to ditch the kid but rather to not give a shit about what you or other people think, you a dad now, be the best that there is for the kid, I know yous just want to hear what you want to hear, like how everythings gonna be okay, and 'its okay brah i got kids at the age too ;^)', but fuck it man, just champion watever it is youre dealing with right now, make the best out of it instead of just 'going with the flow'

fuck you mang

yeah, luckily she's really chill, almost like a bro, and doesn't even give a shit about getting married. which I definitely plan to make sure never happens. her family isn't pressuring her whatsoever either.

to be honest we have the first part pretty easy. her mom takes cares of the kid like at least 6 hours a day. and I've been going to school full time with no big problems except for getting 4 hours of sleep some nights. we also got like 2 grand worth of baby shit at her shower

Who says he has to be poor? If he understands how to live within his means, he'll be good. Most idiots are poor precisely because they don't really understand what they actually can and can't afford.

As for the stress, that largely passes after the first year, and it also seems he has family available. A lot of you seem to be very short term thinkers and seem to think that becoming a parent early will ruin your life no matter what.

no she was my gf at the time but we're married now. she ended up miscarrying 3 weeks into the pregnancy anyway.
happier than ever. shes red pilled and respects me too much to fuck me over with child support when we have a kid.
>i doubt she would cheat
man dude love isnt some disney movie. we're humans we make mistakes

Don't worry.

You'll completely and utterly fuck this one up despite humans successfully raising decent members of society since before the 21st century and you'll use all your failures that you set this kid up for by accident as an example of what not to do with your second one while wondering your whole life why the first isn't as good as the second.

Oh, ok I understand. and yeah I know she's not innocent, I believe any girl would cheat if the stars lined up in the sky and the perfect scenario occurred.

but judging my who she is, how she was raised, how the dynamics work in our relationship, and what circumstances she puts herself into I would give her a 2/10 on a likely to cheat scale

Sounds about right except for the last part, I'm pretty sure I'll know why haha

what are you studying?

i hope its engineering or something useful because you about to get fucked with paying child support and student debt

also are you guys religious or is she one of those clingey emotional insecure girls?

He said he was becoming a welder.

Smart kid, not falling for the higher education meme.

no. I'm just doing a welding program at a trade school. up side is its basically free for me.

were not religious. she is somewhat clingy and insecure. but shes not too emotional and listens to logic, very down to earth too. some of the girls I dated I'd be jumping off a bridge if I got them pregnant

The mentality of failures is depressing

If your kid or wife are not white just kill them both otherwiae have more children

Aaaaaaahahahaha you're so fucked.

No babbys till late 30s bruv.

Is this a troll post?

Take care of your fucking kid you mongoloid.

Hey OP I'm in a similar situation.

I'm 23, my girlfriend and I have been together for 3 years and she was always on birth control and I'd cum inside her. Well, apparently it failed and we are expecting a baby boy any day now.

I have a good job, and she does too, we split everything down the middle and she pays her own things (car, insurance, phone) and I pay for my own things. The birth is what I'm most nervous about. I have nieces and nephews so I think I'll be a good dad (or at least not a fuck up).

But let me tell you something user, I had only banged 4 girls before I met my girlfriend. I could always get girls, but I liked the idea of a perfect little relationship with one girl instead of going out and banging sluts - I hadn't been done wrong to where I wanted to run through numerous girls. Once I found out she was pregnant, I started cheating on her like mad. I banged 8 girls within 2 months. To this day, she doesn't know about it and I won't tell her. It's passed by, I feel better about my inexperience now.

RIP test

I'd hop on juice if I were you