Should I join the military or get a bigboy job?
Should I join the military or get a bigboy job?
don't join the military unless you enjoy jerking off other men in the shower and killing brown people so that we can have more oil
The US military is literally just a ginormous daycare center that retards check themselves into. Get a real job. Consider water treatment or hazardous waste disposal.
This is what I see. I notice that my veteran coworkers have like 0 personality and only talk about the military.
i live with a marine (he might be a former marine, i'm not really sure) and he's never even been in combat and he can't shut up about the marines
You just know whoever made this pic was cheated on during fleet week
I value my time in the army, I'd recommend an enlistment to most people considering it. At the same time, it's not for everyone, and you should be done by like 26 at the latest.
I went army reserve
one weekend a month, 2 weeks in the summer, and I can say I'm in the military while in college
pretty sweet I'd recommend it
This, don't be career enlisted. Commission if you want to stay in the military. I'm done after my four, even though I'm thankful for the skills I've gained and benefits I've earned
Its what you make it. It's been a pretty gay four years but I'm about to get out with 30 grand in the bank, a paid off newish car, a bunch of nice shit, and a GI bill. I've developed a ton as a person, because I had the time and the help to do so.
Don't join if you're:
>a depressive, lazy, or pessimistic person
Because you'll just be miserable the whole time and not accomplish shit for yourself
>unable to save money
Because you'll just get out right where you started (all my friends are in this boat)
>a pussy or the type of dude that thinks he's gods gift to fucking mankind for doing 4 years of muh military service
You had me at killing brown people
It really does seem like a joke of a job until you get personally ordered to clear IED's from roads so tanks can get through, and someone actually makes an honest-to-legitimate attempt on your life, then it stops being funny
whether or not you think the wars we've fought are useful or justified is another story, but the fact remains that soldiers are forced to go into enemy territory where people are constantly trying to kill them
with that said, the GI bill is super profitable. i got the equivalent of $80k of tuition for free from uncle sam
but now im in my senior year at a top engineering school with a 4.0 gpa, about to make serious bank. i do applaud you on your big boy jobs though.
>enter the chairforce for four years
>get paid being a chairforce guy
>get to wear a fancy uniform at functions
>they pay all my tuition for higher education after my service/pay for my law education should I decide to go JAG
if you ain't ammo you ain't shit
Most of the military is brown these days . That might explain the friendly fire statistics :^)
Ah yes those contractors and college loan sufferers who show up really pile on to the retard stack you got us there mate.
No, infantry is retard tier. Intel/corpsman/officers(some)/ SF are all based as fuck.
is it worth joining just to get into the reserves? I'm 20 and I'm unmotivated to go to college
Try and find a full time guard spot
>unmotivated to go to college
>yet motivated to join the military.
Look, if this is the kind of person you are you will fucking hate the military. Being junior enlisted military and getting a bachelor degree are kind of similar. In both cases you can either skate by, do the bare minimum, stay out of trouble and get out with muh benefits/muh degree. Only difference is that in the military your life is gonna suck 100x more, depending on your branch/job. Being unmotivated, in any aspect of life, is not a good thing, and won't get you very far in any path.
Myself personally, I lost my college scholarships and am poorfag so I joined the military for the GI bill, which is probably one of the greatest government benefits ever brought into practice. I was a piece of shit drug dealer for a couple years and then I joined the marine corps as an infantryman (literally the shittiest least rewarding job in the entire military) because I thought it would instill some discipline in me and it did. I also got to do things that very few people will ever get to do. It has sucked absolute dick and balls at times, but it's going to be worth it when I'm going to college for free and receiving a monthly housing stipend for four years.
My father put it thusly: nobody has ever regretted serving in the military
my town offers only offers a position as a 12n horizontal construction engineer
I'm thinking about joining the navy. I like being on the ocean and like the idea of cheap travel. Heard it is literally gay though. Anybody have any insight? Other option is marines but i don't actually want to kill anybody
don't go subs
unless you like hotracking
I'm just looking at joining to build my confidence a bit more, because of muh social anxiety, and also to have military experience incase I do law enforcement one day
If you want to go law enforcement go infantry (or MP but then your life will be gay and literally everyone will hate you)
I'm in the navy right now what do you want to know
My best friend joined the Marines a good 6 month ago. He recently came back to town to visit before he gets send to an other state for training. Right when he came back they put him to work at one of the recruiters stations, they send him to recruit people at a mall, that day he send me a text that it was boring as fuck and that's all hes being doing since he got back. He leaves tomorrow and i don't know when hell come back, he told me that he wannit infantry but that denied him because he was too old. So far it does sound like it sucks.
