How much alcohol do you guys drink and how often?
How much alcohol do you guys drink and how often?
I havent in a couple of weeks.
Thinking about giving it up entirely since I only drink with friends a few times a year and dont have a lot of money
I think I'm basically an alcoholic at this point.
Probably drink myself to sleep 4-6 nights out of the week.
Solid way to die early if thats your thing.
Only socially, max three drinks (body doesn't handle alcohol very well).
I only drink water and milk
That you Nietzsche
none, maybe a Michelob if it is cardio day.
Reasons to drink alcohol
>too afraid to face gurls sober
>too afraid to just be yourself around people
>too afraid to face the problems in your life
If you wan't to be a real man stop drinking, go to parties sober and stop giving a fuck, you can still have fun and dance and hit on girls and make new friend without alcohol.
Most of the time I drink 4 o 5 shots of whiskey when going out at night, so between once or twice a month.
Every 6 months or so I party for a whole week drinking continuously.
Nah man it actually sucks being the only one not drinking. People treat you different and you feel out of place.
Haven't touched alcohol since May 2015 when I started getting Veeky Forums
Social life kinda suffers, rarely going out these days. Being sober at a disco or club is not fun... You actually realize how retarded the entire set up is... I'm also too passive and awkard around girls without alcohol. With some drinks I literally turn on autopilot with girls and its much easier overall. I also got laid way more often then nowadays. But I don't care too much.
But I'm not sure if its just because of quitting drinking... Going out became less fun anyways and I lost interest in it the last years and now I can focus on my gains in the gym and in university.
Don't understand why people are so confused when you tell them you don't drink.
Do they think that you think you're better than them?
19yo here
I honestly never been drunk and never really drank alchohol, except a few times in family meetings. I like to think that it's a good thing as alcohol is bad for you, but desu if I weren't antisocial nerd I would have probably been drunk dozens of times. I really want to get drunk with someone to experience how it feels. However, I'm autisic fuck with no friends, so this will probably never happen.
Depends, at regular gatherings probably one bottle (1.5L) of beer at best. If at a party, a bit more.
I've never gotten drunk and don't intend to.
>how often
I usually go out with friends once per month.
yeah pretty much. just try not to come of as being smug about it. people who don't drink often come off as being smug without realizing it.
Don't touched alkohol, since beginnig of 2016, when started take pills, my shrink recomended to me.
>1-2 times a year
Used to drink a lot in my late teens-early twenties, but eventually alcohol lost it's appeal.
Now getting drunk 2-3 times a week seems like a completely alien idea
If by "early" you mean "early sixties" then yeah. Fentanyl is where it's at if you've got a death wish.
Wow user you must be the life of the party chadmode macho man
I started drinking when I became more social. I still don't drink much though, and I'm mildly drunk after three beers. That's about enough for me.
I'm old now but I'm also from Wisconsin so it's basically impossible to do anything without drinking or drinks being served.
2-5 times a month nowadays.
Was sober for 7 months then fell off the wagon hard. Trying to get sober again because that really was the best 7 months of my life.
Usually I'll have maybe 2 drinks a week, mostly if I go to a restaurant with my girl. This week though I've been on a bender. I got drunk (like, at least 12 beers drunk) three times and I'm gonna do it one more time on the 31st. Then it's back to 1-2 drinks a week for the next 51 weeks.
Usually around 6 drinks a day more if I'm going out
I don't really drink at all. I did a shit ton of heroin a few years ago and since then I've lost interest in any alcohol except the occasional drink at parties. It just feels sub-standard. Also, if I do get drunk, I always wake up feeling restless and uncomfortable around 5am. That alone makes it not worthwhile. Probably some shit do with blood sugar?
I binge drink like fuck at weekends (I'm talking a bottle of vodka + a few beers + Shots)
How bad is that for you? I'm 22. I'm gonna quit
i went to night club every week this fall, and going to continue that in the spring until i can get pussy on every visit
You can do it man. Kicking booze would be tough but I know you can exert control over yourself. Might be worth finding other things to do to get your mind off things too, maybe smoking weed, or even something more straight laced
Never drank alcohol in my entire life, save for tasting it once or twice when I was a kid.
Always drink as much as water as you can before going to bed.
Quit drinking. Best decision I ever made. Get laid way more now than I ever did when I was drunk.
I think it's just the alcohol fucking up your sleep...always have this when I drank too much.
