For cheaters
It's next year in Australia edition
Read the wiki before asking dumb questions or brick will be grumpy
For cheaters
It's next year in Australia edition
Read the wiki before asking dumb questions or brick will be grumpy
Other urls found in this thread:
Prev on fuck Alex general
In the train to Amsterdam for nye, train smells like shit. Thanks somalians. Grumpy thanks to low carb and have to wait few hours till carbs again. What a wonderful life
Thank you, the only thing that really concerned me was if long term steroid users would be sterile. I'm considering sterons mainly incase my natty T levels come back low im 25 and i cant live on knowing i have 400-500 test or something at this age really, and i know the chances of my dr giving me test at those levels and with my age (25) is low. I work in LE so i feel less of a man living like this. so i figured if im going to inject myself with hormones for trt anyway why not try a cycle for fun. im not trying to get shredded and body build, i actualy personaly like strongman bodies. i know this comes with increased sides.
Feel more comfortable hopping on that cruise for life now though, if sterilization isnt really a concern and cruising until i hit a bodyfat percentage low enough to blast ( for fun) a couple of times. would any of you consider letting your T levels drop and dot no PCT or Sterons after buying UGL for that there pharm grade Test?
>have qt virgin grill friend
>hot as fuck
>properly thicc, wide hips, tiny waist, big tiddies, not much fat, can see abs when flex
>green eyes, freckles, long straight brown hair
>nobody hit it before because she was super uptight farmgirl and basically only hit puberty this year (is 19)
>absolutely controlled by parents and scared of boys
>doesn't club, barely drinks, only had first kiss six months ago
>take her to a music festival with camping
>after first day comes back in to my tent
>gets strangely cuddly
>tells me she's on the pill
>aw shit son
>start things off, gets heavy quick
>fuck her raw
>she comes twice
>begs me to cum inside her
>bust a nut deep up the tight vagoo
>more cuddling
>says 'goodnight muscles' before snuggly cute sleep
>go and drink and see all the favourite bands next day
d-did I make it lads
you mistook this thread for r9k
>would any of you consider letting your T levels drop and dot no PCT or Sterons after buying UGL for that there pharm grade Test?
This can be very hit or miss. Most docs prescribe crap like sustanon or nebido where I live. I think peek has a trt doc that monitors his bloods constantly.
But for traveling it's pretty nice to carry roids legally
I thought this was the chad blogposting general
im going to the same clinic my dad gets 250mg test cyp shots lol and hes 46 with high blood pressure, last i heard he gets a shot a week of 250mg test and his blood levels were 1100, are are my chances good?
>tfw your dad gets medical sterons and has a high serum levels than you
this is unfair
No. You defiled a young woman who, from your description, is wife material.
>implying having a drug abusing chad cum inside her won't trigger her slut instincts
My levels came out ~450 and I'm 19. Doc wouldn't do anything obviously.
Also that sounds like a shady ass doc, but in your case a good bet
>goodnight muscles
almost had me lad whew
>virgin grill friend
>on the pill
Why would someone come on an anonymous aboriginal finger painting club and lie?
Takes it for acne
>tfw qtczgf doesn't take any birth control because the pill causes horrible hormone fluctuations for her that have hospitalized her in the past
still gonna bust a nut a full 2.7 inches deep in it though
god I hope she gets pregnant
always wanted to fugg a qt pregnant grill
REAL men don't use -- or NEED -- steroids. EVER.
Only genetic failures with boipussies use steroids.
Missed the new thread with my glorious shitpost.
Fuck USPS. Fuck UPS too but at least we get shit done. Your mailman has a little truck full of little packages and letters to deliver. Your UPS driver (yes, they're called "drivers" and never anything else) has a big truck filled, literally filled, to the brim with heavy ass packages. Their mornings typically consist of swimming through packages to find the Next Day Airs that have to be delivered by 10:30 am sharp or they get their ass chewed out severely. Realize that their loaders could very well without intent; 'hide' one of those next day airs under a 130 lb package which is under 20 other packages in the middle of the truck.
