How do I get a body like Tori Brixx/Amanda Lee/Sommer Ray?
Pic is Tori.
Other urls found in this thread:
>be born again with better genetics
fake ass
fake ass, tits and lips
fake ass, tits, and lips
This user gets it.
> muh genetics
fatlard faggot detected
>thinking you can change frame and fat distribution by exercising
kek I'd rather be a fatlard than fuckin retarded
teehee sorry about that user
sommer ray's ass is not fake
how can you tell, I'm becoming paranoid
Her ass is so fake even Sylvester Stallones mother looks natural next to it.
See a video of her walking.
ease your paranoia
That's clearly fake though.
fake or not I wanna eat it desu
Trips of truth.
Inject a gallon of semen in each ass cheek
you're stupid, but i gotta acknowledge those trips
>google all of them
>'fitness' models
Jesus christ girls have no idea about fitness. All of these girls blatantly have no idea about fitness, wish I could be a millionaire fitness expert just by looking good and having good fat genetics.
This one got me
give yourself chronic lordosis, but it comes with a price: degenerative spinal disease