I know this is autistic, but how would you train a child from age 7 and up to be able to be a superhuman? To be faster, stronger, smarter, less injury prone, resilient, and general hurculeanness.
I know this is autistic, but how would you train a child from age 7 and up to be able to be a superhuman? To be faster...
Tumbling > gymnastics > weightlifting
Lead by example. Be a role model to him and instill strength as a virtue. Get him to do body weight exercises at a young age, by brainwashing him. Start weight lifting at age 14. Make him do squats every day. Done
What about diet, education, and injury prevention?
cold showers
I don't understand how Wim Hof can break records and have energy to do anything on a vegan diet.
Don't let your kid stay with relatives. What type of education? Teach by example and be there when be learns powerlifting/weightlifting
Break their limits mentally.
But if you do you'll fuck them up for life
no one uses 100% of their muscles due to our brains preventing extreme strain.
Making someone break their limits means no more normal life.
>Jiu jitsu
>calisthenic bw exercise
>puzzler type vidya like Talos Principle if you allow gaming
>nigger are you kidding me? chicken tendies and dino nuggets
>watch buff dudes with your son and practice with him preferably have a home gym if possible
Injury prevention
>don't do cross fit, study good form, gradually increase the weight only if his form can support it. When people snap their shit up myself included we knew it was too much yet still continued. I got lucky with my injury and it healed at the cost of two years not doing shit
People kind of need to specialize at the things they want to become super human at.
Wim Hof's method is available to everyone. He started later in life. If I have a kid and teach him to resist the cold then he could beat his records if he tries hard enough. My girlfriend's father used to douse his kids in ice after showers in order to make them 'strong.' I think those teachings are common in eastern Europe. I'll make an ice babby.
if you have to ask Veeky Forums about that you gonna fail in making your child strong etc. anyway
Chances are Veeky Forums will make the child an autistic meme lord. Presumably his training regiment would consist of shit posting 100 times a day.
Watch Dragon ball and have hi have the exact same training as Goku. name him Goku too and dye his hair black and buy him an arange suit with anime writing on it.
Wouldn't he be stronger if I dyed his hair blonde?
woah that's exactly what I'm doing. shame it's not from child. jdimsa
NOFAP for life.
Didn't they do that with the USA football linebacker for the green bay packers ?
Marinovich or something similar ?
He had a guns-n-roses tattoo and was "bred" for US football.
>check it out
team china is way ahead of you, user
basketball and soccer.
With basketball they're jumping up and full stretching their whole body when they throw their hands up.
Soccer they throw their legs fully stretching their legs.
Dynamic stretching gains for height. I'd put them into weightlifting once they're at least 6 feet hopefully by sophomore year.
The fuck kind of retardation is this? Blaha?
Keep them away from electronics until they're mature enough to moderate themselves. Videogames and youtube swallowed my childhood, and I wish my parents had kicked my ass harder to go out and do things.
Genetix engineering, biotech, hgh, and roids
intense gymnastic training from child + growth hormones.
Weight lifting and steroids at 18+, or 16+ if his height is already acceptable.
No. Blue. Have you been keeping up?
Take them to Jupiter, make them do a normal training program for a few years then let them come back.
>Sports and afterschool activities
>Chores and upkeep
>Good diet OBVIOUSLY
>Imprint a firm right-wing agenda onto him
>At the right age give him a phone, car, summer job, etc early on.
>Force homework upon him
>Encourage women and openly put down gays and iffeminate men
Chad incarnated right there.
>>Encourage women and openly put down gays and iffeminate men
might backfire, dont do this
If you have a faggot son then you have shamed thousands of your warrior ancestors and will be exocommunicated from their unity they share in the afterlife.
PEDs are vegan