does fapping lower my test?
i feel empty after masterbate. Like a shotgun that has already shot, basically useless
Does fapping lower my test?
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It increases it.
no its doesnt it stays the same
no it lower it
I literally can not fall asleep without masturbating it.
been like this for as long as i can remember (10+ years). whats gonna happen to me? is it possible to actually break this habit?
>stop masturbating
>hate myself, no motivation
>start up again
>everything is great
>what is addiction
> is it possible to actually break this habit?
Yes, stop sleeping
After masterbating your test will rise slightly for 1 week then go back. Basically it doesn't fuckin matter. In fact, if you really cared, you could raise your test by drinking piss. It would have more of an impact then not jerking off.
Same, I get borderline depressed if I don't, because it makes it harder for me to forget about girls I could've dated or banged but never did. :(
>does fapping lower my test?
would shooting out ur testosterone out of ur body make it so that u have less off it?
ofcourse stupid
Stop fapping.
Brain plasticity -- more you utilize a neural pathway, the stronger it gets, and vice versa.
Your fap pleasure pathway is probably really strong. Will make you want to keep fapping to get that sweet dopamine. Abstaining will weaken the pathway, until you won't feel any need to fap. It'll be hard at first but gets easier as you go. Builds discipline and makes you feel better.
Think about it. When you bust your load, you are literally releasing your human formula to make another human. This is full of energy and nutrients from your body. We feel drained afterwards for a reason
There's so many people addicted so badly to playing with their dicks that they swarm around threads like these pathetically trying to justify their degeneracy, lack of morality, and missing willpower.
They are the heroin addicts swearing up and down that they're clean, can quit whenever they want, and know what is good for them
Don't even reply to me you sexual perverts. Don't even look at my post
On day 6 of no fap right now. My test levels are through the roof.
Don't listen to the jews telling you to fap, OP. It's not worth it.
I've hit this point and I'm one month in. Last time I masturbated was on November 27th. I have no more urges to look at porn and masturbate. I did have sex once, and my urge to masturbate was very high afterwards. I've noticed a much higher drive to work out, more focus, and generally feel better. My recovery times have increased as well.
Let me clarify, it takes me a SHORTER time to recover from a workout. I've been doing moderate-heavy lifting each day. Today was my light day where I run my mile, and work on my core strength.
Long-term abstinence will lower your test. But not by much. Shortly after fapping you'll see a slight increase in prolactin, not a significant amount however.
You need more time to rest your CNS if you're lifting moderately heavy every day. Just like muscles it gets depleted too. If it doesn't have adequate time to recover, all of your lifts will suffer. Try doing a high intensity day, followed by a moderate day, then a resting day if you want to increase your CNS gains safely.
So what's the maximum I can go to the gym? I've been going every day for 3 weeks now, not missing a beat.
tl;dr: I would have one day of rest every third day and to not go heavy on the same group more than every fourth.
It really depends on a lot of factors. Generally speaking, how you feel will dictate if you can go for it again. But over time, your risk of injury increases as your CNS becomes fatigued. Your lifts will also begin to fall off or even decline. By that point, you'll need to take time out to recover. Over training doesn't feel like over training until it's too late.
>Long-term abstinence will lower your test.
Bald-faced lie.
It's also good policy to deload every six weeks to a very moderate level.
Your entire existance is motivated chemically by the need to have sex
if you satisfy that need...why do you need to do anything? That's how your brain and reward systems see it.
I'm seeing these kind of threads here and there for years
and all of the OP being in the same desperation.
This post might be bait, it might be bullshit, it might be some low life cuck giving himself a rubdown to the irony of telling other cucks to stop it, but this post convinced me to quit fapping. At least for a week to see what happens. Wish me luck boys.
Every guy i know who fucks a lot faps a lot too
Youre full of shit
Professional fighters say yes.
Warriors and clergymen from antiquity up until the beginning of the modern age say yes.
Your instincts say yes.
Gee, I wonder what the answer is. You're bleeding yourself dry when you masturbate. Doing it daily isn't healthy or normal despite the bullshit about it being "good for your prostate," or "how it relieves stress" or whatever the fuck.
>The life cycle of sperm takes about 74 days
In a natural setting, hunting and gathering with no time to fucking jizz your brains out while you eat cheetos and feed your voyeurism by watching porn (other men fucking women and masturbating to it), you'd be fit in a reproductive capacity. You'd be fertile and thus biologically viable.
>"B-but it's healthy and normal and everyone does it!"