Typically each truck has 300 pieces/packages. During the holidays ie. peak season, a truck will have 400-650. Some are huge, some are over 100 lbs, some are big ass tires, some are 12 foot x 6 foot posterboards. Shipments of printer paper, 100 lb vats of korean ginseng extract, live fish and crickets, hazardous materials. The loaders have about 5 seconds to load each package as at least 9 seconds per package will be spent finding and identifying it in the pile of packages coming down the conveyor belt.
So, anyway, fuck USPS. Mailmen probably think they have it hard but they don't -- no fucking way. If you tip, tip your UPS driver over your mailman. After 4 years they make about $110,000 with full benefits but they don't make nearly enough considering the bullshit they deal with. And ding-dong-ditch is company policy.
Eventually I'll write a book on what bullshit working for UPS is. They actually make you do hard labour in the dark. Your supervisor will steal your hours. They nickel-and-dime you for every minute which is astonishing considering many people get paid to play on their phones half the day while we're busting ass the entire time. It begs the question why anyone works here; I researched it and apparently it's a produce of emotional abuse.
Of course she does
Boy she found a real sucker
Enjoy raising her child
>becoming a father just so you get the opportunity to fuck a pregnant girl because it's your fetish
is this the old fraud
I'm like, 70% sure I have an STD
does fucking random girls without a condom even while knowing this make me a bad person?
>not asking to see them
>dong barely fits because she's so tight
>bleeds everywhere
>doesn't really know what to do
Yep haha she's been taking black dick for years and now I'm a father
Thanks for your insightful input jerry
Now go back to asuza while the chads have sexual intercourse with real women
Please protect your women tonight Euro bros
Somali Niggers, Ordinary Niggers, Arab Sandniggers... they always smell like shit
>Bust a Nut
Nigger detected
Everything in pic related is perfect. The smile of defeat on the man, the soulless face of the woman knowing she was a coalburner. The smug face of the half-breed, and the troubled face of the dog fucking seals it for me
>I was taking it just in case silly boy
>Can you link the pol post pls. It would mean a lot to me and keep my mind off being alone on NYE.
Sorry bro, I was never able to find it.
>just be yourself
You're right - no point trying to emulate someone's life trajectory when you don't really have the same cards you were dealt. But I'm trying to capture the essence/principle of this revelation and apply it to my own circumstances as best as possible.
I do like the point about getting involved in more physical oriented tasks. Might try out a climbing gym near my work for that.
>being so insecure on a mongolian knitting forum
Yeah, really made it brah!
Anyone have experience with titan healthcare ugl? Legit?
I wish
>dong barely fits
this is actually fucking awful
>might try out a climbing gym near my work for that
like rock climbing? Brother does it and loves it, seems like fun, I'm just a midget so I'm shit at it
try scuba diving, I got my cert and can't wait to do some open water dives this summer. Going to be a blast, really fun hobby.
If tiure that indoctrinated I dont know what to say
I guarantee shes been suckin dicks since the 6th grade
The dog really brings it all home
>this is actually awful
I'm not sure if you're saying that having the dong barely fit is bad or calling it a dong is bad
I'm posting drunk on the dunny and my vocabulary gets kooky when I drink
But a tight grippy vagoo is the best imo
but at the same time girls are stupid and I dont respect them so im not too emotional
Your gf sounds like a whooore man
I had a similar situation with a virgin girl wanting to have sex with me
except she didnt in the end because she wasnt a fucking whoooooore
I'm saying the dong barely fitting is bad
I mean it's good and bad, but fuck, it's annoying as shit at first until you loosen her up a bit and she gets used to you
It's like jerking off by squeezing the life out of your dick vs. releasing your grip ever so slightly so that there's a pleasing amount of friction but not too much that it's painful
shit sucks, pro's and con's to virgins imo
Thank you for enlightening me jerry
Did take a while to loosen up, but after that was the best poon I've ever haf
That was a weird ass pin. When u went to pull the needle out of my VG the skin around it was pulling up too and it was like stuck to the needle up by the hub part. Fuckin nipro needles.