I drink a couple beers a week and maybe a few shots on the weekend. I don't really feel like it's an issue and most of the time it's staying in with a couple friends over or just to unwind after work.
I'm not an alcoholic I'm in college
no it makes them question why they drink and why someone else seems to be fine without it. then instead of questioning that further, they just defend it by finding some real or imagined fault in the non-drinker to justify their dismissal of anything he says.
U of A, nice. Trips checked.
About a cup of whiskey every few weeks
None anymore since about half a year. It's great overall, just going to parties is kind of pointless. But you know how it goes, if it helps your lifts...
None. Alcohol legitimately tastes like complete shit to me no matter what type it is
My body is probably gonna be thanking me when I'm older for it
I have 1 drink on the weekend. Usually some kind of creamy drink like Baileys. I try the different kinds out. I like how they taste. I do it at home. I don't drink when I socialize.
I drink two to three times a week. Just on weekends.
When school is in session, about once every 3 days but a lot of times it's just drinking a beer or two. When I'm back home from for break I don't drink at all.
>no it makes them question why they don't drink and why someone else seems to be fine with it. then instead of questioning that further, they just defend it by finding some real or imagined fault in the drinker to justify their dismissal of anything he says.
You must be fun at parties
i haven't had any alcohol in nearly 5 months. when i did, i would just keep it to the weekends so i could get good and crocked and temporarily numb the pain away.
one night, i woke up on my floor after a rare weekday binge and realized that i was tired of doing it for the wrong reasons. i just don't want to do it anymore, at least for now.
marijuana, on the other hand, i can do regularly for the 'right' reasons. that story is for another day.
What if someone told you they had drug and alcohol problems in the past so they don't drink any more. Would that come off as smug to you?
like half a fifth of tequila/whiskey/rum/vodka once a week but like durng finals week or whatever it could be every night
I don't, and on a date when I mentioned I don't drink the girl legitimately asked as a first question if it's because I'm an ex-alcoholic or there's alcoholism in my family. Then I went back to her apartment and she had about 12 different bottles of booze on her living room table
Fucking alcoholics
You're an idiot.
alcohol is expensive. only buy a cheap bottle of wine if i'm going for a date/hanging out
>when the autism comes full circle
Really depends on how busy I am. I only ever drink when I'm with others socializing, or at home when I'm watching movie I'll have a couple beers. So I only drink in my downtime.
Only young shitheads think drinking is "cool". Most alcoholics, like people who smoke, drug addicts etc. know it's fucking their life up but they are convinced they " need" it.
A non-drinker smashes that false reality causd by addiction.
I drink maybe once every 4-6 weeks, I get drunk but never to the point of vomiting.
I have fun at the time but always feel a sense of self-loathing and depression for a few days afterwards, especially if I do something mildly embarrassing.
3 beers before bed
when i was 16-18 i drank approx 2-3 litres of cider every weekend but the novelty of drinking wore off and now i only drink like 3-5 drinks maybe once every 2 or 3 weeks.
This desu
Coming from a home where alcohol was only really seen for special occasions or a warm summer afternoon it disgusted me to find out how much the average person drinks.
Might have a beer or single drink a day minimum, but that's with dinner. Friday or Saturday I pick on day to have a max of 5 through the night, and the other night out of the two I'll have like 10 between shots and drinks so I shit it all out the next morning.
Most everyone I work with has at least 4 a day and I don't even know how much on weekends. But they're all getting fat so whatever
I assume they're judging the shit out of me.
Little hypocritical given I'm offered weed all the time I turn down. I legit don't judge them tho I just hate how paranoid I get.
Going off the booze for a month here because like anons said fucks my sleep up and too many Cal's.
Problem is I don't enjoy my video games without it, it's too cold outside, and my friends all out of town for quite some time.
What do normal people do to keep themselves busy when done lifting?
So by taking advantage of drunk people. Hmm
Either a 24 pack of beers, half a box of wine or 2 bottles.
I feel you brow. 23.
Somewhere around 10-20 units twice a week
Hey degenerate fags
i work in a restaurant so i drink pretty much every night, get drunk maybe once a week, and take a few days every month to let my liver catch up and repair itself
2-3L of beer when I go out clubbing, which is every other weekend.
>you do something fun that I don't because I'm a social reject so I'm going to call you a degenerate
Where do you live?
Your virtue has been signaled.
I've drank every single day for the past, I don't even know how long at this point, like 3 months? I've been an alcoholic since 2012 though. Yesterday was my first day without any drink at all in a long time. Gonna see how long I can keep the streak going.
