Life is such a fucking struggle. Does anybody feel like they are sick and tired of facing the constant and endless disappointment it throws at you? It's ridiculous why life has to be this difficult and a simple thing like happiness and contentment are seemingly impossible to attain.
Life is such a fucking struggle...
>tfw no gf
Life is just a continuous struggle to pass your genes on and die.
Early in your childhood and into you late teenage years you're bombarded with attention and happiness, everyone coddles you, nothing prepares you for how horrific and disappointing being a grown up really is.
no gf is the least of most people's problems. especially people on Veeky Forums or Veeky Forums. in fact having a gf would probably wreck your life even more than before.
stop seeking
This. I feel lonely and tfw no gf a lot. But when I did have one I had a ton of stress towards the end. The stress was so bad I would lose good amounts of sleep.
Learn to manage bitches and life will be much easier. Once I found out women are only bitches when you let them act like that, my life became much easier because i accept them for the retarded children they are.
You're probably some 19 year old fuccboi whose only struggle is not getting laid because you have a shitty personality.
This is not /r9k/
im gonna go out on a date with a girl that for whatever reason keeps finding me, but this time i'm gonna actually go, and when we get back to her or my place i'm going to pin her against a wall, then in bed i'm going to pull her hair at the roots and choke her
my beta self a year ago would of thought this was monstrous
>1 day into 2017
>tfw no gf
You say to me: ‘Life is hard to bear.’ But wherefore would you have in the morning your pride and in the evening your resignation? Life is hard to bear: but do not pretend to be so sensitive! We are all of us pretty sturdy asses and she-asses. What do we have in common with the rosebud, which trembles because a drop of dew lies on its body? It is true: we love life, not because we are used to living, but because we are used to loving.
There is always a bit of madness in loving. But there is also always a bit of reason in madness.And when I saw my Devil I found him serious, thorough, deep, and solemn: it was the Spirit of Heaviness*—through him do all things fall. Not with wrath but with laughter does one kill. Come, let us kill the Spirit of Heaviness!
I have learned how to walk: since then I let myself run. I have learned how to fly: since then I will not be pushed before moving from my place. Now I am light, now I am flying, now I see myself beneath myself, now a God dances through me.
May your love of life be love of your highest hope: and may your highest hope be the highest thought of life! ‘In your love let there be bravery! With your love you shall go after the one that fills you with fear!
My life as a fuck
Ain't one thing I don't hate
Tell me my times almost up
I will say, "I can't wait"
Put your gun to my head
I'll blow smoke in your face
Think you got what it takes?
Come up and get me
Eveyone who isn't a innocent child feels this way about life. Most people are just really good at hiding it.
I'm not memeing either. Every single person in my life that I've ever got really personal with ends up the same. People put up a fortress and tons of walls to hide their true feelings. It's just a matter of getting passed all their defences and realising theyre also struggling day to day.
Take it from me. I've experienced life in all the different socioeconomic classes. The problems I had as a poor person were exchanged for other problems when i was in the middle class. My middle class problems were replaced by upper class problems. My upper class problems were replaced by super problems that are associated with being super wealthy.
We humans are really great at adapting, but we're also great and finding new problems, no matter how successful you ever become. There is no final happiness, there is no light at the end of the tunnel. We're a spec of space dust in a seemingly infinite space of nothingness and our lives are incredibly short and in the grand scheme of things, pointless.
This is why I stay natty, because the final "mode" of lifting is just like the final mode of perceived success in western civilization. Emptiness and pointless.
People like Robin Williams surpass self actualisation once achieving the pinnacle of success. This leads to nothingness, non-existence in the from of escapism (drugs, alcohol, video games, work and death).
The only way to avoid this is to find unconventional things in life to discover and experience and never stop doing this. This could be something like wanting to achieve 5% bodyfat, building a boat or spending your free time simply just going out and about and speaking to people about anything and everything. Become a sponge and just experience what goes on in the world.
Whatever you do, do not expect happiness to suddenly fall into your lap and stay there. It will move on.
can you retype that but less like a faggot this time?
>Get girlfriend
>She moves in very early on in relationship for about a year
>She turns out to be pathological liar and severe alcoholic (drinks acetone, mouthwash, rubbing alcohol, hand sanitizer if you take her ID away)
>21 year old working full time and in college trying to juggle too many things, keep As, keep job, keep her alive
>She eventually cheats despite helping her daily with alcoholism, loving her, being there every waking (and many times sleeping) seconds by her side at the hospital every time she went
Trust me, I feel lonely again, but I'd rather be lonely than my heart get ripped out and stepped on at a time where getting depressed is literally catastrophic to life. Though I just graduated so maybe I should start looking again, who knows.
This time I won't give red flags the benefit of the doubt.
How do chads and normies do it? How do they get through every day like life is a bed of roses?
How old are you? You say you've made it through all the socioeconomic classes which means you're pretty old compared to the average age here.
Are basically women. Lie, use multiple women for a quick fuck when they need it, cheat on their actual relationships with a shitload of people that are cheating on their actual relationships. Chads are like any random slut, promiscuous cheating dirtbags. That's what makes them "Chads".