I posted the other day about taking ostarine and what I'd need to do if there's suppression but I got conflicting answers do so I'll ask again if that's alright and not against the rules
I'm currently on week two of a six week ostarine cycle for some joint and bone issues I've been having. They've been healing up nicely and I've even gained about 3 pounds of muscle (4 dry pounds total). I haven't noticed any symptoms of suppression yet. What should I do if I experience them and I was told I may need to do something when I stop taking them, what would I do for that?
> we need 2 internets
What do USPS mailmen make after 4 years? Now that you mention it I never really thought about the struggle of the UPS guys who bring me my monthly protein powder subscription.
>like rock climbing? Brother does it and loves it, seems like fun, I'm just a midget so I'm shit at it
Yeah exactly. It looks fun but if I get too caught up in my head I'll disqualify myself on the manlet grounds. I am excited for it mostly for the grip gains.
How old/tall is your bro?
The ability of women to re-shape/brand themselves according to new social circumstances and cultural expectations is one of their greatest assets. War-brides and all.
What is your take on Tsumugi? Saw a few interesting posts about her personality (just her childlike sense of finding meaning/excitement in the mundane, spontaneity, etc.) on pol, makes me want to get serious about watching k-on.
Do you ever lube the pin by pushing a drop of oil out so it slides down the needle before you pin?
So important.
>they can't keep getting away with it
Too bad the next generation of euro women is being indoctrinated to be especially welcoming to the refugees - in a few years they won't have to resort to rape (although they'll probably still do it for the sport/thrill of it - it's ingrained in their culture).
>symptoms of suppression
Some people get completely shut down and don't notice the symptoms except the tiny balls. So I wouldnt go by symptoms.
Just play it safe and run a light PCT... Just buy some nolva.
But my real advice is that if you've got 4 weeks left. Then just add some Dbol or something to make sure you actually do get shut down. So that when you start your PCT afterwards you can feel safe that you didn't waste your money...
Plus you'll have more gains. Dbol is cheap AF btw.
Was anyone here homeschooled? Would you do the same for your kiddos?
Also, just a hint.
When websites selling these things tell you PCT isn't needed because there is minimal suppression. It's because they want you to lose your gains as soon as you finish your cycle... figure out that you needed PCT and then buy the product again to "do it right this time"
So they get two sales out of you instead of one.
>tfw drinking 'alone' with qtczgf on skype
>I'm just having a couple diet's & rum, casually relaxing, watching some movies chatting with her
>she pulls out a thing of jaeger and just starts taking sips from the bottle
>ask her what the fuck she's doing
>'having a drink? I like jaeger you know that!'
didn't know it meant straight kek
in4 jaegerbombs with eastern europeans you're going to get pregnant
He's just shy of 6ft, 18y/o, I'm 5'9"
I don't really have height issues, I just have these retarded proportions (small as fuck torso, long legs) that make it kind of awkward at times, although I haven't really tried it long enough to see if I'm decent at it with practice
I say go for it, it can be fun
I was, look how I turned out, kek
but yeah I'd do it for the kiddos, it was nice t b h
>symptoms of suppression yet
What do you think are "symptoms of suppression"? Don't know much about Ostarine but based on what I've read online it's not suppressive at 25mg/day ED but people have mixed experiences.
To the best of my knowledge, the best way to confirm suppression is getting bloods done. If they show that you are suppressed, do a PCT (go to reddit r steroids wiki for details). Basically take a SERM and/or HCG to get your balls working again. You probably don't have to do as long a PCT as the wiki recommends but always get bloods after your PCT to confirm you're back to normal (make sure you get LH, FSH, and Test checked - female hormone panel with privatemdlabs has these).
No harm in asking questions more than once - be insistent. Most everyone here will want to help but it's easy to lose posts in between the blogs. Also a lot of questions that are easy to google get unanswered so try googling beforehand.
