Indeed you are, but you also have shittier tatts.
Okay. Time for some stats, nerds. Let's see if anyone even comes within 200lbs of me.
I got a 1765lb Total
Deadlift 720lbs for a single
Squat 595 for a triple
Bench 450 for a triple
Some other shit that I can do better than everyone else
I dumbbell shoulder press with the 135lb dumbbells for 3 sets of 10
Bentover Barbell Rows with 275lbs for 15 reps. Good form
I can strict curl 70lbs for 10 reps each arm
Try and beat me
>Try and beat me
I already have when your skin looks like that
What are you trying to compensate little men?
ITT: roiders
What's your cycle
>playboy bunny tat
Holy shit, talk about poor taste.
How long have you been taking steroids I want to lift like you but I can only afford an 8 week cycle of test
your skin looks like sandpaper
I was going to suggest that his skin needs some good sandpaper
When you have all the perks that I have over you it doesn't matter
I'm 6'5
I get labeled a roider all the time, but only over the internet. No one ever says it to my face. All that means to me is that my methods of taking gear and lifting work so well that everyone immediately acknowledges it. So thank you for the compliment :)
Nice bacne
Show me who this bully is that hurt you
>roiding for this
I did my first cycle in grade 12 when I was 17. I've been hitting it steady ever since. 23 years old now. Took me 6 dedicated years of training and eating full time.
I could say the same about you
How is your curl so weak when you are a roid monster
reposting for new bread, but not bigger than anyone
Go to any gym and show me someone who is curling 70lbs- no, show me someone who is curling 50lb dumbbells in each hand, and they're not swinging or jolting the weight up.
I'm just wondering whether, from what you can see in this picture, it looks like I have an OK frame for putting on muscle. As in, are there any glaring deflects which will make me look strange if I do, or will it improve my appearance. My legs are quite thick.
Does your over 9000 amount of vanity gets you many bitches?
How toxic are the relationships?
And how has your life changed in general compared to before you start lifting?
But I'm taller, look better and have had sex with more women than you.
holy shit dude, how did you manage to get such a huge picture of so little of your body?
Gonna need to see more, from the front to be able to judge frame.
Sorry. Is this more useful?
show boipucci
Don't you worry about hormonal problems?
You need to start lifting first. Then we can get an idea.
I just got out of a relationship. I was engaged to my middle school sweet heart, we reconnected when I was 20. We had a kid together, and one day when she was snooping through my phone when I was in the shower and saw a snapchat that one of my side bitches sent me. If you can imagine all those delicious cardio bunnies at the gym throwing themselves at you because you're an alpha, confident, 6'5 beast, you would have done the same thing.. I regret nothing.
>no picture to post
comment immediately disregarded
What are some good exercises for lats? I do pullups and rows, but my lats don't want to grow
Get your deadlift to 500lbs and stick with wide grip pullups.
This guy at my gym curls 70s on the preacher.
What is your back routine specifically?
>widegrip pullups for big lats
The finest broscience.
What's the price of test where you're from?
Here I can get a full 12 week 500mg/w cycle for $100
The expensive part is getting all the ancillaries like AIs, SERMs and HCG
I told him to get his deadlift to 500lbs, and to STICK with wide grip pullups. Obviously that wouldn't be his entire back workout. You're a puny parasite that has no reason to be cocky because you aren't even confident enough in your physique to post a picture. You probably can't deadlift 405 lmao
You sound very insecure bro. I think you should slack off the roid a bit it is not good for your health
Skin is gross mate
those shoulder pimples
Can you explain to me, like you would explain to a small child, how steroids work? What are ALs, SERMs, and HCG? Why do you need to take them? What is test? What does that DO exactly!?
Deadlifts, pullups, t bar rows rows are my main exercises for back. Is this to little?
go to the /fraud/ thread and they'll fill you in
or go to /r/steroids
you can do that all you want. you won't get big until you start deadlifting big. the pull ups and t bar rows just enhance the deadlift back. They don't BUILD the back.
I didn't say that would be his entire back workout.
