Hey Veeky Forums legally a landmass here. 5'7" 270 pounds. I've begun my road to losing weight and getting fit. I had a couple of questions.
First off, I've always ate ONCE a day, usually always supper, and usually something shitty like fast food, and i drink only coffee. Now I know the basic rules of losing weight is to burn more than I consume, but I only take in about 600 calories a day, and all these websites are telling me I need to eat about 2200 calories a day to lose weight, can someone explain to me why that is? and also why I ended up as fat as I am on such a low calorie diet?
Hey Veeky Forums legally a landmass here. 5'7" 270 pounds. I've begun my road to losing weight and getting fit...
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>but I only take in about 600 calories a day
No, you don't.
Read the sticky.
You're right. It's less than that. a box of KD a day that I have most days (240 calories) and lots of coffee probably isn't 600 calories. also, I've read the sticky, i can't see why eating more calories will help me lose weight.
OP you're actually supposed to eat 2,200,000 calories a day buddy. just try it, you'll see it works.
this has been a good thread
losing so much weught in a short period of time isnt healthy, you will lose muscle mass aswell and you will surely start hating your diet and start eating like an animal again. I have seen this a lot of times, even if you think you can handle it the most probably thing is that you will gain the weight again.
so eat healthy and a little less than you need and dont start wanting to lose all your weight the fastest and most unhealthy way possible for recovering it in months.
dont be a faggot and do the things right OP
You're right dude. You are only taking in 600 calories a day and piling on mass at the same time. You must be a one-of-a-kind special snowflake in all of the known universe. Better move on then, this board is only for humans that conform to the laws of nature. Good luck
I know a guy that says he only eats once a day too. Then i watch him pound sweet tea all day and never move. You're prob not accurately counting your calories. I know this because you claim 600 cals but weigh 270
You're a faggot and not helpful at all. kys
That's the thing though, I'm not currently dieting yet, that's what I eat most days for the past like 5 years. I don't eat like an animal, I eat very little, but I'm also completely sedentary and don't sleep much. I plan on losing it the right way once I have all the info I need (and get the drs ok about my vitals) because crash diets are for women.
I really just wanted to know why most pages want me to eat more calories than i currently do to lose weight.
>280 pounds
>600 calories
Jesus Christ teach this hungry skeleton your secrets senpai.
Did I say that? I know starvation mode isn't real, i'm not trying to fall back on it, but you underestimate how much not moving or sleeping much for years can affect metabolism. dude.
You're right, I do like a lot of shit in my coffee.
Either way. That's most days, I do eat fast food sometimes and on those days I probably have somewhere like 1500 or more calories, I was just averaging for fucks sake.
Instead of just guessing how many calories you have a day why don't you accurately fucking measure it retard.
For the record, any sodas, candy, tea, or other shit you're forgetting is actually very calorie dense as mentioned in the sticky. You have 100% failed to accurately count calories. If you were egenuinely eating 600 calories on average over a five year period you would be a stick figure; regardless of exercise. The fact you're actually incredibly OBESE is a sure enough sign you're eating MORE than you're meant to. Count your calories properly and eat proper food retard.
There is no way in hell you got to 270lbs by consuming 600 calories a day. It's literally impossible.
Came here to say this
OP see the pic
Okay, so it's not that I should be eating more calories to lose weight, it's that in all likelyhood, I'm greatly underestimating how much my coffees could be adding to my caloric intake, gotcha.
Thank pal, other than calling me a retard of course.
You need to be eating thousands upon thousands of calories every day to maintain your weight, which you have been. You are lying to yourself when you say that all you have to eat everyday is one meal and coffee.
Do you drink soda? Beer? Alcohol in general?
Replace it all with green tea.
none of that. I drink 4x4 coffee throughout the day. I'll need to learn to like green tea I guess, cause I think it tastes like shit.
Does green tea have caffeine in it? or something else that'll give me energy?
>You're right, I do like a lot of shit in my coffee.
This is what is tacking on all those calories. Milk, sugar, caramel flavoring or whatever will fuck you up. How many sweetened coffees do you drink in a day, be honest.
if 4x4 you mean 16 coffees that's an absurd amount, you honestly shouldnt have that much caffeine in your system and you are most likely addicted to it at this point. Switch to green tea.
4x4 means four cream x four sugar.
I'm a leaf so that's tim hortons portions, not sure how much it equals to in actual amounts.
like 5 coffees a day. I find I have zero energy otherwise.
Ah, just looked up a 4x4 coffee, one has 560 calories my man.
holy fuck. there it is.
Yeah your diet is fucked. Read the damn sticky my friend, eat correctly from now on, make it a lifestyle change. If you are drinking 5 560 calorie coffees per day and then fast food for dinner your body is probably literally dying. Fix yourself my dude. You also need to get off of your caffeine dependency. Shit is not good for you.
>4x4 means four cream x four sugar.
you disgust me and I'm fat.
Yeah, I never even bothered taking my coffee into account, since i figured "whatever, it's probably a hundfred calories each on top" but now knowing that I actually have about 3400 calories a day, I couldn't help but laugh.
you dumb fast bastard
good luck on your journey to becoming a dumb fit bastard
Well, I'm glad you're not throwing a fit but it's really no laughing matter. You gotta heal your body dude with proper diet and exercise. Like I said, read the sticky and stay here on fit, make your body something you can be proud of! And get off the caffeine, Switch to like, 2-3 cups of green tea per day to start, but try and ween yourself off of it honestly.
>get off the caffeine
thanks bro. hopefully along the way I can get rid of the layer of fat crushing my brain and actually think instead of assume.
Thanks I will. at end game, should I try for maybe a single green tea a day? or not even that, and simply water?
