Are you feeling it Veeky Forums!?
Are you feeling it Veeky Forums!?
>Day one here
I've never been this motivated, I'm gonna make it this time.
Isn't no fap a meme?
Like, can we be serious for one fucking time and discuss this like the intellectual adults that we are?
No memes or any bullshit.
Explain why no fap is beneficial?
I've heard from many doctors that masturbation reliefs stress and there is nothing wrong with it, not even if you do it excessively.
Why do people do this?
3 days is nothing with my libido
I really don't get how people here are so addicted to wanking it
I do it once a week usually out of boredom
Haven't even thought about it, might be because i've had sex twice already. There's some good in gains goblins.
Noporn is coming along nicely, though. That's what I'm concentrating on.
If I stop fapping will my libido come back? Haven't fucked my gf in about 2 weeks and don't feel like it any time soon.
I guess it resets your dopamine levels to its natural state
day twelve,dont feel anything desu...
To prove to themselves that they have the willpower to. Don't shit on people doing it this always happens in these threads just move on and let them stay 'delusional' if that's what you wanna believe
Day 2 here. I feel like I can't touch my dick or I will immediately get an orgasm. I'm gonna go NoFap this week and see how it affects me.
No fap tends to make you more on edge which some people think will help you be more alpha, plus it's hard to do and interesting to see if you change, no porn will fix everyone's erection problem
ye i'm just a lucky guy (referencing this site's four leaf clover)
You'd rather feel your cock be rubbed by your gross autistic hands than your gf's wet pussy?
Day 3 of no-porn. Also, going to cut down fapping to like once a month. So got another 28 days for that.
Feels good to be popping random boners. I'm also getting interested in reading porn stories. As long it's my imagination, it's fine.
no fap is the biggest meme out there. its a pointless placebo effect that does absolutely nothing physiologially other than clog ur balls up with dead cum, the only reason u feel better if because fapping makes u more relaxed , and so by not fapping u are going to be more sharp and active. thats all it does, its not a miracle and if u dont want to become an absolute faggot just fap twice a week
>no fap
No porn, on the other hand, is not a meme.
masturbating literally prevents prostate cancer if you're not sexually active
no, ur imagination is fucked, dont think about porn and dont watch porn, dont read about porn or anything. its THE SAME AS WATCHING PORN. I AM A DOCTOR
Doing the same bro
>mfw I make eye contact with some qt after eyeing the shit out of her thighs on the train
I dont know, you tell me.
>peopl try it and say they like it
>user doesnt try it and has a prejudice
>"guise let's discuss this, meaning you will tell me if you liked it and I will tell you are shills, and not change my opinion because of confirmation bias"
Stop worrying shit of nofap.
No porn is where you should be focusing. Cutting down on fap is good, bit you should still fap like once a month at least.
Holy fuck i am like day 5 by accident this is the second of 2 nights i have actively had to make myself not wank i want nothing more than to look at porn but i won't watch porn until i finally want to fuck irl like i used to fuck you porn you won't get the best of me.
Did you have performance anxiety too? I had one time of not being able to get it up at like 19. I was watching any porn i wanted. Hardest of evilangel (real quality work). Then i went soft after fucking my regular, boring, hot girlfriend. She thought it meant i was completely unattracted by her. Next time i was super worried about not getting it up again which guaranteed i didn't get it up. Same for the next 5 times till we had a massive chat even with tears and shit it looked real beta i guarantee it. I came to find my erections get softer even while wanking. I thought i was broken. Looks like porn was the problem. I don't think fapping is it, but noporn is probably easier with nofap for the first week. Already have a bigger dick while soft, and seem to get erections easier. I think this dopamine oversaturation shit might just be real.
It's not shitting people to ask if it's legit. Which noporn definitely is. I don't know about nofap desu but 6 days ago I would have scoffed at noporn while not being able to get it up.
Been there. Not about the cock. Porn is just better than IRL pussy. Delivers more thrills because chicks in porn will do shit that only gets done for money. If you want to have relationships, you gotta fuck. It's like denying yourself heroin because you know that pursuing IRL goals makes you more likely to lead a happy life.