My DL has nothing to do with wide grip pullups for a big back being pseudoscience. Regular grip width will do the job equally well.
It sounds fine to me, it's pretty similar to what I do. Do you hit your back once or twice a week?
I don't think this is you
im not that guy but explaining what all of that is will not fit in the word count. In short those control side effects. Just search youtube and google. Dont go into this without all the research.
So how do you explain the ifbb pro's that don't deadlift?
steroids. moron. lmfao.
well, you only give your one rep max for dl, but not squat or bench. i can only wonder as to why you'd push on the deadlift and not squat or bench, but one thing that stands out to me is that you wouldn't need a spotter to push on the deadlift, whereas you would for bench, and perhaps squatting as well. if that's a pertinent factor for you, it would indicate that despite dedicating a significant portion of your time to bodybuilding, you have no friends with whom you lift, and you're a (literally) massive pussy who won't ask a rando to spot you
So you're saying you can't build a great back natty without the use of steroids?
be my daddy
Twice usually
That's good.
How many reps and sets do you do for your pullups and rows?
How to achieve 10 pack senpai
So let me get this straight.
In grade 12, something triggered you and it set the course for your life. Steroids, gym and food. Surprisingly, someone from your middle school (so she knew you before you became a pimple monster) found you attractive enough to reconnect with you during your 20s and you guys planned to get married and had a kid together? You must have felt confident in each others love to do all that. Or just retarded kids straight from highschool that don't know what they want. The ladder, most likely. And you post on this disgusting hell hole website on your free time? What an attention whore little faggot.
>that fucking acne
Yeah you're big, but thar roidacne though...
physique immediately disregarded
3x8 rows and 5xf pullups
Being bigger and stronger than me isn't much of an achievement.
Posting again because nobody responded ;(
ppffffff bahahahaahahahahahaha
Unfortunate genetics
People with narrow shoulders shouldn't lift.
>playboy tat
>uses illegal drugs
You wreak of trash
I lift but I've been told I don't eat enough
don't forget
>cheats on his fiancee (who he has a child with) on a tinder skank. ruined his wedding plans and doens't see his kid that often anymore
I think you look good buddy
are you floating
>His chil
Didnt know males could cary fetuses and birth babyes, interessting stuff
no rude pls
Don't worry, samefag
kek, implying your youtube natty heroes aren't on at least trt doses of test.
damn, that's rough.
>playboy tattoo
I too enjoy beating my baby mama while I drink natty ice.
You both forgot about his monster energy apparel.
saving this for the "worst genetics" thread.
Sounds fine to me. It might just be a matter of time.
i would love to fuck your tight boy ass.
why I don't trust Veeky Forums anymore
Thanks, any imbalance you see?
It's like a smaller, less aesthetic masT with traps so small they don't even have definition when you lean forward with your head down. How is that even possible when you're doing enough to have a roidgut as pushed out as your pecs?
Hi, I curl 50 lb dumbbells for reps on arm day natty with good form and I probably weigh 2/3 as much as you.
At least you have the crippling insecurity masT has down to a T.
This is a failed Cbt if I ever saw one. You're even easier to poke fun at than masT is.
Sup bb. How's the bulk going?
damn you look good, what is your workout routine? howd you get your chest pecs so defined?
Look good, height?
nigga u gotta moisturize
Do I have potential to be aesthetic? I'd like to try and do a male physique show next year any feed back would be appreciated
Still no gf
Full front if that helps
Use your aesthetic for tinder
5 months in
thanks, im on greyskull lp with accessories, chest work is 3x5 bench and 3x8-10 chest flies
5'9 prince of manlets lol
going to bed c u guys in the morning
Would seem to self absorbed if i added this as a tinder pic. I have my instagram linked so i guess they can see it through there.
Do more shoulders and back to balance that chest man
Rate my snakes
Height and weight?
I'm 183cm 57kg spooky skelly and have a very similar frame
Feels like if i had ~5kg muscle on my upper body i could escape to DYEL.
>Feels bad everyone is bigger than me
>still no gf
muscles don't fix autism user
keep cutting chunky monkey
5'10 187lbs