So Veeky Forums, have you seen any hilarious workouts from the NYR fags yet?
So Veeky Forums, have you seen any hilarious workouts from the NYR fags yet?
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Gym opens tomorrow and I'm at the beach so I will be there at like 3 on, pray for me bros
This one guy lifted a bar with his neck and then collapsed. He barely made back up but fell down again. I tried helping him, but he called me a faggot and told me to fuck off. NYRers I swear.
Not yet. I do the thing at a powerlifting gym that costs more than $10 a month, so we haven't seen an influx just yet. There were a few skinny DYELs leading up to Christmas break, so I assumed they were students (college town here) trying to get some quick noob gains before they went home to try get some high school pussy.
But yeah, mercifully absent of NYRs at our place for the time being. I do go fairly early in the morning, though.
>Dumbell curls in a squat rack
>Someone attempting barbell rows with a smith machine
>60% of treadmils being taken up by walkers
In fairness I was expecting much much worse.
>Gym has 2 power racks, 1 olympic lifts station, 2 bench press stations (and sets of weighted barbells up to 40kg)
>go in earlier today and all five stations were being used, with a grand total of 25kg being used across all five bars.
>1 girl overhead pressing just the bar for 10mins, 1 girl benching just the bar, another squatting just the bar, one guy squatting 30kg total and the other guy benching 35kg.
Was funnier watching other guys walk in looking to use the racks and staring in disbelief at the shitshow
crossfit is retarded, but that pic is just a weighted pistol squat basically
if he can stand up from there and not die thats actually pretty impressive
stupid as fuck but impressive
>doesnt know about deadstop rows
never gonna make it
With the added ability of being completely unstable with the bar in the most dangerous position it can possibly be in.
Just because "it's basically this" doesn't mean it isn't fucking retarded and hilarious
I should clarify, he was doing it into his sternum not lower abs.
I saw a guy lift 1 30lb dumbbell above his head and walked across the gym then back then switched arms.
>60% of treadmils being taken up by walkers
this infuriates me
I saw something that TRIGGERED me hard today...
Guy half-squatting 1 pl8 while wearing Nike Romaleos.
Thats actually a good core exercise.
Though I don't know if 30lbs is enough to be worth bothering with. I'm sure he would benefit more from getting actually stronger first.
Not really but it was full of skinny teenagers today. They weren't doing anything crazy, just taking up space and standing 2 feet away from me when I'm benching. I was also doing some light weight high rep cable curls and when I was resting, some kid came over, doubled the weight and did some shitty form curls using his back to get the weight up.
It's impressive he managed to accomplish that position.
Is it supposed to be like assisted handstand pushups?
you wish you were skinny
I've seen a faggot starting faggot threads about NYR.
I went to an Anytime Fitness around 10pm last night and it was empty until a cleaning crew came in, which I've never seen before.
I guess the staff has been out for the holidays.
All weights were racked, nothing was amiss.
Kind of worried about today. I have to go earlier and I'm just doing cardio and maybe ab exercises, which I'm guessing NYRers are all over.
nah m8. I'm barely out of skinny mode.
Some guy using bumper plates on the Smith machine.
Other than that, no. Just a bunch of skelly teenagers and old people who never put their weights back where they got them.
Four power cages in gym. One occupied by a girl squatting like 70 lbs. Okay, fine. Second one occupied by a guy doing barbell curls with the shittiest, floppiest form I've ever seen. Third occupied by a guy doing weighted pullups. When the pullup stand was literally 10 ft behind him, and empty. Last one was occupied by a guy doing inclined pushups.
I was unimpressed. Pullup guy and pushup guy were there for like half an hour too.
this worries me since it's only 3 weeks ago i started weightlifting.
i'm only just off the bar weight for ohp and squat. That and my deadlift is only at max 40kg as well makes me feel nervous that the big guys judge me.
>Last one was occupied by a guy doing inclined pushups.
He used the cage to preserve his safe space.
>bodyweight exercises in the power cage
This shit makes me homicidal.
I saw a guy skate out of the changing rooms, through the 25m of gym space to the exit.
We all start somewhere, homie. Just don't fuck about like these idiots. It's easy to tell when someone is memeing in the gym or if they're actually trying to train.
>cage has everything so they can do pullups on it
blame your gym. There were only two areas to do pullups in my gym...and one of them was the only squat rack. Luckily people don't squat in the military nor do pullups. They're tired from doing pullups and jogging
It's easy to tell the difference between people who are actually working out and those who are just "trying"
Biggest give away are people who wander around, find something they want to do, load up a crazy weight, give up after 1 rep, go down to a lower weight, do 8-12 reps and then go straight onto the next machine.