How'd you socialize?
Neighbors mostly, I grew up in a rural community but there were a lot of kids in close vicinity. Mostly just spent time hanging out in the woods shooting bb guns at squirrels and shit
god now that I look back on it I was raised like a fucking sociopath
I also didn't start homeschool until after elementary, though. So I had some friends I would see from time to time from elementary, but we grew apart anyway. Not because of the homeschooling, just as friends
I was through elementary. Obviously I wouldn't be doing most of it myself since I would be earning income while my wife stays at home, so I'd have to select a quality mate of course and make sure she's not fucking it up every now and then. But then again I'm not getting married, and civilization will end before 2030.
>He's just shy of 6ft, 18y/o, I'm 5'9"
I'm 5'8" with a 5'11.5" younger brother. WTF genes. Definitely needed to be on asin and GH in my teenage years.
But it's whatever now. Don't think I would have been drawn to the spiritual path if I was drowning in pussy during my best learning years.
Mirin the no propaganda life
Civilization will only end for whites if you let it user
mugis a good character
you can tell shes been coddled and enjoys "normality"
the ep of her and ritsu at the arcade is a good example of this
her directions to sumire are interesting too, but thats not in the show so nvm
>tfw your wingspan is a couple inches less than your height
fucking pitituary blasting me with estro before I was the 7 ft I was supposed to be
It can't be helped m8 and whites are a big part of the problem. We are reckoning with the limits to growth. Peak oil = peak food = peak people. Get ready to break out your long pork recipes.
>slides down the needle before you pin
I stopped doing that like 2 or 3 years ago but I may have to start again if they keep giving me problems. Plus apparently it can exacerbate tren cough.
>We are reckoning with the limits to growth. Peak oil = peak food = peak people.
you are so uneducated.
There is tons of land and resources left in the world
The issue is cost. but as scarcity drives those costs up, new methods of extraction and sources become viable.
Let me guess, you think we started wind power because of liberal jews?
About to pin for the 2nd time.
How much air bubbles is ok to leave in the syringe?
Most guides say to remove all air bubbles... but when I did it the first time I just couldn't get the air bubbles out. There were lots of tiny tiny air bubbles... I just figured the small ones are fine.. I ended up only injecting 0.5ml from trying to get the air bubbles out and don't want to do the same mistake this time.. I'm drawing from amps so I don't want to waste any again.
Thanks guys
I'm not taking it for the muscle gain (though it's a plus) so I wouldn't like to add anything on to it to avoid risk. Is nolva cheap? How long should I take it for and when should I start?
I was told a list of them last time I asked. I don't have any pre-osta blood tests so I don't think I can use that to confirm anyway. I'm only taking 15mg.
I heard serms have pretty bad side effects is there any other alternative?
> write up a giant post on how UPS is 100% equal opportunity yet the niggers/women quit and we're still mostly White Male
> including that UPS literally gives six-figure driver jobs to niggers off the street with no education or experience and they still quit
> ie. niggers hit the motherfucking jackpot and they still quit
General point was that if you ever find yourself in charge of a business; hire anyone that survived a year at UPS. Bypass resume, education, etc. They are guaranteed hard workers. If you rely on education and degrees; consider yourself obsolete circa 1980. You may do well but you'll eventually be taken over by men like me that consider so-called asinine factors from whether they worked at UPS to their opinions on whether Sandy Hook was orchestrated by an autistic boy.
And beyond everything else; UPS is 100% equal opportunity without a doubt. 100 lb package comes down the belt and the black woman asks her coworker to take care of it. It's within her right but generous considering we only have 5 seconds per package. And it seems like they may even keep her because she's a black woman and probably too old to work 5.5 years and make pension.
According to Google, mailmen make $50k/year but I'm sure they do much better than that and compared to UPS drivers they don't deserve a cent.