It's not something you should require daily desu, your energy should come from a well balanced diet. Real, hearty, nutritious food has all the energy you need desu. Plus it's a waste of money. Caffeine should give you a huge jolt of energy if you take it, not help keep you at normal levels of energetic output.
Green tea has caffeine, but a more modest amount than coffee. Also, when fit says green tea we mean literally hot water and a green tea bag. Not a green tea fruppachino or some shit.
You realize that on top of the caffeine the reason coffee 'gave you energy' is literally because it's the main source of calories for you?
Get off that crap now. Drink black coffee with no cream or sugar until you can buy some green tea bags. Eat proper food. And for god's sake take some vitamin pills you're probably deficient in literally every vitamin and mineral.
Good luck user.
>BMI of over 42.
Congratulations, you are a violation of the law of conservation of energy. Sell your secret for billions.
>and i drink only coffee
Let me guess: Plenty of sprinkles, syrup, cream and sugar?
Green tea is less of a jolt. Caffeine isn't great but isn't as bad as this other user is making out.
However the caffeine was obviously hiding how fucked your body is. Cutting down will show you just how terrible your health is.
God damn fat people are so fucking stupid. This thread is why I can't speak to fucking obese idiots.
Beleive me , I used to be a fat fucking obese POS at like 343 pounds at my worsst. Drinking sodas and shit like 4x4 coffees and fast food and candy and chips fron the conevenience store EVERY DAY. It was a huge waste of time, money, and health. Now I lift every MWF, run every other day or so, only drink water and eat well and I'm down to 216 pounds. You can do it! I believe in you man. It's a lifestyle change really. You gotta make it one if you don't wanna be a sedentary obese man anymore. Best of luck to you! If you have any more questions don't be afraid to ask.
Guys stop, you're taking the bait
Because your heart is probably fucked as is, no need to add any added stress to it - no matter how minor. Not to mention that a big part of being healthy is proper sleep and rest, caffeine can decrease your quality of sleep.
Read the thread dudes, I'm learning.
.How long did it take you to drop 50 pounds? I need to lose 50 pounds before december (my main motivation to lose weight right now) because I'm getting throat surgery for vocal cord nodules.
Typical weight loss is one pound of fat a week.
Make sure you drink loads of water. Dehydration is an easy way to lose 'weight' but is bad for you and isn't losing fat.
>680 calories PER COFFEE
>he trolls on Veeky Forums
Spot the angry fat virgin.
>why I'm fat Veeky Forums I my cal intake is only 600 cals/day
>dude is literally drinking 5000 cal on faggots' coffe every day + fast-foods
Why fat people are so fucking dumb?
I drink a medium, not an extra large, faggot.
not trolling, also married.
That's why I got fat in the first place, because I'm an idiot.
Stay fat. Stupid weak idiot.
>once a day
>from 8am to 11pm
>I don't eat nuffin but i sure am still fat
>20 ounces of cream and sugar each a day is nothin lol they're probably only a couple calories each
Yup, that's about right.
It's crazy how dumb someone can be when they don't care enough. I didn't actually care about my weight until I needed surgery.
it's not being dumb it's being delusional.
eat healthy, not just meme healthy
stop killing yourself or do it quickly.
I don't even know why manlets try. If you're not at least 5'11, you might as well LDAR.
I'm married bro, I don't care how short I am at this point.
And thanks to everyone here that actually helped me out. I learned a few things. I'm gonna abandon thread now.
>pic related
user, thought I'd reiterate a point I made earlier. You're almost definitely deficient in vitamins and minerals. I mean like all of them.
Vitamin A, B, C, D, E, K.
Iron, zinc, magnesium, calcium, iodine.
All the essential amino acids.
Talk to a doctor, get blood tests done, and start eating healthy. And get some good multi-vitamin pills.
It's because you aren't counting your calories properly.
Thanks, I take magnesium for cramps in my legs, but I'll make sure to step up and get them all. my doctors appointment is next week to get all my tests done to make sure it's even safe for me to start exercising.
Chill niggas.
I dropped the first 100 in about 6 months, but I went vegan. Now I do something a bit more manageable and like said I'm now losing at about a pound a week. Pretty healthy.
Oh good, I had another question for you. Did you initially drop a big chunk when you first started exercising? I know I'll expect to drop a bunch of water weight when I start drinking straight up water for the first time in years. I don't plan on cutting meat, but I plan on sticking to lean means and fish.
This post is underrated
No it isn't. It's a SHIT.
>Hey Veeky Forums legally a landmass here. 5'7" 270 pounds.
Dude I'm here, but I started at over 400pds. Just count calories and lift, 1700 should be good for you.
What do you mean drop water weight? That's bad, you don't want to do that.
Switching from coffee to water may add weight if you're dehydrated. That's actually good.
Oh, I meant from water retention. But i guess if I'm constantly drinking coffee (a diuretic) I wouldn't have any of that.
I'm not sure what you mean.
When dieting and exercising its very important to drink a lot of water. Don't "cheat the scale" by dehydrating yourself.
Obviously user, your body breaks many fundamental laws of physics and thermodynamics.
Donate yourself to a local physicist so we can discover FTL travel.
Yep, theres an initial large amount of weight loss, then you definitely have to work harder to keep that consistent 1 pound per week loss, but it gets easier after a while once you fall into good habits, etc.
(drink that shit black like a man dumbass)
>waste of money
Coffee and caffeine pills are literally the cheapest things ever
Someone pls cap the 600cal genetics
While that may be true, caffeine is still a waste of money. It's not something the body needs naturally. Best off getting your energy from good diet and exercise.
>Enormous coffee from some shit-tier restaurant
>Probably $2 - $4 a cup
>$10 - $20 a day
>Hundreds of dollars per month
>Cheapest thing ever