>Compliments all the time irl from normies
>Some even think I roid
>Still classed as a skinnyfat DYEL on Veeky Forums
Anyone else like this?
>Compliments all the time irl from normies
>Some even think I roid
>Still classed as a skinnyfat DYEL on Veeky Forums
Anyone else like this?
post pics
in normie-land you're a big fish in a small pond. Veeky Forums is the big pond with big gay fish.
Face > Everything
>tfw good face but fat
>tfw even at 200lbs fatty mode I make girls touch their hair and bite their lips
>tfw don't want to be fat anymore because I don't like the way I look naked
Benching 185 is ripped status. Benching 2pl8 is roids.
>Benching 2pl8 is roids.
guys on my football team were benching 2pl8 in highschool.
>curl bro friends who are atleast ottermode if not greater ask if I roid because I can DL 3 plates and they're scared to try 2 without belts and straps
>have other friend who does amateur PL competitions and consistently comes in last place
>everyone thinks he's the next Arnold Schwarzenegger
I stopped caring about normie opinions years ago when Veeky Forums was still kind of good
>curl bro who curls 30 and benches 200 is shredded and respected yet doesn't squat or dl
I miss adie
>hahahahaha fuc lol
>curlbro who curls 30 and benches 200 is amazed by a 1 plate power clean
A lot of senior highschool football players are on roids.
Sorry to break it to you.
I wasn't and I maxed bench senior year at 250lbs
you're just a pussy
yeah so uh...despite what mommy may tell you, 185 is not "ripped status" little billy.
For normies it completely is.
If you can 1/2/3/4 you're a roid monkey to 98% of the population.
Sorry to break it to you but benching 2plate as a natty highschooler is incredibly normal.
>not being a skinny bitch means you are on drugs, no matter how you become not a skinny bitch
that's not how it works retard.
sounds like you're still a virgin. Literally every girl will call you fucking ripped. Yes, had two milfs tell me ;)
I can't tell if you're retarded or trolling. This thread is about normie opinions.
It's the opposite though. Normies look st Jeff Seid (in comp, on cycle, not his off cycle pics) and think it's natty, you only need roids to look like Ronnie Coleman.
They look at natural bodybuilders training for decade + and think 'lol they're lazy Efron only lifted weights for a year and he looks close to that!'
>be me
>bench 1pl8 because I injured my shoulder last month
>can feel mires from normies and buff guys who struggle at 1.25pl8
>feels good
all while I'm concealing my power level
>Jeff Seid
he looks like a gay Pierce Brosnan.
That's definitely another side of the normie card, but there's no denying that if you tell a normie you can deadlift 4+ plates, squat 3, or bench over 2, they'll either think you're lying or on drugs.
>your forearms are skinny you need fat
>you have chicken legs
I bench 195 reps and squat 265 reps. Fucking normies judging everything on extremeties. Had my pe teacher make fun of me needing assisted pullup machine then I did 18 widegrip pullups...reeeeeeeee. I was the second highest in the school.
Had to do about 6 more months of lifting until they stopped fucking talking
you should have gotten fat and weight trained your legs for a while then cut so you would have tree legs.
I've got calves as thick as my druggie friends chest because I grew up a fat fuck.
When friends and randoms become enemies it only means you're doing everything right.
It's human nature to try to devalue what you don't have, that's why there's so much internet hate about "oppression, 1%ers, Whites, etc." Success breeds hate and fear
I was bulking at the time that's the funny thing. I was about 15% fat. Nothing I can do being a wristlet and a calflet at 6'1. I was shitting twice a day from all the food.
I'm 5'10" So I guess I probably do have the advantage appearance wise.
being tall must suck for aesthetics.