I know this because that was me a year ago.
>they don't do pullups. They're too tired from doing pullups
Underrated x2
Yeah I saw this one twerp doing decline bench press,
I lold so much @ his life and carried on quarter squating
>get onto the treadmill
>inb4 cardio kills gainz
>do some running
>see a woman two mills beside me
>she is using it on the lowest walking setting
>she is standing sideways
>she squats down
>raises a bit
>sidesteps like a crab, then squats down again
>>Someone attempting barbell rows with a smith machine
What's wrong with this?
Inverse overhead dips, nukka.
She has wide thighs, she's just trying to burn the fat off of the sides.
that looks pretty badass actually
Not exactly workouts, but a story
>go to the gym fairly early to avoid new year fags
>go together with grill, 7/10 really good body
>already ~20 people there, mostly elderly people
>start my workout, notice this older guy in blue sweater, grey formal pants and leather shoes lmao
>in the entire 2 hours in which I did my workout he stared at my friend
>literary fucking gazing like he saw someone raise from the dead
>tell her, she tells about a woman ~50 who keeps staring at me
>they realise we are talking about them and they quickly leave
I swear to fucking god if they do that again I'm going to hit them
Also they did nothing the entire time. They just sat on the machines and didn't let other people use it even though you could really see others wanted to.
Not even nyers, just 3 idiots I see frequently who spend an entire hour doing bench press and nothing else (they all share one bench)
Nothing hilarious yet, but tons of old people using the only bench press (there are some additional free, utility benches) in the whole gym to stretch on. I have a feeling they all have the same personal "trainer".
My gym doesn't re-open until tomorrow
Just saw someone doing planks in the only power rack of the gym. Thank god a squat rack was available
>not part of 24/7 gym master race
>going to a newer "nicer" gym near my place
>no T-bar row/landmine
>hate doing barbell rows
>fucking barbells missing from power racks or being used by guys benching 95 lbs so cant rack pull
What can I replace t bar rows with? Are dumbbells gonna cut it?
We have one squat rack and it was empty the whole time because all the new guys were doing chest and biceps.
Is there space in a corner to stick a barbell for a landmine setup? Otherwise, yes dumbbells or cable rows may be your only option. Or switch to your other gym which I assume had a T bar.
I wish. Just moved to a smaller base and the gym was closed but wasn't closed Christmas eve or new years eve?
Thats a legit exercise, it's called a Dumbbell Waiter's walk, it's a core workout.
At least they share it and don't occupy 3 benches. I bet if you asked to work in they would let you too.
How about start with this part next time? The whole staring shit I couldn't give two fucks about but doing nothing with machines/benches etc pisses me the fuck off
I like dumbbell rows. I do them or cable rows, fuck barbell rows
thanks senpaitachi
I just started yesterday myself (102lb skelly, 5'5) and I am worried I look stupid.
I don't think I did anything really bad but just thinking I might have seemed like I was a tryhard when I was just nervous
>did farmers walks whilst singing 'OLD MCDONALD LIFTED WEIGHTS.... AND HE GOT BIG ARMS', was just to focus but shouted quite loud
>had to do wall pushups due to being weak, only I did them on a mirror that I think people were using
>tried to lift a barbell with two dumbbells
>tried to do a kettlebell swing where I would headbutt the bell on its way to improve flexibility
sorry if you had to be distracted by me, I live in Glasgow, Scotland, UK.
what location
well more people today was at my outdoor gym than usual.
firstly people was always in my running lane and shit
Then people was just leaning and chatting by the dips area
raging man
>tried to lift a barbell with two dumbbells
Using shrug machine. Old hunched over lady comes up and tries to grab a 35 off the bar as I'm shrugging it up and down. Can't get it because it's a moving target and she doesn't want her hands to get hit I guess? Finish set and put weight down, she grabs it and shuffles away without saying anything
>mfw there was a fully loaded weight tree right behind her
>mfw came in contact with my first literal gains goblin
they are going to harvest your organs
Haven't gone yet will at night but I'm nervous it's gonna be bad
>did farmers walks whilst singing 'OLD MCDONALD LIFTED WEIGHTS.... AND HE GOT BIG ARMS'
I know this isn't real but it's still hilarious.
The only person you've got to worry about is yourself. You, your motivation and drive, the work and effort you put in.