>once a month
>not once a week at least
Enjoy your dick cancer
I hope this is real or i am forcing myself for nothing. Even forcing for nothing is still exercising discipline though so never bsd practice. Literally the only reason i aren't fapping now is because i am on this site talking about fapping.
You do realize you're now stressing about not fapping right? Which is definitely worse in the long run, noporn is where it's at, that shit rots your head
Are you sure?
I have a girlfriend though so i will just not fap at all and take viagra so i can fuck sometimes. Holy shit porn has ruined me. I am like fucking 20.
Holy fuck i am just finding this out i call bs on rotting your head but not being able to get it up is just as bad this is a fucking catastrophe
I mean, it's not 100% proven, but I think a detox for me for now is worth it. Later I can do it more often, once I've got through my porn addiction bit.
Discipline is an important skill, which will carry over into other aspects of your life, such as exercise, work ethic, diet, etc. Keep at it user. If you want a bit more easy you can drop down to once a week or something. But definitely no porn.
If you use your imagination, then it's fine. And when/if you ever see a real naked woman, it'll be amazing. Whereas overload of porn, you'll be critiquing this girl comparing her to all the porn you've seen.
I wouldn't call it stressing. I agree that no porn is more important, but discipline is important. But you don't have to go extreme. Can be just once a day. Once every other day, etc. You set that limit, but whatever you set, stick to it!
>not cialis
enjoy heart attacks
Really? Its what i have now and the boners are worth it.
Yeah this. Porn makes you feel good, but it doesn't deliver the emotional intimacy I'm desperately looking for.
I wish I could go back in time and slap my 12 year old self.
Anyway, I know I will make it.
Today i almost broke my 3day streak but then my nose started bleeding like shit. I guess the gods themself want to stop me from breaking it.
Is it possible that porn might be causing me to have weak erections? I haven't had a full, steel hard on for years, except for once a few years ago, after I had been abstaining from porn and masturbation for 4 days. I've never been able to replicate those results though.
Why punish yourself? If i could still get it up at 20 porn would be fine. 19 year old me couldn't have known. Thing is now i have realised it is a problem so time to address it. I just want to fuck my girl properly again without having to worry about if my dick will go soft.
God doesn't exist but confirmation bias does. Either way noporn is probs good but only if you actually get problems from it.
If porn is not affecting your life in a negative way then there's no reason to stop watching it, but that's not my case unfortunately.
Yes. Google it. That's what i did and was like lol probably has something to do with the real hardcore porn i like. Better give noporn a go. Also l-arginine ordered today so let's see if that works. Google seems to have a few things to try out. I am going to get back the dick i used to have that would get hard and stay hard for ages even if i'm having dinner with the family or some shit. Fuck you performance anxiety. Fuck your right in the ass with my brand new dick.
Kek is real though.
Yeah neither. Only because i noticed my dick doesn't work. What other problems?
Lack of libido. Also, mixed with my shyness and my excessive bodyweight it created a toxic cocktail that killed the development of my social skills, especially with girls. Basically my ~16 year old me would subconsciously think something like this upon seeing a hot girl: "yeah, it'd be nice to have real sex but I'm fat, it'd be embarrassing to approach a girl in my current state, I'd rather go home and jack it to porn, it's much easier".
Stop watching porn already, it can takes months, sometimes a few years to recover depending on your situation.
I've been off porn for about a year now. But only when I stopped cumming every time I had sex I noticed a speedup in the improvement.
Noporn helps too, but to really reset the dopamine you should try not to cum for as long as possible, limit it to once every 2 weeks, or once a month depending on how fast you want to recover.
I'm 25, feeling as horny as I did when I was 14 now - literally go into a weird sort of trance during sex, get hard/horny super easy, somehow chicks pick up on it, and get drawn into it.
I walk into the gym and sometimes (a few, not all) girls will spaghetti if I as much as look in their direction.
You'll feel insane urges to fap to porn sometimes, resisting it it builds willpower, character and self respect, srs.
Stop porn, forever.
Did it make it easier for you to talk to girls?
