>lift for almost 4 months
>50kg x5 ohp
>105kg x5 squat
>140kg x5 diddly
>really happy with my progress
>65kg x5 bench
THE most important lift for curlbros and im shit at it
>lift for almost 4 months
>50kg x5 ohp
>105kg x5 squat
>140kg x5 diddly
>really happy with my progress
>65kg x5 bench
THE most important lift for curlbros and im shit at it
and no im not push pressing OHP
are you doing starting strength?
Your bench should be around 75kg for x5 based on your ohp.
How often do you bench? It's 100% some kind of form issue. Benching at least twice a week with lots of volume and rep, even if it means dropping the weight would help grind the motion.
up until i was
but now my plan is a 3 day split, with strength rep ranges OHP+squat bench diddly each on separate day, and some higher volume other exercises
i think my form isnt terrible but i rarely have spotter so im kinda afraid to go balls deep
65kg is "not really pushing myself" tier
i often find myself letting off the tightness in scapulas
maybe im just overthinking the form, one guy told me my form is fine, and hes quite experienced but,fuck some times i get pain in right shoulder and almost always i feel like im not lying evenly on the bench
but yeah maybe i need to do it more often
do this instead for bench (forget OHP for now or do it after bench in a fatigued state, it will move up with your bench anyway)
with bench the name of the game is volume and frequency, this has more of both than most other beginner templates
look up greg nuckols 28 free programs if you want the excel file
>(forget OHP for now or do it after bench in a fatigued state, it will move up with your bench anyway
This is why peoples ohp fucking sucks. OHP is as important as the bench. Just alternate them.
1 day you bench heavy and ohp light with volume.
2 day you ohp heavy and bench light with volume.
it isn't just as important for most purposes though, this is a rippetoe meme (unless you specifically want a bigger OHP)
bench uses more muscle and is not limited as much by the tiny front delts, so it makes sense to do it more and with greater volume if your goal is pressing muscle group hypertrophy and strength
you can do both sure but if you want a big bench, doing bench as much as possible and putting OHP on the back burner is the way to do so
see Sheiko or any other program well reputed for bench press
bench carryover to OHP is usually much more significant than OHP carryover to bench, despite what some DYELs on Veeky Forums will tell you, although the extent of this carryover depends on how much of a 1/10th ROM st. louis arch powerlifting bench press you are doing
I overhead pressed religiously for about 4 years before i ditched it in favor of bench pressing 3-4x a week with much greater volume, and when I came back to overhead pressing after a year layoff I found it had actually increased (although due to the length of time i spent pressing before the form might be permanently imprinted in my brain, it felt natural right away)
Bench does have a greater carry over that is true, but imo, unless you compete in powerlifting your bench numbers is fuck all important, at least not anymore so than ohp, deadlift and squat.
ohp is one of the best exercises, which for some reason got left in the trunk simply because it was hard to judge in a competition. That does not make it any less great =)
i just want to hit 1 2 3 4 for reps sometime soon ish
then ill see how it goes. Kinda worried about my squat lagging behind and bench
>60kg x 5 ohp
>85kg x 5 bench press
>160kg x 5 deadlift
>105kg x 5 squat
if i fixed my form finally my dl would be probably in same numbers
140kg is pretty easy for me but it looks like stiff legged deadlift
i got a lot of shit flyign at me when i posted it on fit
and rightfully so
imma tinker with the form next time ill be at gym
Hips needs to be a lot lower, you're right. I started out with high hip deadlifts too but you stall very quickly. The ass and quads has to be engaged. For me it was partially a quad and mostly glute issue.
Chilled with deadlifts, dropped weights and did a lot of volume with hips lower in a stronger position for a few months. It felt weak and awakward at first but i'm glad I did it. My deadlift pull is so much more natural and strong today.
Do romanian deads. also stand over bar, middle of feet under bar, put hands on bar, THEN bend at hips until shins touch the bar and shoulders directly over the bar. Not dropping hips nearly enough
i explained my reasoning for why it's less great than bench as a primary upper body exercise, but if you want a big OHP it's a fun lift
also it's an aesthetic lift and feels a lot more natural to me than benching
you have the torso rigidity of an overcooked noodle
Have youconsidered the Smolov jr bench program? Increased my bench from 45kg to 60kg 1rm(inb4inb4..). Just takes 3 weeks and bench press is fun
i did the same with ss
some people can probably bench 1pl8 by first visit at gym if they arent weak as fuck like me
i dont think this is anything because of the program user, just you learning the lift
i hope you are joking
i hope you are being facetious
i hope this post was made in jest
i hope this post was a ruse
I benched 80kg the first time I sat on one.
To be fair I had been doing pushups and was naturally good at pressing. I weighed over 90kg at the time so they did transfer nicely.
>but what about your squa-
@ smolov jr with a 45kg bench
>one guy told me my form is fine
90% of people in the gym are retards that don't know anything. Post a form check.
>but i rarely have spotter so im kinda afraid to go balls deep
Either bench with a spotter or start benching in a cage.
>3 day split
How many days a week are you actually training bench now?
dont have video from benching sorry
ill make it in 2 days then ill post again
about time to make some friends to spot me on bench, shouldnt be hard since people seem to be helpfull at my gym but >autism
If you want a good bench, train it 2-4 days a week.
3 day splits where you only train each body part once a week are garbage. PPLxPPL, PPLxULx, and full body are much better. Frequency is one of the major tools in your toolbox for getting strong. Use it.
i dont want good bench per se
i want good bench in relative to other lifts
i want to hit 1 2 3 4 with no huge split between them
right now im going every other day to gym,
chest + biceps (benchpress for low reps and few other exercises like dips, flys, decline, curls in 8-12 rep range)
back + triceps (deadlift for 5 or less reps, and other exercises like rowing and isolation triceps, shrugs for higher rep range)
then legs and shoudlers (squats for 5 or less reps, and then other exercises like legpress, and others for 8-12)
idk if thats any good, probably shit.
Maybe i just should stick to SS and milk the noob gains for as long as possible
most recent sets are;
ohp: 64lbs x 8
bench: 110lbs x 10
squat: 200lbs x 5
dead: 300lbs x 5
Goal is 1/2/3/4, upper body lagging hard, what should I do?
>wathcing through Chris Duffin video of limb lenghts
>my wingspan is bigger than my height
is this why my diddly is better
it's shit
1x a week bench frequency is shit
yes, you are at a mechanical disadvantage for pressing
i am an extreme case of this and was able to linearly progress to 500 deadlift while my bench was still less than 225
more bench pressing volume, more bench pressing frequency
3x a week bench and about 3-5 sets each time would probably do it
im 187cm tall
my wingspan is about 17cm bigger than that
measured like a retard on the wall so might be not accurate
not even 6'2", but a 6'8"+ wingspan for you
your bench press is doomed srs
fuck im retarded i measured wrong spot
10 cm more not 17cm
looked at some old dot and realized thats pointing right between my eyes or shit
still pretty ape-armed, your bench will be your weakest lift
you probably also have long legs (especially femurs), so enjoy your mechanical disadvantage on squat as well
distance from floor to my ballsack (or just under) is half of my height. anyways, its not like im going to stop doing squats or benching because of this. Just hjave to be aware its not going to progress at rate of deadlift
Lol, you can see your lower back is way too weak for that weight