And? Many things in this society are deemed normal when actually it is actually DAMAGING to humans. Jerking off is a wasteful act. People don't want to quit masturbating, and the majority of people masturbate excessively. An orgasm releases powerful dopamine surges in the brain, chemicals that say "this is good, I need more." It becomes a coping mechanism and/or a literal fucking addiction. This effect is multiplied 100x when you watch porn and jerk off.
The answer is yes. Sperm is a sex characteristic unique to men; it takes energy to produce and when you masturbate, what is meant to produce another human life becomes tantamount to excrement. Feces.
All this makes it even more impressive when a man can quit jerking off and conserve a vital part of his constitution.
Was it harder to get it up for sex after nofap? It's the only reason I don't want to try it.
High tier b8
Not him but I promised it really changed my life man.
Benefits after not even a week
- you feel more confident (when you talk to women you assume they want you)
- you're much more aggressive when you hit on women
-every woman you see looks good if they are above a 4/10
- you get turned on by simple stuff (qt girl in yoga pants, you get it)
- feeling happier
-actually feel compelled to talk to women
If you can just fap there's no point lol
Masturbate all you want man. Just don't watch porn.
I kept getting wet dreams when I do nofap, I'm fucking 26 years old,
I...I'm going to try nofap
Underrated post
you need to harness the sex energy.. try 30 without cumming and no porn, just try for yourself and see how productive u become (the art of it is to use the urge as a drive)
>tfw already like that after fapping multiple times a day
Don't watch porn anymore, but did for a long time (personally find the orgasm w/o far more enjoyable)
I went for like 2 or 3 days once and I literally could not stop thinking about fucking. Every single girl looked sexy as fuark.
You wanted something. You fapped. You feel like garbage because that something you wanted was not just an orgasm.
These threads are so fucking retarded. Is this just actually just a joke you guys do? I'm gonna break it down here once and for all.
No fap will either have no effect on T, or if you persist with it, it might lower T.
Ejaculating actually gives a short-term boost for T, and if you abstain from ejaculating for long periods your sex drive WILL diminish. Ask yourself this, would you abstain from sex for months? And if so do you really believe your T levels would increase? This is gypsy fucking gibberish, a fucking child's meme.
What you want to do is avoid porn. Quit watching porn of any kind and stop jacking it 1000 times a day.
> Fap without porn once a day and you're golden. IF anything this is gonna boost T.
> no fap is an insidious meme.
fuck off you evolutionary nihlist, if you can't embrace the spiritual nature of man you will never make it
I've been fapping regularly since about 12 and I'm a testlet. Interpret how you will.
Just stop jerking. I usually become a damn good flirt when I can't get release.
Not that guy but I agree with him desu, he makes a fair point
>if you can't embrace the spiritual nature of man you will never make it
Care explaining what you think this is?
>weeb pic
I'll take what you say with a grain of salt
I've been fapping daily since I was 10 and I have moderately above average test. Interpret as you will.
>implying we're even talking about average sex partners for fappers
of course sex is better.
The chemicals are not all governing, I'm not reaching that far.
They do play a role.
I have an idea that without understanding the body, we fall under a bystander effect with what goes on and what can effect our emotional state.
I think that the human purpose is dualistic, esoteric and exoteric. Nowadays we are taught that everything is physical and material, that our whole existence is just chemical reactions in our brain, and that with enough information everything can be predicted. This is not true, chaos exists, it is the root of all consciousness. I do think that the main physical goal of existence is procreation, but if you only focus on this you will lead a completely unfulfilling life, you need to have balance. Stating that your entire existence is based on a need for sex is wrong, or else people wouldn't play video games, create art, or shitpost on a website dedicated to chinese cartoons.
As for the weeb pic I'm sorry if you look closely it is actually a programming picture first, weeb picture second.
Absolutely not, quite the opposite in fact. I was hard as a rock (even though I was nervous) and any stimulation was multiplied in pleasure. It was a great feel, and I didn't bust immediately either. Would recommend
touching a thicc girl or touching a saggy mom-tit girl with no definition.
All the proper choices were made
Post these through the roof test results user.
>Reading literature from ONA and thinking you're hot shit
Lmaoing@ur life
Get out of your house more faggot
>Your entire existance is motivated chemically by the need to have sex
>My existence
Yes yours.
But oh well, rationalize it as you will. It's neither good or bad thing to build life around sex in the first place, just don't claim it to be the "true path".
OP here, i thought this thread would die right away because that question has already been asked here a thousand times
And people went from fapping to spiritual metaphysics
>would you abstain from sex for months
Fuck off, normie.