Do you think you'd stand a chance in a fight against the mountain?

Do you think you'd stand a chance in a fight against the mountain?
He's 206cm (6'9) and 170kg (395lbs)

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lol that babydick

i have a gun so yes it would be easy

What did he mean by that?

Can't stand this cunt

No guns

Well in that case...
*teleports behind the memetain*
*replaces shopping bag with gernade*
*replaces hat with son's dirty diaper*
*teleports back*
Memetain: "AHH UYYAARRGGHHH there's shit in this diaper!!"
Me: "Don't be such a shithead. Heh heh, nothing personnel kid."
*puts on sunglasses and takes his waifu*
*linkin park music starts playing*

My speed is superior

i'd shoot him.

>get off scott free for self defense, or at worst 5-7 years plus parole
>he'd be dead

I win.

Easy, punch him straight in the balls

why not?

Please... I'd just get the jumper cables

Without a weapon? God no he would beat the shit out of me.

Pretty sure you could argue using a gun as self defence in court. Look at that fucking creature.

I'm 177cm (5,8 or 5,9 not sure) and only 65kg.
I would have lost before I even got challenged

I'm fast enough to run away from him and come back to kill him when he sleeps

Not saying I could, but it'd be interesting to see him in an actual fight before people assume he's invincible. All we have is him looking like a turtle against a holding back Conor.

Or at least see the guy punch a heavybag.

>teleport behind him
>nothing personal kid

I'd just kick him in the dick.

This deserves at least a pity (You)

a hundred thousand years ago, people saw creatures like this, realized punching them might be a bad idea and came up with great ideas like throwing stuff at them, sharpening the thrown stuff beforehand, spears, slings, bows, crossbows...
we should be glad for big motherfuckers like this. they are the catalysts of progress.

me in the background on the left

>those narrow hips and thin thighs

Shit taste in women desu


That's a guy, isn't it?

>Man chin
>Flat chest
>Testicle poking out
What do you think?

That was just them fucking around so it wasn't really a fight. Mountain looked surprisingly agile for someone his size though.

I'd lose but I don't need to have a 10 inch dick to not look like a joke naked

>tfw your awe inspiring body makes you look like a dicklet

No ty

>thats actually my fetish

>tfw former fatty and will never be able to have this kind of body due to loose skin
It hurts.

>having large ugly stretch marks all over the side of your body
I know that feel. It's the only thing still holding me back from going out with my shirt off.

It's not even the stretch marks that bother me. I'd take even more obvious stretch marks if it meant not having this awful fucking pudge hanging around my gut. I'm a skeleton otherwise, but this god damn pudge is 100% keeping me from bulking.

Her name is Testiclaus

Shouldn't have gotten fat.

Is he still competing or he just memes and shit of thrones?

Damn I'm glad you're here to tell me that great advice
Really makes you think

well if that pudge is extra skin then it will never go away. you only have two options to remove it. first one is surgery and the second one is to bulk up and get muscle and make use of that skin

Yeah probably, he doesn't look so tuff.

He's a muscle bound slug. He can't fight for shit. We don't need proof to know that.

But we have proof anyway so here you go.

Scars serve as a reminder of the lessons we've learned.

>bulk up and get muscle and make use of that skin
not him, but this is my plan

I can't tell if it is or not. This is me at my skinniest, 5'11 and about 140lb or so.

well...losing fat is nice but...I think you did a 360 noscope on all your muscles too

Well, I don't think
has terribly many muscles, but I also don't think that body is achievable from mine even with stomach surgery.

how much did you weigh and what bf% were you?

looks like skin to me

when you were fat

also how old are you

I don't know what bf% I was, I was just your regular old fat fuck, I guess. Got up to 280, trimmed down to 140 after about 7 years. I'm 25. It's pretty depressing to know that the flat stomach I've craved all these years is so close, yet so far away. That's what I get for stuffing my face with what the fuck ever for years on end as a teenager.

how did you lose the weight?

>tfw 6'5, 245 manlet




start adding lean mass to fill in as much loose skin as you can.
then consider surgery

Calorie counting.
I gained about 7 pounds of pure fat over the Holidays, so I think I want to cut back down to 140 and then do as you say. Would that mean eating slightly above maintenance when you say adding lean mass?

you rapppe haaaa

youuu murduer haaaaa

>Would that mean eating slightly above maintenance when you say adding lean mass?

lean mass is muscle, he means lifting.
you will have to eat above maintenance to get anywhere, but you should be working hard enough to turn it into muscle.

you already have flat stomach, it's just the extra skin that is covering it. you literally have no muscle so start lifting.

i don't know what your bodyfat is and if that is really only skin but you should go and get measured. if you are at like 10% fat you should definitely start to lift and eat at a surplus and that should fix some of your skin problems as you gain muscle.

but in the end i'd start looking into excess skin removal. talk to your doctor about it.

Okay, I'll make an appointment with my doctor and get her opinion. She's just a GD though, is that fine?


That's not how fights work unless you live in Chicago

How tall was his sparring opponent? Seems to be far taller than McGregor.

Mountain can't box for shit and he's far slower, but the large height difference is going to give 5'9" McGregor difficulty. Best he can do is tire the mountain out which as we can see in the video won't take too long.

I'm 6'6115kg, black and have boxed for 8 years. I'd give it a go

After watching this I genuinely think I could make up the 45kg difference and beat him. Feelsgoodman knowing I can beat pretty much any non-professional fighter. Prime Mike Tyson or Ali would obviously fucking destroy me

Why wear a shirt like that?

Why were any graphic tee?

Does he even lift or is 1x1 thumb pushdowns enough?

he is second ranked in the world behind brian shaw

Daily reminder that the mountain got his ass beat by a dyel bisexual spaniard

He's heavier than that, I'd say he's around 190 nowadays

Back 2 leddit

Jesus christ

I would rape him.
I would murder him.
I would kill his children.

I saw this in Pokemon. OK, I can't beat him on sheer strength, but I can be more agile, dodging his attacks!

The gernade doesn't explode?

Evasion clause

>shitty stance
>shitty punches
I most likely could get 2-3 hits in before bolting the fuck out because I'm not about to bet my pretty face that le skill beats those massive gains.

>caged match
run around, jab whenever opportunity arises and pray for the best

I've taken similar sized lads to the ground on the rugby field, but after that I'd have no idea how to beat him in grappling. I'm thinking the reach is the problem, and if he gets a hit or a hold on you you're fucked.

>That's a guy, isn't it?
>Needing to ask that question on Veeky Forums

>I've taken similar sized lads to the ground on the rugby field
no you haven't. Hardly anyone that big plays rugby, the biggest lad I've seen on a pitch was a strongman who played in our club who was 6'7 and 150kg, but much fatter than Thor
You don't realise how big 6'9 and 190kg at reasonably low bf% is.

>who's the the walking target practice?

You guys are all delusional
Judging by that video someone posted yeah he's a big slow dummy but one of those punches without a glove would easily knock you out

I didn't say they had that much muscle, but I've seen flankers that approach hi. It'd be the same thing though if you really were up against him, the classic "can't run with no legs" (forgive me) would get him to the ground, but then you're cooked.

190 is a fuckload in retrospect though, you're right

It's not normal to be that big or eat 10000 calories a day but on Steroid it is

>muh roids
Try injecting yourself with grams of tren, test, gh and insulina for years. You'll still be nowhere near Thor

Okay? That had nothing to do with this?