Veeky Forums can you help with my fucked up form, all my other lifts are really good, but i just found out my hips are uneven on squats, making it hard to progress.
what do I do??
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Veeky Forums can you help with my fucked up form, all my other lifts are really good, but i just found out my hips are uneven on squats, making it hard to progress.
what do I do??
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go to a professional physiotherapist, they'll tell you what you need to do. Most likely mobility issues and muscular imbalance. Have you had any injuries?
yeah you need to work on your mobility.
buttwink like a mug and feet look a little too wide (inb4 im tall long femur hurr).
I actually went to a chiropractor, sports therapist, and then an osteo, they basically brushed me off since it only pertains to lifting, the chiro told me I should not be doing squats.
idk how to proceed, I just wanna be able to squat again
it looks like you need to twist your toes outwards more because of your poor hip mobility, try it now with bodyweight and tell me if it works, because i notice at the bottom of your squat your spine mends and it is because of your feet angle
Switch to sumo until you sort out. Our conventional squat.
never listen to 'doctors' they just want you to either stop lifting or lower the weight because they dont care about how big ur legs are and its tru because technically unless ur an athelete u dont need huge fkn legs but those idiots dont understand u want to get jacked.
what kind of a fucking shitty therapists did you go to? Jesus where do you live?
THIS. by sumo squat twist your toes OUT, to like 45 to 90 degrees, u will maintain an upright body and generate an insane amount of power when coming back up
1. Get your upper back tight. Pull the bar into your back, and squeeze it hard with your hands, that will help you keep your back tight.
2. Brace. Inhale deeply, into your belly, push your abs out and squeeze them tightly. This pressure will help you stay upright and help keep your core tight and in line.
3. Watch some goddman youtube videos. They'll explain it better than anybody here.
just practice getting into the proper final position without weight
should look something similar to the starting position of a snatch (butt as close to ground as possible)
also, make sure you point your toes out more. practice makes perfect
thanks guys i appreciate the advice it's just frustrating cause lifting is the only thing I have right now in life :'(
Make your base wider, and also point your feet out about 15-20 degrees. Another tip is throw your hips forward as you get out of the hole
Weak quads, very poor mobility and a weak lower back.
Front squats/Box squats, De Franco's agile 7 (or whatever they were called), lunges/step-ups, leg presses and good mornings are your friends.
Back is not tight enough. Change your grip, and imagine you are at the top of a dumbbell row.
Do a frog pose and lean back and see in a mirror when you start to get butt wink. Go as wide as you can without getting buttwink. That's what your foot distance should be.
See how much internal hip rotation you have to determine toe angle. Lots = a straight toe. Little = toes out.
Work on mobility to get hips open, knees out, thoracic extension.
I had une en hips too. Still do, right side shoots out to tge side a bit. I still squat. Plan to hit 315 today for 3.
Blah blah. Sounds like a lot of work to be able to do an exercise. If you are a powerlifter - that's well and good. If you are just trying to be get bigger and stronger there are tons of variations out there that you can perform without having to do a whole load of crap.
If you build your routine around being able to effectively do 1 exercise you have your priorities mixed up. The lift is a means to an end, not the end itself.
Whatever lower body compound he wants to do, he's going to need to address those issues. Even on something as relatively protected as a leg press, having hip shift and back flexion is a really terrible idea.
Went to a chiro and he said never to go below 8 rep range. LOL OKAY DUDE.
On leg press it's very hard to have hip shifting because you aren't balancing the weight. Back flexion as in lower back is a problem that needs to be addressed separately and I am not in the mood of writing a whole thesis.
It's just boggles the mind that people are jumping into difficult lifts while having no athletic background and having glaring weaknesses in crucial muscle groups. If you sit on your ass all day your lower back will be weak - that's common sense.
If you jut care about getting big legs in an efficient manner without goofing around too much - leg press. If you want to learn how to squat - front squats and good mornings until you can keep yourself straight, then box squats and good mornings. That handles the majority of your problems.
He's shifting his hips because of asymmetrical mobility. Having a backrest isn't going to fix that issue.
I have the same problem OP. Do you keep your wallet in your back right pocket? Do you get a tight pain in your right hip socket in the bottom of your squat?
> Do you get a tight pain in your right hip socket in the bottom of your squat?
Not OP but I have this. How do you fix it, senpai?