Absolutely sir. It will not make you charismatic as fuck right off the bat, I may spaghetti some initially but it happens more rarely, and when it does I'm usually able to get out of it really fast. You will get some girls looking in your direction but ultimately none of them are gonna do jack shit, you still have to go for it.
If you first do have sex with them most will want to stick around because your level of pleasure / engagement / enjoyment is so high it makes guys who watch porn seem apathic and boring.
You'll just feel more passionate in general, noporn is not a meme. It WILL take time though.
Pic related
>Day 8407 of nofap
>Still not feeling it
How much time till you could get rock hard again? I haven't fucked my gf in months but still fap in the toilet daily wtf is wrong with me?
Bs. Even tho ur memeing
>ock hard again? I haven't fucked my gf in months but still fap in the toilet daily wtf is wrong with me?
You answered your own question motherfucker, stop fapping in the toilet, don't cum, and tell your girlfriend exactly what's going on.
For me, after not cumming for about 2 weeks I got rock hard. Then I came 2 days in a row, then I was unable to get rock hard for another 2 weeks... Bottom line, just don't cum, have slow cuddly sex but don't cum.
When it kicks in you'll probably prematurely ejaculate but you'll still be able to keep going after so...
Also do kegels
>day 9076
>no results yet
I'm a girl btw.
>they fell for the no fap meme
Shit, I'm and you're giving me hope man. I'll definitely try it.
this, no fap is a meme where 99% of people who try it feel worse after it and only the 1% actually get anything good out of it because they fall for placeboes. theres literally 0 science behind it
Already stopped cumming in the toilet. Day 5 now noporn. Haven't made myself not cum but don't want to wank if can't have porn so accidentally nofap too. I want to get where i was before. Fucking with rock hard erections every 2 days.
Is there a special kegels routine? How many sets and reps?
Nofap may be a meme but i know for sure there is science behind porn-induced erectile dysfunction.
No fap is like test boosters.
It tricks you into thinking you have higher test levels by making you horny. Very different than real test boosting.
I have been limiting it to once a month and my self esteem has improved. You have to try it before you can opine.
>we be serious for one fucking time and discuss this like the intellectual adults that we are?
lol go back to le reddit you fucking faggot
Will NoFap make my PE worse?
What happens after the 10th day?
That's got to be the worst figure I've seen in 2017 so far.
testosterone goes negative and instantaneously turns you into a trap
Total testosterone=/=free testosterone
Also more likely than not is he started working out and getting his diet clean which would have an effect on test. He also probably started being more social and hanging out with wome again that boosts test.
No fap is a trick.
A little
Ate her pussy and made her cum, but wasn't hard while eating, bent her over and got a semi but couldn't do it. Gonna stop watching porn and hope it helps. I have noticed weaker erections lately but I have been wanking more, guess I'll try no fap and if not, noporn
>Also more likely than not is he started working out and getting his diet clean which would have an effect on test. He also probably started being more social and hanging out with wome again that boosts test.
how can you affirm that blindly
People saying it's a meme have clearly never tried it and those that feel no big change haven't been addicted enough to notice the return from numbness, and they should be glad for it. Granted, noporn is the main "culprit" here and nofap is just an extension of it that helps assert your self control and balance out your habits ( hint: you're not supposed to and your body isn't made for you to jack off 3 times a day, sooner or later you'll have diminishing returns ), but I think it's kind of amazing how guys from far and wide have felt better for it and are connecting with themselves and others much more.
Pissing on that and calling it a meme doesn't invalidate the relief and satisfaction experience that people that would normally have no association together have all had. NoPorn is really good and has changed lives. NoFap is an extension of that, but more on the self control side
This, I also have this autistic fear that if I can't stop myself from baboon dancing then I won't be able to stop myself from cheating on my future spouse and I don't want that to happen.
Honestly, it just makes me more confident, motivated, energetic, easier to talk to girls, etc. I don't speak for anyone else.
It's fucking difficult. Whenever I get bored at home I just wanna rub one out, and I need to get out of that habit so nofap is good
Seeing Veeky Forums girl threads in the catalog sure as shit doesn't help
>He also probably started being more social and hanging out with wome again that boosts test.
>There are people who actually believe this
Make a tinder and have sex with an actual woman
>sex with an actual woman
Where do you think you are?