> Google ReCAPTCHA considers Starbucks hisbiscus tea 'coffee'
never change, duder
Wow, someone who actually knows a bit of economics..
you don't understand peak oil
energy returned on energy invested will be negative
people aren't willing to pay more than about $75 per barrel
wind power is a fucking joke
>[citation needed]
>whites are a big part of the problem
> you think we started wind power because of liberal jews
Yeah, we did. And it has nothing to do with the environment as wind power isn't good for the environment. We started the facade of wind power for the purpose of a select few making a profit although it's clearly redundant.
Everyone with half a brain knows nuclear is the next step. We should have been full nuclear by 1960 but somebody figured out that there was still plenty of money to be made by declaring it 'dangerous'. Then, when it was clear that nuclear has no alternative, it was further pushed as 'dangerous' by proponents of so-called 'renewable energy'; all of which originates from sunlight and thus a fraction of nuclear power. Faggots that are against nuclear power are equivalent to retards that think we should have stopped at burning wood.
You think renewable energy will save us but the truth is that it won't. Our only option for survival is to boot-strap this civilization and embrace nuclear power. If the environment is your priority; embrace nuclear power. If survival is your priority; embrace nuclear power. If suicide is your priority you might as well stick to renewable power so we can slowly die while our wind turbines murder those bald eagles you pretend to care about,
If you don't support nuclear; do everyone a favor, everyone including the animals, and kill yourself. You should be able to recognize this is a subject you know nothing about and shouldn't comment on bu yet you do, so please, you're the problem -- kill yourself.
>There is tons of land and resources left in the world.
Arable land is mostly being utilized. Yes more will be created with climate change, but other areas will desertify. The rate of growth in farming efficiency cannot keep up with population growth, we're going to hit peak phosphate soon as well, and modern farming is fossil fuel dependent. Soil loss shows no sign of slowing, the oceans are acidifying, the fishery stock is being depleted, oh and there's a 30 year lag between carbon introduction to the air and greenhouse effect. We're going to blow past 2 degrees C in the next decade.
All you have to do is pay attention. We're fucked.
it literally doesnt fucking matter
Relatively small in population, relatively large in consumption. An insignificant amount of the population is willing to reduce consumption voluntarily given access to resources. This is the way it was always going to be.
Lel, whites are underpopulated. The issue is that the lesser races cannot into population control and environmental stewardship.
Okay, you're a warming theorist; opinion disregarded. Pro tip, carbon dioxide isn't a pollutant, it's plant food.
nah man, greenpeace called and they want 2004 back
it's climate change now, remember?
I love you for this phrase. Never ceases to amaze me. Why do you think the temperatures are rising and the Arctic is melting, then? Sun flares? Lmao! Implying a chemical can't play multiple physiological roles depending on the species and concentration. You are a class A retard sir. It's mind boggling to think about the road that led you to your current perspective.
Pretty much all races are overpopulated. Don't get me wrong I wouldn't mind exterminating some shitskins though.
Thanks bro. That's what I hoped the answer would be.
My advice is to wife her up ASAP.
I'm 30 and when I was 19 I took the virginity of a 16 year old. I took it for granted and thought I was alpha, really hurt her. She was a nice grill.
Since then my love life has been a terrible mess. I think it's bad karma and I feel bad for what I did to her.
Deffo wife her up and make white children asap.
>the temperatures are rising
>the Arctic is melting
Jesus christ are you a flat earther too? Where does it end? I hope I live long enough to enjoy hunting faggots like you down when the supply chain fails.
>wife her up and make white children asap
reeeeeeeeee i just want qtczgf to be in country already
two months
I unironically believe the earth is at most 10,000 years old
Don't forget to buy a water filter for your stash, m8
Thanks man I'm looking at the Sawyer mini.
What leads you to believe this? I would nonsarcastically love to see your evidence
> hurr durr my zero-sum game
> hurr durr my limited understanding of the atmosphere
Why don't you respond to my post, nigga?
