Ranger school weight loss

So you go to ranger school they starve you, you lose like 20 to 40 pounds, and look like a 16 year old hard gainer when you get out and most rebound weight very quickly all in fat around stomach.

Ideally, is it better to get to regular weight to balance out, then cut to lean and bulk back up to old muscle mass, or deal with the insane cravings of losing 40 pounds in 2 ish months and slowly bulking back up to mass?

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you're gonna be hungry regardless
you've lost shit load of gains

going back to classic periodization model you need to take it the fuck easy for atleast 2 weeks. going only as hard as biking at a moderate pace while filling your macros and micros.

2 weeks after that down time, its type to start from scratch on a hypertrophic program.

the whole point is to train you for shitty conditions that might come about you idiot. Yeah it's stupid but you need the starvation experience or...


Periodization, good resource for this?

Also from scratch like SS?

Yeah not questioning the tab or the school just talking about long term recovery. Is it better to gain weight quick for broken metabolism or to just gain back slowly and try to put on only muscle?


1-You talking about RASP or RIP?
2-You already in?

I'm talking about ranger school. The school that gives you the ranger tab. I'm an officer, rasp 2 gets you into the regiment and can only be done after the tab had been obtained

>can only be done after the tab had been obtained
Maybe its different for officers but for enlisted this is definitely not true at all.
I was making sure you knew the difference between the 2 cause most assholes dont. And youll be fine, RIP is a fucking joke now. Those 2 women passed. with lower standards, but still RIP is a joke youll be fine as long as you arent a complete bitch.

Surprised that you lost weight while guzzling an endless supply of semen in ranger school (Sperm has more protein than steak)

Your best course of action now is 5x5 buttsex with your battle buddy followed by at least 30 minutes of anal lunges (careful doing these as your anus will have become very loose after 3 weeks at ranger school)

Fuck meant to reply to

It is different, every officer in the reg has a tab.

oh wow!are you a marine?

This is the army not the navy but I'll be sure to pass it on. Also haven't been yet.

>It is different
Word. Well either way youll be fine, again assuming you arent a bitch.

Look up Nick Bare on YT user. He started as gym and is leaing the Army but he went from 220 to 180 doing Ranger School and then built himself back up:


Goddam right I'm a fuckin marine. I eat nails and shit molten fucking steel. I fucking jerk off with fucking razor blades and lemon juice. I can kill a terrorist from 1000 meters with my eyes closed and my hands tied behind my goddam back. I am a devil dog. I am a descendant of Spartans. You fucking tracking shitbird?

>MOS: disbursing

You ARE going to eat a lot, just try to make it more rice and vegetables than french fries.

You're talking out of your butthole. RIP is dead, RASP is now what RIP used to be, and "Ranger School" is a separate entity.

c r i n g e

Since this seems to be the /milifit/ thread right now, I have a question.

I finally went to the recruiter last week and filled out the medical prescreening. Everything was fine except it said "absence or limitation in olfaction".

I can't smell worth a damn, basically just strong chemical odors and things like that. I pretty much need to be standing in an outhouse to smell shit. My dad said no one really cares as long as you keep your ass clean and pay attention, but do they ever check that kind of thing? As an infantryman, will I ever be expected to sniff anything out?

It's literally never come up in day-to-day civilian life, but I don't want to set myself up for a less-than-honorable disqualification if they find out somewhere down the line.

Not really, no. Did you check this box or did someone at MEPS do it? If it's you filling it out, remember rule #1: Just Fucking Lie. If you're ever smelling phosgene gas or whatever, you're too late anyway.

Oh of course I didn't tell them shit. I'm just worried that I'll be four years into a five year stint and they say "hey user, we're training on explosives today and you need to smell the difference between c4 and inert thermite".

Though I guess at that stage I could say I lost my sense of smell after the tear gas room.

That... is not a realistic scenario. Lots of people lie about past broken bones or childhood asthma, your shitty sense of smell won't even register as an issue unless you say something.

Thanks for the reassurance, man.

yeah you definitely said something you little shit

rush Army

I told them I had bronchitis as a kid, but they didn't write it down. Hopefully it doesn't come up again.