7 years here
get on my level
i have wizard powers
>be on the edge all the time because of nofap
>message SEVERAL girls on a dating app in my area
>desire for pussy has gone to infinity and beyond
>writing with several girls is fun but i want that pussy
>my previous gf was chubby so fat people can't be that bad, i thought
>a good friend of mine is obese and he is nothing like the prejudices, takes good care of himself
>except eating for eating a fucking whale every day
>there was this girl who was obviously on the bigger side according to her profile pic
>instantly hit off because "want to fuck" actually fucking worked
>i should have noticed the foul smell that was lying in the air
>i picked her up becuase we wanted to fuck asap
>then i saw, that she was not just fat, but obese
>i let her in my car
>i just wanted to fuck
>awkward smalltalk
>arrived at my house
>we entered my room and got undressed
>then i saw it, she was the full package with 50% extra on a discount
>stretch marks
>horrible dry skin
>dry as fuck hair
>injured leg
>cut marks all over her legs
>it was too late
>i was too beta
>i was doomed
>kissing was awful
>i could only get it remotely hard inside of her
>i took forever to cum even though i was on the edge just before
>i finally managed to finish with great effort
>and oh, the smell
>the foul smell
>she smelled bad after undressing
>but her sweat stank was even WORSE
>i instantly drove her home
>on my way back home i noticed that i didnt wash my hands because i rubbed my nose
>i nearly puked because of that smell
>at home i opened all windows, took a shower, and chenged all my bedsheets
pls kill me
Bitch please.
Just extended my new years resolution.
That's right
I haven't eaten anything for over 12 hours and wanted to have a nice meal after that. I am hungry as fuck but am not able to consume anything.
I relapsed this morning guys. 4 days but I keep sleeping like shit agitated as all fuck, I felt like my gains were at risk now.
I keep my phone in a seperate room, so I didn't even have porn to jack off to but FUCK I WANTED TO SLEEP!
>not giving up
I think I'm quitting Veeky Forums for some time. browsed fit 90% of the time but I think I need full on monk mode this shit, it was fine until I see something really provocative and it sticks to my head for fucking hours.
Didn't mean to respond toGoing to the gym and hope the man in the mirror which surrounds the equipment doesn't hate me too much.
Dear boyos, I started watching porn clips and masturbating at about 9 years old and did that every day until probably one or two years ago (22 now). I lived in a really cramped house and shared a room for all of that time, so I did all of my masturbating in the bathroom and never really did it while in bed until recently. I've only just realised that, when lying in bed, my dick while erect will fall to my stomach rather than remain upright and perpendicular to my body. I believe it should be able to stand even while reclining, so would this be a result of a muscular issue caused by early and constant masturbating throughout my adolescence or a result of this porn-induced impotence?
pls respond
I already started staring at women's yoga pants asses at the gym since day 2 yesterday
i'd say it working
gotta crawl before you walk, next time go for someone, y'know, not obese...
I'm doing a no porn videos version of no fap
Basically I still fap to my imagination but wont look at any sort of internet porn to get off
So far my imagination isnt as good, but I'm working on it
>I'm doing no fap
>Basically I still fap
nigga you wot
The only reason i am doing it is i have lost my sex drive. Why not just rub one out with your imagination?
No. That's what dicks do lol. Not sure if this is a copypasta
Thats called noporn. Me too. It is the scientific one.
It isn't. I'm just overly concerned and a silly boy
T. Low T.
Fapped before going to bed last night
Woke up in the middle of the night with the worst ever balding itch I've ever had. It felt like ants were crawling over my head.
It's without a doubt that masturbation aids in hair loss so now I have added motivation to stop
Source? I don't think i have ever heard that.
I definitely remember reading that DHT levels rise after masturbation.
Take my personal anecdote with a grain of salt. However, I've felt that itch ever since my hairline started receding and yesterday was the worst I've ever had it.
Fuck off with this meme.
If not fapping for 3 days is a big deal to you, then you've got bigger problems that not fapping ain't gonna fix.
I already failed.. Jesus Christ what's wrong with me..
kek, you are normal