How do manlets feel about this?
I'm amazed this is legal and they state it so directly.
How do manlets feel about this?
I'm amazed this is legal and they state it so directly.
>be me, 5'9
Manlets btfo
Manlets huh? Let tell you a bit about a manlet who acted in an adaption of one of the dullest franchise in the history of movie franchises, Daniel Radcliffe. Seriously each episode following the boy wizard and his pals from Hogwarts Academy as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.
Perhaps the die was cast when Rowling vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; she made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody?just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for her books. The Harry Potter series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-James Bond series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.
>a-at least the books were good though
The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs."
I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.
Manlets are unwanted and hated by society. It's even celebrated to openly discriminate against them. To be a manlet in this day and age is to live a life of PAIN, SUFFERING, and DESPAIR. You will NEVER have success no matter how hard you try and will ALWAYS be INFERIOR to men like me.
so you can be ugly/redhead/dicklet/balding
anything else I'm missing
I've always had so much question about this stuff.
Like,do parents get to see your whole life story,face,health background,physical attributes and all that stuff or do they go in blind ?
Do donors get paid ?
Do donors get informations on the parents ? on their "child" ?
Quantified hypergamy. If you don't like it, well, you should have thought of that before you were born too short.
Holy shit those girls are cunts lmao
I'm all 4 of those. I'm going to apply and let you know if I make it through
I read an article about it somewhere. Some places make you give info about your parents and grandparents so they don't get any weird genetic shit. And also in the article they said that it's not just a one time deal. They give you like a contract where you have to show up like 10 times or some shit over the course of a few months or weeks and only get paid at the end.
Also, might make me finally do no fap since if its not high enough quality or voluminous enough then they don't take that sample. But since you signed that contract it means you still have to give them that sample and the date you get your money is pushed back by one more donation.
tl;dr From what I've been told, it's not like a blood donation where you're in an out. It takes weeks/months and you don't get paid till the end.
kek those women are savage. thank christ im an even 6' and dont need to put up with that shit
>Tfw I can splooge in some chick and she'll be happy to accept my qualified seed
>mfw Mark Zuckerberg can't donate sperm
fucking cuck
>must have 4yr degree or better
>must be legally allowed to work in US
sounds like this is a sperm bank that will enable women to force guys into child support
>Sexual partners are exclusively female
Why do I find the idea of bi/gay guys secretly ignoring this and donating plenty of sperm which is then used to impregnate fertile Stacies so hot?
You can't be forced to pay child support if you're a sperm donor. On the flip side, you also have no parental rights.
Then why would having a 4 year degree matter?
>legally allowed to work in the US
might be a subtle shitskin filter. Especially since universities are already pozzed with quotas so getting or having a degree doesn't mean much anymore.
>why do you enjoy imagining faggots jerking off
It's a mystery.
So innocent and naive of you to believe that what is common sense would be the law. Google it.
Great gatsby god tier
Notes from the underground low tier
I love how the require university education and hererosexuality to make sure the sperm babies aren't gay retards
The fuck do you mean?
The degree thing is just the same shit. Why do you think the other requirements are there? Cause if you were buying some guys cum would you pay more if the cum was 6'2" or 5'6"? Would you pay more if he has blonde hair and blue eyes or if he was a ginger? Would you pay more if the guy went to Harvard or if he dropped out highschool? It's supply and demand.
And for the "must be legally allowed to work" I refer you to this post
It's not like donating blood. It's pretty much a part time job. Look it up.
You wot m8?
They want a college degree because they want a smart Chad's DNA, not some manlet who works at Pizza Hut.
How about you cite me a case where someone gets fucked with child support from a sperm donation that was done through a licensed clinic? If done through a clinic for the express purpose of sperm donation, you CANNOT be sued for child support. Retards get fucked all the time because they think they can do it "organically" or if they are divorced.
I hate this website. I can't tell what's copypasta and whats raging autism
You (or whoever) said
>if you're a sperm donor
If you give some lesbian your sperm you're a sperm donor. It's not a protected term.
Good. Then gtfo newbie
That's not what we're discussing in this thread though, you fucking retard. Are you playing semantics games right now?
>over 6 feet
>25 years old
>one of the last straight guys on Veeky Forums
>skilled electrical engineer
>yeh, I'm a just lucky guy
Fuck you. I don't want to give you my superior cum anyway!
I heard once they have to taste test the semen as part of the selection process
Imagine being a shitskin lel. I'd rather be 4'10 than ever have your disgusting blood flowing through me
>Not in USA
>Must be a shitskin
>There are no white people outside USA
>I'm the average American
I hope you have to get a blood transfusion one day and a "shitskin" saves your life.
Yes, because white people only exist in the US...
Go back to /pol/.
Better go buy some pineapple bud.
Is donating sperm worth it if I meet all those requirements and I'm in college?
Literally sounds like the easiest money of my life, there has to be a catch
I've actually heard anecdotal stories about men donating sperm and then being sued by the mother.
Go away Jose
By that logic we would only be allowed to talk about the height factor since that was OP's angle.
