>Friends still ignoring my text messages
I just don't know what to do. Stop talking to them?
>Friends still ignoring my text messages
I just don't know what to do. Stop talking to them?
we're your friends now.
You don't need friends. Solitude builds strength.
depends what the problem is. are you sending messages that don't really warrant a response? are they busy? are they just slow responders?
good social relationships are strongly correlated with happiness. though I guess you don't strictly NEED to be happy.
Not fitness related. God damn janitors need to start using Selenium to autoclean you shitposters.
funny, I feel the same with or without my friends.
I think you're misunderstanding. you don't have to see them all the time, the point is that they're there when you need them.
If people take too long to text me back, I start worrying that I don't really exist.
If you are an obnoxious cunt, ofc they are not replying
Stop texting like a needy fag and get new friends.
that's what Veeky Forums is for
How do I get new friends?
how'd you get the old friends?
From school.
>New Years Eve around 6pm
>have a girl bring me to get tendies at McDonald's
>we talk about plans
>she convinces me to drop my plans to chill with her
>she drops me off and tells me to dress nice and she'll pick me back up at 8 to go bar hopping
>get dressed and drink some beers and wait
>she messages me on Jewbook every hour telling me she needs more time to get ready
>12 o'clock comes and no response
>no one would come get me because they were all too drunk to drive
>spent New Years in my room drinking by myself and feeling like a loser
Damn dude
Wtf is her problem
I feel as if people misuse friend as a word anyway. A friend is someone you can call for help if you need shit done and they would do it. Most people in our lives are acquaintances.
She messaged me in the morning on Jewbook and made up a story about having her car window and phone broken by her ex so she had no way to contact or get me. Women are just bitches to me at the moment.
well, that's what you get for not putting effort into maintaining relationships and talking to people on the internet instead
>>spent New Years in my room drinking by myself and feeling like a loser
Iktfb. I did the same.
>never text friends
>still have more friends than any normie
I just tell them texting is for the sloots. Also you sound like a needy fag. My other friend was like "you never reply". Bitch nigga I'm working and you know exactly when I get back home to where I play vidya with you. Calm down fuccboi
Sounds like they already stopped talking to you, my man.
How do I get over being needy and neurotic? This has ruined friendships and most of all, relationships.
I am literally Malcolm from Malcolm in the Middle. Not a genius, but intelligent enough to destroy any worth in my life.
Oh god, it's happening again!
mfw she's ignoring my text
>Most people in our lives are acquaintances.
This and the older you get the less teal friends you'll have. Doesn't matter how attractive or charasmatic you are. Eventually your only friend will be your wife and maybe like 3 other people at most.
Same, except if I post b8 and get literally zero (0) (You)'s out of it.
Horrifying Tbh
You are over thinking it. You have anxiety, it gets resolved when you increase confidence in yourself. So start lifting and do a sport that you actually love
Get therapy but don't get pills , for anxiety they are only needed when you have panic attacks in the middle of a road trip and could seriously injure people, but that shit doesn't happens.
No, you are not a special snowflake, you are just a regular Veeky Forums user that doesn't know how to socialize because you never actually done it.
Talk to people, you'll drop spaghetti, which will give you experience. Also, pay attention when you say stupid autistic shit, when people get away it's a great opportunity to stop doing it and change.
Yes, change, all the idiots saying you should be yourself confuse fixing autistic behaviour with bowing and do everything like everyone else wants, that's not the point.