My insides hurt guys.
Haven't had alcohol for about a year and a half. Feels ok.
18 y/o in college here. I dont get the point of drinking, it doesnt fix anything. I love socializing desu but my social life suffers because i dont like to party. I just love going out to places and doing w/e that night. Hoping to find a decent female with the same ideals so i wont have to worry about partying.
>What do normal people do to keep themselves busy when done lifting?
Watch TV, but video games are better anyways. Steam sale's going on right now user you can get some really fun games on the cheap that I hope you can enjoy without booze
I just turned legal in my country what's the cheapest thing to get FUCKED up on and whats the cheapest thing to get a nice lil buzz
Two or three nights of the month I'll have 3-5 shots of hard liquor if I'm going out and not driving. No beer or wine ever.
Don't like being drunk, don't like drunk people and the social dynamic, don't like the cost, and I definitely don't like having to pee every 5 minutes. Seriously does anyone else have this problem?
Two beers is enough and it's both embarrassing and impractical.
Can't stand TV, might be OK to have on in background while I learn to code tho...
Thx for the well wishes
which country?
Canada, the legal age to buy alcohol is 19 so I had to rely on my boys to get me sauced
Used to drink up to 10 liters of beer a day just 3 months ago, nothing now.
Got fat as fuck and almost died. Not recomended.
If you got through the first day without shakes/seizures, than take this opportunity and QUIT while you're not yet physically dependant. I had the bad luck, or maybe the incredible good fortune, to get heavily physically addicted early on. I went through shakes, I went through seizures, I probably only survived because of an assisted detox program. Assisted, as in they kept me sedated for a week while my nervous system reset. You DON'T want to get to that point m8, believe me.
Drink 5-6 days a week, maybe 1-2 beers a night unless I'm going out. Something about a delicious beer with dinner or before I go to bed is very satisfying
Empty calories
I'd be surprised if I drank a full liter of alcohol in 2016, plus it was mostly soju which isn't terribly strong. I'm not opposed to drinking or anything I just don't really except at celebrations.
Your liver probably doesn't love you. It's also probably fucking up your gains royally. The problem is that you can get away with that type of shit for years before you start feeling the adverse effects and by then it's hard to reverse. I'm assuming you don't count calories. Do you even lift? (I mean that as a genuine non-meme question)
I drink only a few times a few but when I do I get pretty fucking hammered.
Honest question, why do so many people say "I prefer chill bars over clubs" as if that's the mark of a cool, down to Earth person?
>Tons of attractive people
>Everyone's having a blast dancing
>Hitting on someone isn't a big deal, lots of groups are mixing and intermingling
>Dancing with a hot girl who's a complete stranger is a completely normal thing
>Most are boring, some dive bars have a lot of people but are cliquey and consist of people who met each other at the local high school and never went anywhere
>People mainly stick to their groups
>Only a few stunning girls
>Often have a depressing vibe
Price of drinks is the only area where bars are better.
Unless you're a pizza eating chad, you will never make it drinking booze more than once a month, unless you sip the same drink all night like a little bitch
I'm at the point where I'm considering giving it up because it gives me terrible diarrhea in the morning.
You answered your own question. Clubs are for trying to touch your junk on strangers, which is a valid goal. Bars are for just having a drink to unwind, which should be considered equally valid.
Drank 5 beers and about 25cL of vodka yesterday
I do that about twice a week
I used to drink about 8 shots of whiskey every single night for a few years up until I quit drinking altogether
I quit drinking alcohol about 5 months ago after being wasted for 4 years. I have a date with a qt tomorrow that might lead to sex and I'm scared to death of cumming quick because i have never had sex sober before. What do
You won't come quick. If anything you'll be more in control of your body and you'll fuck better.
>best pics of Zyzz and Jeff with sluts that are 6/10 MAX
That's pretty funny. I bet they put in 0 effort to get them to bed, but ive never seem a picture of these dudes with a legit hot girl, or really pretty girl. Actually, never pretty, just cute at best, never an 8 or higher. And these dudes have godlike bodies
Pretty funny man. Pretty fucking funny
Cum quick. Wait, then fuck her again.
You fucking juvinile.
that's because they had 10/10 physiques but they didn't have perfect genetically determined Height Face and Frame
ur right
Believe it or not, girls who are ungodly hot are also tend not to be greasy sluts who will take the seed of any random man with low body fat and equally low everything else.