It's gonna be 2017 and we got to stop lying to ourselves. I want a fucking trap gf. How do I get one? Any advice?
I just want to make it brehs pls no bully
Trappin general
I actually would fuck a trap in all honestly since the general consensus is that it isn't gay. There's nothing really wrong with it, plus on top of looking feminine (at least the passable ones), they have a free protein dispenser you can use to your advantage.
t. closet fag that likes swallowing
Easy as hell to find trap escorts that are gorgeous but quality gf passable traps are seemingly Bigfoot rare.
I didn't even think about this user thank you. That protein boost tho.
Traps confirmed best for gains? Women BTFO
>not liking free protein injections
Not gonna make it.
Try hanging from a noose and seeing if one comes to your aid.
I don't have a problem with it.
I think it'd be hard to find a really cute trap. Even harder to get them to want to fuck you.
If you want a no effort trap, just go to a gay bar|?
No homo.
Not gonna make it.
>go to fit
>r9k goes to the gym crying about wanting gfs. Want trap gf because "free protein r-right guys? haha..."
>go to lgbt
>autistic traps crying about finding boyfriends and whether pretty enough or not
Someone should make a Veeky Forums match up site.
jesus user I didn't even think of that. Although I would never seriously fuck with someone who uses Veeky Forums yuck
>I just want to make it brehs pls no bully
>brehs pls no bully
>no bully
Do you seriously think nobody is gonna bully you for this? Also reporting for not being Veeky Forums related.
Jesus christ I don't know what I expected, but I did not expect to find literal gay fascists. This fucking website
how do i get trap gf
Hahaha oh god damn! You guys must be the same heroes who gets so fucking butthurt about nofap/noporn threads. I also guess you are responsible for those cuckold CHAD praising threads am i rite?!
1.Go top anime cons
2.Show off gains
I've never been to an anime con before though, wouldn't it be weird if I just went to one by myself?
I don't think so. It might be a little weird if you're going by yourself AND you don't give two shits about anime. But if it's just one or the other, then I see no issue.
>complains about fascism
pol has a ton of fashy traps that just want to be a girl in the most basic sense.
You might be surprised to hear this but Veeky Forums is actually a pretty diverse place, that includes ideas and beliefs
no problem on that end
>It might be a little weird if you're going by yourself AND you don't give two shits about anime
Do chicks dig gundams? It's the only malaysian cartoons I bother keeping up with. Aside from that, I'd probably watch another anime series in any given year.
>you will never have a qt passable fascist trap GF to banter with and cook you high protein meals and raise your child you had with a white surrogate
traps like moe. try getting into Kancolle
> when these guys are pushing 30 and hit the wall
What's gonna happen to them?
>traps hitting 30
You're right - the suicide rate
I guess it's just a hypothetical
>White mother
On to something good
>Raised by trap
Will grow up with multiple mental disorders.
Wisen up, user.
>you'll never score a game winning touchdown for your trap gf and wreck her boipussy later that same night.
idk man, a fashy trap would try very hard to be a true decent woman. Might not be a bad mother?
If they are just a crossdresser, then when they can no longer pull it off they become swishy gay men. If they're trans and on whoremoans, they age like any other woman except without hormone swings due to menstrual cycle or menopause. If they're trans and not on whoremoans, probably sudoku.
Tfw trying to attract a flashy gay guy at uni