Zyzz looks better than any other cunt in the world. Dat jaw, dat hair, dat nose, dat upper chest, those lips, those eyes, those traps. Full homo
Zyzz looks better than any other cunt in the world. Dat jaw, dat hair, dat nose, dat upper chest, those lips...
If right is a 10, left is a 4
fuck you man zyzz deserves much more credit. Give me arguments that chico is looking more aesthetic face wise because zyzz shits over him with his godlike body in his prime years
I think Jeff Seid has better all-around aesthetics. Body, face hair. Jeff has it all.
Dead men tell no tales
the homo in this thread is strong
More tales will be told about that dead man than there will ever be told of you.
fucking miss him guys..
literally all thanks to steroids and genetics
makes you think
seriously stimulates the synapses
You forgot "that heart" TOP KEK
fuck off jeff
femanon here. zyzz is ugly compared to the guy on the right. his face looks weird and not pleasing at all
You're probably a closet lesbo then. Zyzz is perfection.
>femanon here.
>its not high quality at all
This may be totally out there to you, since you're probably not Christina. But I have a gut feeling about this and I'll take the long shot. I'll take my chances, anyway. I did, after all, introduce you to this website. And I'm picking up the kind of cynicism that is totally you. I think you're Christina. I know you're Christina.
You know who I am. And I just want to say I'm sorry for everything.
I loved you. I truly did. You were wonderful, and you were always appreciative of me. That meant a lot. It was really cruel of me to hurt your feelings, but please understand that I am a weak man.
Years of emotional neglect and being ignored by the opposite sex has made me a very wounded person. I've tried filling that void in my heart with casual sex, flings, hooking up with strangers. I've grown addicted to that brief moment of affection, however short lived it is. It has become my drug.
I never shared this problem with you, but that does not justify my sexual relations with your sister. God! I was so fucking stupid to do that!
And please understand that I did not mean anything--ANYTHING--that I said during our argument before breaking up.
I'd like to say I've moved on, but the way we broke up has left me with a gnawing feeling. I don't know where you are, or if you are even Christina, but please take this as my apology.
Jeff pls leave
i'm not but i take your apology
>looks better
You know he's a rotting corpse by now....
>this is what uggos tell themselves
gayfag reporting in
>right one is 8,5/10
>left is 6/10
Zyzz was objectively handsome, not model tier, but way over average. About the Francisco dude, he is obviously handsome but lacks manliness imo, he'll improve with age.
And the surgery
His cheeks ruin him :(
>yfw you realize girls liked zyzz for his HEIGHT and FACE, not his "aesthetics" like gymcels want to believe
Zyzz was an obnoxious drug addict sandnigger
Why are you so gay.
literally everything this guy had to his name was roiding hard and dying at 22
if you genuinely consider him a role model you have mental issues
Yeah that's why he had a fat gf before hitting the gym.
i miss zyzz
>Literally died same year
Kek nigs gonna nig
Really, uh,
*wiggles fingers*
gives one cause to, uh,
15 year old redditors
i can get jaw implants too
also, he's a shitskin, which automatically makes him below 5
>jew nose
>drugs and roids
>plastic sugery
>died at 22 yo
Not even once.
how many pictures of zyzz exist?
Over 1,000
stay mirin