I started with 5x5 50 bench. Today, I OHP-d 50 4x8.
The big guys think about their own performance, the technique and weights they're putting up. They aren't there to hunt down people who are weaker than they.
The thing about training core that I really don't get is that most people I see doing it look like absolute shit. Fatties, bodyweighters, women...
Yesterday I saw a few teens practicing their up right row on the bench.
And by up right row, I mean one of them was doing a 1pl8 bench while the other was violently yanking the bar whenever it hit their chest
I also saw them hold hands on the fake bench machine where you sit instead of lie down. Dunno if the guy was pushing or pulling
keked and checked
>no one did pull ups
>obviously not marine
>You will never stick your nose between her sweaty asscheeks and sniff
Why even live?
>people don't squat in the military or do pull-ups
You must be in the fucking Air Force or some shit, literally everyone in the marines is a broscience wannabe power lifter. The shit I hear on a daily basis makes me cringe.
Luckily they all hate crossfit so I go to the HITT (basically USMCs version of crossfit) gym on base and it's always deserted. Yet they still have power racks, and plenty of barbells and plates.
The HITT gym was where the wives would go sometimes. Other than that it was a great place to do squats and deadlift in peace
some dyel fag was going around to every machine and carrying a set of 15lb dumb bells with him to do curls between every set. Guy was 5'10 and 150lb maybe.
Then some chick was using a padded weight bench as a step to walk on even though the gym has actual platforms for doing that shit.
Nothing too testatacular but we'll see tomorrow after work during rush hours.
Well you shouldn't be doing OHP in the squat rack anyway.
You can't lift as heavy if you have to clean the weight first, at least I can't.
a planet fitness opened up in my area back in april or something so i'm hoping all nyrs flock there instead of my comfy ymca (pf if 1/5th the price so why wouldn't they)
pretty tame today, actually got a power cage when I first stepped in which doesn't happen as often as I like
It's a possibility. They were the main sponsor of Dick Clarks New Years Eve thing. They gave virtually everyone in the crowd free hats that said "Triumph Together" and Ryan Seacrest shilled their free pizza and bagels thing
>that guy who wears a fucking yoga mat on his back while squatting
>that guy who moans like he's getting laid while using the chest press machine at 1/2 plate
>that guy who OHPs 25lb for infinite reps grunting and groaning very loudly in the smith machine while wearing a fucking belt
Technically the last one is not a NYRfag but started late last month
Very odd but 100% true moment today...
>0600 @ the gym to avoid NYRfags
>Load up my bar for squats and finish my warmup
>Notice some brown powder on my gloves (Yes I am literally gay and literally keeping my hands soft to give better handjobs.)
>Thought it was rust, but there was a ton of it and it had a distinct smell
>It's fucking cinnamon.
Now which one of you retards was using ground cinnamon for chalk at the UH rec center?
Hey buddy you got the wrong door. The leather club's two blocks down.
Nah I think I got the right board. Feels right.
That's brilliant, I don't like the smell of magnesium.
Thanks for the tip.
It's a meme, you dip
This is the most Veeky Forums video I've ever watched in my life
Seen a guy doing heavy triples of behind the neck press.
"fuck you"
No fuck you leatherman.
Not a nyr fag story, but i'll share.
>be me
>doing bench
> browsing Veeky Forums in between sets
>some 14-15 year old kid walks past me and notices my screen
>whispers "rip zyzz" to me with a shit eating grin
>mfw when he walked back to the squat rack to continue his SS workout
"maybe you and i should settle right here on the ring?"
my gym is still closed today. i want this holiday shit to end
I walk at a brisk pace at max incline, is that still a shitty thing to do?
Saw someone today doing air sits with a pl8 on the bench machine
Damn NYR
I go to anytime at like midnight. Usually just me there, this one couple comes sometimes. Last night there were like 10 people in there, one guy was doing curls in the rack. Most of them just did one exercise and then chatted for 15 min before doing another set. Hopefully they all go away.
I know that guy. That is a 24 hour gym in wayne NJ
>gets told not to do this shit everytime
Went early to avoid the NYRs and I had the day off work. Gym was a little busy but it was mainly people I'd seen before. I guess they were all going early to avoid the big crowds that would come a peak hours. Did see a guy wearing a weighted vest doing assisted dips.
Not goong back until Wednesday after work.
i like to do this at home. i set up my dip machine and i do upside down handstand pushups with the wall as a guide.
If you are there regularly and trying to do good form no one will mind at all. We all started there.