Navy's pretty gay but it's not too gay
Choose your rate choose your fate
I am on a ship and it's terrible but it really depends on the command
Um if you have any specific questions I can answer them
what kind of paths can you go down, and what duties do you have?
also by gay do you mean bad or [spolier] the good kind {spoiler}
>free food
>free gym
>free housing
>free education
Sign me the fuck up
you know who else does that? PRISON!
I don't get this shit. A bunch of people I know joined and all they do is dick around around town all day doing literally nothing. If this is true, is it worth it to into marine mode?
Both literally and figuratively
But it's just boys being boys, there's only three gay dudes on my ship and on deployment nobody resorts to homosexuality contrary to popular belief
There's a lot of paths you can go down, it all depends on your rate. Some rates give you college credits just by being in that rate and going to your a and c schools.
I have seen 5 European countries so far, I'll probably see ~3 more on deployment
If you're smart you can rank up quickly, i'm e5 after a year and a half
Prison has no GI Bill newfag
What makes it terrible? Is there a gym in the ship? How much money are you making? What is your average day like? When you get to a port do you swim in foreign pussy?
I used to be gung ho yeah Marine Corps is the coolest branch, then I joined the Air Force. I realized you'd be stupid or masochistic to join any other branch, we just live better than everyone else. I'm going to be paid to party in Germany for two years.
How do you live with someone and not know whether they're active military or not?
Command bullshit
Having a shitty chain of command
Yes all ships have gyms now, carriers have full gms with squat racks and everything
I'm e5 so I make like 38k a year with bah and my regular salary, you can earn a lot more if you're stationed in CA or overseas
My average day I come in at 7, start actually working at 0830 until 11, eat lunch, get back to work at 12, then work until anywhere from 13-17
Some rates get off at like 12 every day it's fucking bullshit. Duty every few days is always shit too
Yeah some ports they absolutely love us, the only port I visited where we weren't welcomed by the locals was Estonia.
Marines take themselves way too seriously. Navy or Air Force are both good choices. Steer clear of Coast Gaurd. Army is on the border of shit and okay
Nothing wrong with coast Guard man they have it good over there
Is lateral entry a meme?
So overall would you recommend it? I'm in pretty good shape, just dropped out of school...don't really know what else to do with my life. What is basic like? Is it difficult?
Not everyone sees the world like you do. I wanted to blow shit up and just be a state-sanctioned criminal
> tfw Uncle Sam must've spent half a mil on me by now, teaching me to break into houses a dozen ways, hotwire cars, and just steal shit
Only if you get fucked by the recruiter, get everything in writing and have a fuckton of patience
>and have a fuckton of patience
Aware me on this bby
Also what does your "work" entail? Thank you.
If you score well on the asvab, don't have any criminal convictions, are willing to do rate research, and have a decent idea of what you'd like to do, yes I'd recommend it. Even though I can't wait to be a civilian again, I don't regret joining.
Being Infantry appealed to me too but we are in a constant state of limited warfare. Special ops are the only guys that see consistent combat right? Maybe after my enlistment I'll see if I want to go to school or go for the high speed life
>dying branch full of those people you think are cool but turn out to be shit
My whole family was coast guard. Coast Gaurd is absolute shit
wtf do all those numbers and words mean. I'm not American (Ausfag) so credits or whatever aren't an issue for me
I perform regular maintenance on all the lifesaving and casualty control equipment on our ship
I also train the crew on various damage control techniques, positions, and equipment
Pretty boring desu
I'm going to have to call bullshit on your E-5 after a year and half unless I'm missing something. My friend is a nuke and is only e-4 after two years
I got top grad in engineering A school so I got automatic e4 in january. Tested for e5 in September and results came out a few weeks ago.
You had me at more oil
How long have you been serving and when will you become a civilian again? Have you attended college/plan on doing so? What is rate research?
I got top grad in tech school and didn't get shit for it
fuk u sailer
The time nigga
I've been in a little over and a year and a half
I went to a year if community college before I enlisted, i'm planning on getting my associates while I'm in and finishing up my bachelor's once I'm out in 2020
Just general research on your rate, what sounds interesting, which rates have decent quality of life, which are useful as a civilian, etc
What happens if I have an associate's when I enlist? A bachelor's? A master's?
you get called a retarded for enlisting with a bachelors or higher
How the fuck is this fitness related?
You waste four years of your life
If you have any degree you should commission as an officer
>Forced to be Veeky Forums
>Gay as fuck
Wow how is this NOT Veeky Forums related
I am retarded. I did not know the difference between enlist and commission
That's okay but yeah officer life is ezpz with pretty good money I wish I was an officer