> Why do you think the temperatures are rising and the Arctic is melting, then?
it naturally does this for at least a million years now. I wish I had a master's degree in Physics to give you a better explanation but none of your arguments are derived from such a person so what's the point.
> Sun flares?
How would the conditions on Earth affect the Sun?
> Lmao! Implying a chemical can't play multiple physiological roles depending on the species and concentration.
No shit... at least I think with the most liberal asinine interpretation of your statement I can interpret. Yet I still have no idea what fallacious idea you;re getting at here.
> A retard sir. It's mind boggling to think about the road that led you to your current perspective.
Yeah, I see no evidence to support that. In fact, I'd say you're on our side which is grand.
just look up young earth creationism, it's about all I'll be able to provide you if you want to interpret religious belief as evidence
essentially I just don't give a fuck where it came from, why it's all here, or where it'll all go
I just wanna rig my chances in favor of not burning in a flaming pit just in case
Your post about nuclear and renewables? I mostly agree
We've had warming events before but the rate of change is unprecedented. There's just no way evolution can keep up at the level of high complexity life forms.
This post is deliberately difficult to parse and annoying. I'm trying to express myself clearly but you intend to obfuscate. I respect your intelligence though
>Pascal's Wager
Less of a hedged bet than you'd think, given the multitude of jealous gods to pledge allegiance to and the factions within those religions. You're an idiot.
>you're an idiot
Yes, and?
>2.7 inches deep
>always wanted to fugg a qt pregnant grill
can recommend
>/threading your own post
I should let /fraud/ name my child if I impregnate her
>in4 ThomasT
Anyone have experience with pharmacom labs? Looking to start a 1 year blast and cruise.
>arguing about autistic shit like this on new years eve
and i thought im a loser
No issues brah.
Don't worry you still are.
Is she okay with you fugging other chicks until she gets here?
If you knock up one of your drug gfs before her, you should name the kid after a machine elf friend.
I wonder what a child conceived while both the parents were tripping balls on acid would be like. Maybe the next musical sensation
please do, my brain is filled with at least five hundred bad steron puns as we are speaking
>fugging other chicks until she gets here
she doesn't mind t b h she knows about the juice and realizes I'm horny nearly constantly and just need to get my rocks off
>I wonder what a child conceived while both the parents were tripping balls would be like
only one way to find out
>mfw I was 19 and took the virg of a 16 year old and then treated her like complete shit and she pretty much had a mental breakdown over how awful I was to her.
Fuck this Alpha/Beta fucking gay ass noise.
> There's just no way evolution can keep up at the level of high complexity life forms.
> This post is deliberately difficult to parse and annoyin
At 25 years of age I've taken to drinking the equivelant of 30 beers a day because it takes the edge of dealing with shitbags like you but usually worse. I want to work on a space empire, I want to cure cancer, I could care less about stupid liberal anti-nuclear fucks. If nuclear was so fucking bad; I'd still take the chance; it's the only chance we have once you get over yourself. What the fuck do I care for praise from other people? I think everyone is shit. I can't imagine why I'm here in the first place other than there's a higher power and I'm here to lay down the law for you motherfuckers.
Most of you think making six figures is big shit but I've done it unintentionally, Today I make nothing for little reason aside from the fact that God puts me through this endless bullshit for a reason. So hear me on this, pursue beyond all fabrications, there is a God, one God, and if you were truly interested in the welfare of the human race -- you;d already be working on what God seeks.
Let it shine through all trolls; all of the questionable content I've ever brought to this site has been in respect to one God, A God I've worshipped for at least 25 years now regardless of the bullshit I've been through.
you are such a bad poster lol
Is this thread about gaining knowledge about steroids or just a thread for frauders only to shit post?
Aaaaaand there it is. Off the hinges. Sorry you have to turn to substances to avoid facing reality.
the latter
yeah that's not a secret, mossad has been consistently crazy for almost two years now
you should have seen his batshit crazy anti-balding "research"
Occasionally the mad scientist types might come up with something useful amid their frothing, manic, delusions of grandeur.
Who this?