If the general subject of sperm donation is brought up and someone says you can't get dragged into court and forced to pay child support as a sperm donor then that warrants a huge disclaimer unless you want fellow users of this board to get the wrong idea and ruin their lives. So no, it's not about semantics.
>currently attending a four-year university, or already hold a bachelors or advanced degree
So basically the only people allowed to donate sperm are the people that won't need to give it anyway.
The idea was never to give undesirables money in exchange for sperm. How would you even misunderstand the concept of a sperm bank like that? It's not like a blood bank, sperm banks have no need for raw quantities, they only need quality. If no woman is going to "swipe right" on your description then storing your sperm is a waste of space. That's why they make these demands - sperm that doesn't meet those demands would just go ignored and take up space.
If they can't figure out that we're talking about going through a clinic when this thread is specifically concerned with clinic requirements then maybe they deserve to be cucked with child support.
Shoo shoo, jigaboo
>women who are pushing 40 and can't find a decent man to knock them up after years of slutting around
>deserves the seed of a tall, intelligent man
If you hand over your life-essence to one of these women for $20 or whatever they give you for it you are a fucking failure.
A sperm donor is legally someone who contributes sperm to a licensed fertility clinic. If you try to donate sperm to a lesbian couple through the method not approved by the courts, you are a fucking retard and you deserve to get creampied by the court.
Pray tell, how they donated the sperm.
And? If you had to choose between some smelly ugly dumb bitch from the backwoods of Missouri and a 10/10 Stacey college athlete from MIT for an egg donor, you'd choose the Stacey every time.
>Atlas Shrugged is God-Tier
>One Hundred Years of Solitude is Low-Tier
What kinda 16 year old edgelord made this?
So much this. In reply to
though. A 4 year degree isn't the guaranteed meal ticket it used to be. Especially when it comes to the humanities.
I'm just wondering why someone with a nice face, not a manlet and with a good degree would neet to give away his sperm for money.
is where you belong, fuck off thx
>short guys are a breed from hell
>men under 5'10 should've just been girls
>why are short guys even a thing
i'm dying, how have i never seen this before?
>Nice face
Not necessarily required and even if it was its not as much of a leg up to be a 7/10 as people make it out to be. A lot of 7/10 dudes work in coffee shops.
>not a manlet
Same exact point I made about face. Being tall means you're more likely to be successful, but it doesn't mean you will be.
>Good degree
It doesn't say you need a STEM degree. Just any degree. An english major who is doing a bunch of freelance shit just to make ends meet and pay back student loans probably wouldn't balk at the kind of money these places pay.
Not to mention there's the "or working on a 4 year degree" thing. I'd be willing to bet AT LEAST 50% of the dudes doing this are broke college kids/Chads. I mean, if you were in college and someone was willing to pay for your sperm when you just spent $500 on text books I'm sure you'd take that deal.
Manlets BTFO
Anyone knows how it pays? Not in the US but should be similar here i guess. Getting money for something that usually ends up in the trash sounds great desu.
Fucking lmao
He obviously wouldn't need to, except in the US with student debt and all. But yeah, frankly the best clinic would probably be one that pays the donors nothing at all, where only donors who want to see their lineage continue and who think they have a shot at being selected go.
I think of donating your sperm FOR A LITTLE BIT OF CASH as a character weakness. Wtf are you doing, letting potentially some feminazi bitch get pregnant with someone who is 50% like YOU just to get a couple bucks? That's weak as fuck. On the other hand, a will to impregnate women and pass on your genes is healthy, so if that were the main motivation of a donor that would be better. This could be used to market the clinic, as in
>all of our donors considered their decision thoroughly and truly believe you should have their children
I'm sure intelligent women in particular would find this comforting to know. If anyone in the pharma/medical business reads this, feel free to steal this idea if it hasn't been attempted yet.
"racism" is something you black motherfuckers made up to feel good about yourselves cuz you're pathetic pieces of shit
It's also because homos have 50 times more AIDS than normal people
>inventing something
Choose one. "Racism" is a jewish meme. It's in the best interests of the Jews to suspend any talk about ethnic/racial differences. After all their main activity is blending into their host societies while sucking them dry. Hard to do that when everyone is aware that you're different in some way.
Here's a quick primer on what to expect. I know, fucking cracked but it's a kind of older article so instead of being unfunny SJW bullshit it's just unfunny.
Why are shitskins and nigs allowed to donate blood?
If i ever get shived and need a transfusion id choose to die than have nigger aids blood
>in leu
>be 5'7"
>sexual partners are exclusively male
>have had an organ transplant
>do not live in the US
I see you, Bloom-poster.
Could you be a bigger pussy
I'm going to slit open your gut and watch you bleed to death while you beg for Jamal's blood
This proves the true manlet cutoff is actually 5'9. The Veeky Forums memes can stop raising now
I've seen this bait before, right down to the shit image.
Reminder that the most alpha and accomplished men in history, including:
>Alexander the Great (5'0)
>Julius Caesar {5'7)
>Napoleon (5'6)
And all of the leaders from classical antiquity were manlets.
When has a lanklet accomplished anything that will be remembered in 1000 years?
Richard the Lionheart was 6'5 or something.