how do you even start fixing arms this skinny?
How do you even start fixing arms this skinny?
Picking things up and putting them down
Lifting things against gravity + eating food
Thanks buddy
by at least doing chores in the house
lol my arms looked like that a few months ago, do lots of work on ur tricep, mostly the long head. i did overhead barbell extensions lying down
That's what my arms looked like when I started lifting
In a way it's actually pretty awesome with arms like this, with noob gains progress you just appear to fucking explode
Workout for 6 months and double your size, proceed to get showered with compliments from people you haven't seen since you started
deadlift all the weight
Lifting just makes my wrists feel like they are going to implode
You're curling, right?
You're gripping the bar too tight. Let your wrists relax slightly. Remember you're curling with your biceps and not your wrists.
In what exercises? I get the same feeling with straight bar curls. EZ curl bar makes it much better.
yeh u have shit mobility in ur arms,
You should have maximal tension in all involved muscle groups, if your forearms hurt when curling, it means their working, if they feel like they cant bear the load efficiently, either you're not keeping them straight or you literally have forearms so underdeveloped that your flexors have to default into loading your joints and bone structure, if thats the case do more vertical pulling and grip work. Focus on keeping your wrists straight in all your lifts
No I just have weak skinny wrists.
My wrist diameter is literally 2 inches, the mere act of holding the weight up while I curl is painful
>have forearms so underdeveloped that your flexors have to default into loading your joints
if this is actually a thing that happens it's probably the case, it is a real deep tinging pain
Generally next to impossible, you dont really get tracking issues through the elbows,
Lift lighter, a wrist exercise I did when I was dyel was: close your hand as fast as possible for 30 seconds but dont have your fingers bent like a fist if that makes sense xF
I'm not putting on some faggy wrist wraps to do some curls.
Why are you curling? No beginner program has Curls??
Yeah it is.
Try to deload your curls to like literally 5-10 pounds on the bar and just focus on keeping the movement strict, like unless you have some massive asymmetry in your forearm to bicep strength, I'd say aiming for 12-15 reps strict should allow near perfect loading.
my wrist diameter is 1.8 inch and girth of 5.5 inch kill me
There's nothing wrong with curling. Most brosplits involve it, and even if you're doing >SS you can throw them in there as an accessory. Literally no point to not perform the most comfy exercise of them all
well then, enjoy your tendonitis
Just checked my wrists. I also have a 2 inch wrist diameter and can deadlift 3pl8, which I know isn't that much but still. If your wrists are causing you that much pain then there must be something wrong.
Or I could just use the ezbar or dumbbells which give me no pain.
and no gains either
I don't have a fucking clue what I'm doing, if that wasn't already apparent. I have single arm barbells with either 3 or 5kg on them and I just do some basic bitch exercises
my forearms aren't much wider which probably doesn't help
thanks for the advice so far everyone
On what planet is three plates not much. I come from a rec gym and I see a deadlift over 3 plates maybe once every two weeks, usually from the same people. If you're actually talking for reps that's not bad, thats fucking double bodyweight for most people.
I had arms like you, then I started to
>Chin ups, 25-50 reps total, doesn't matter how you get there
>EZ bar curls, 3-5x8-12. As much weight as you can but make sure you get at least 24 total reps in
>Skullcrusher, 3-5x6-10. This is a monster builder, highly recommend
Well It's not bad I guess but on Veeky Forums anything less than 4pl8 is dyel.
On Veeky Forums to be considered average you have to do at least 4 plaet and be at least 6'2
anything less is suicide tier