Normies have a mile of problems. Just don't think because some (or most) women are batshit crazy in every conceivable fashion that all are. Everyone has autisms of their own, EVERYONE. You just have to find someone who's autism lines up with yours in a way that you two can be happy.
trust me, many of them going thru shit aswell.
But they post shit on social media and people asap support them, they got friends to be there and help them thru it all
fuck yeah that helped somehow a litlte.
Stay strong mah nigga
whining/complaining is very unattractive
looks that girl from Gossip Girl.
All these poor teens complaining at fit and robot board lel.
Life is easy as hell. Money is the answer to evevrything.
>not alternating hands for maximizing time and therefore pleasure when strangling bitches
t. Someone who has yet to experience problems money can't fix
You're in for a big surprise. Hope you can handle it when the time comes.
>first new years in 8 years without gf
Feels so good. This is going to be the year of me (You).
Your crush being unrequited isn't a "problem." Hope you can handle it when you're older than 25.
i hope you realize you live the happiest life of all time compared to the past 6000 years?
people never had it easier
Nietche was cool.
listen to "To Pimp a Butterfly" by Kendrick Lamar
You will know money can't fix shit, Kendrick was hella depressed even tho he got money for days
Easier doesn't make people happier. Look around you. People are fat and miserable.
Wrong. Postwar baby boomers had the easiest life. They worked the least hours, and a single breadwinner could afford a house, car, family and still have money left over for recreation. People the same age as their parents were during the 70s and 80s today have to fight tooth and nail for shit jobs where they are overworked and underpaid, and majority will never earn enough money to afford a home in developed cities in their lifetimes, let alone break away from a life of constant debt.
take a hike bird brain.
seriously though can I get a tl;dr
Thanks I'll keep this in mind
I feel you OP. The past two weeks I've been working and lifting weights. My friend asked me why I don't play some Xbox with him and I told him I don't really play video games. After I said that I realized that all I've been doing is sleeping, eating, and working/working out. My skin is dry and makes me feel like shit. People were partying on New Years while I just say on my computer shitposting.
I'll find something to do though.
Where are automation and universal basic income? I'm literally ENTITLED to it given how my ancestors have invested their lives into making sure I exist in 2017. When will I get what I deserve?
I'm pegging you at around 24. TL;DR, you'll learn.
You'll learn to stop blaming external factors on your unhappiness. Shitty things happen to everybody so why let it bug you? My mother is an alcoholic and financial drain on me. I was wrongfully arrested for kidnapping and spent a day in jail until my name was cleared. I've been cheated on by every girl I've opened up to. And in every case, I view these occasions as an opportunity for something better. I help my mom when nobody else will. I experienced how the justice system is flawed and can paint the wrong picture of people I might otherwise condemn. I am free to discover who I am and who I really want to be with. In every case, I derive happiness from the things that would bring you down.
You'll learn, but it will take time.
>waah I won't be happy til I get [external thing]
>waaah why isn't [external thing] making me happy
stop trying to sound wise cuz you're all FUCKING IDIOTS
Relax buddy. Explain to us what is wrong then.
I'm 27 and in the exact same rut is op.
PS I'm also 5'5".
Cold showers and a dietary change should help with the dry skin lad.
24 and 27 are effectively the same. It's not so much age as perspective. Some people gain that perspective at a different point.
Are you sure? My back/chest can breakout from acne sometimes and I don't want cold water to do anything to it.
What do you mean derive happiness from things that would bring you down? That doesn't even make sense. It's contradictory.
This so much
I know that with where I am mentally at the moment, getting a gf would more than likely end in disaster
I'm obsessive, narcissistic, jealous and just generally misanthropic towards others.
I need to work on myself before I would feel comfortable getting into a relationship with anyone. I've made a lot of progress over the last year and I plan to make even more this year.
Rome wasn't built in a day. I went from a depressed /r9k/ recluse to a functioning member of society, a successful one even. the last thing I want right now is a manipulative bitch who will fuck my shit up.
to be quite honest I'm afraid of getting a gf, I'm afraid of opening up to anyone and I think I'm right to be afraid, because I'm a fucked up dude
you no read so good, eh?
>I derive happiness
>bring (You) down
>letting a girl move in with you
You fucking retard.
The only woman that gets to live with you is the one that's raising your children.
Christ this shit isn't hard.
Mah nigga
Oh my god this thread is so faggy. I'm not gonna read it but I already know it's op and people saying life sucks and then some other anons coming in and being all tough and saying something along the lines of "yea well harden up little bitch- just get laid- ur a pussy haha"
I fucking hate you try hards
I'd also like to add that this is health and fitness not penis and vagoo
> no tits
> wears a bra
>tfw born to parents who had an arranged marriage
>tfw my parents never taught me how to talk to a girl
>tfw struggle to maintain a conversation with a girl
>tfw my parents never told me they were proud of me for anything and only a dissapointment
>tfw constantly feel like a dissapointment whenever I try to do anything
Happiness and contentment aren't simple, they just feel that way because in the midst of it your mind tells you things are easy. And further, it's not simple because it's totally different for every person. The poorer man envious of the rich for his money does not see how miserable the rich man may be from his work.
Develop yourself in all facets by your own accord, and you'll create your own contentment along the way