>Be me >5'11 >Wear 2 inch lifts in boots (Around 6'1.5-6'2) >Chatting up some grills at a NYE bonfire with my manlet friend >Mention how both of them (grills) look exactly the same height >They ask me my height >"5'11" >Friend gives me a disgusted look, he's been forced into either telling the truth and look ridiculous or lie and look ridiculous >Manlet friend say 5'10 (he's actually 5'8) >Girls laugh
How have lifts improved your life Veeky Forums?
Another benefit is that they help your straighten your posture.
Liam Cox
If I was your friend i would say 5'5 to make you look like a liar
Sadly, Im 6'6, so there's no need for that
Landon Nguyen
>manletking is so obsessed with height he randomly starts talking about height with girls
Connor Reed
Tfw when 6'2 without shoes.
Christopher Miller
>5'11'' >manletking king of the manlets is 6'
Thomas Carter
>t. 6' 1''
Julian Williams
actually I am 6' king of manlets
Brayden Phillips
>tfw 5'6 with lifts >telling people I'm 5'8
Hunter Ross
>no one knows you're lying cause they use the metric system
Jackson Nguyen
>mfw when manlets are smaller then me, even when they cheat on their height
Luke Wright
>be me >5'9" 30yr old guy >have 5'11" girlfriend, 8/10, high-income earner wife-material >how did i meet her?
Approached her at a bar (she was sitting), and struck up a conversation with her:
>are you really smart, or do you wear glasses for the appearance like most millennials?
>She was taken a back but receptive. >tells me she's has Phd in epidemiology and works for the CDC....and that I should refer to her as Dr.
On a date much later, I asked her if she normally dates guys taller than her....she says she's all over the map. Asks me how tall I am....I tell her i'm 5'8" or so, "I haven't measure this morning".
So I lied and told her i'm shorter....I'm really 5'9.5".
She was impressed and and actually wanted to take shoes off to compare.
I can't tell you how much this impressed her....she said guys usually tell her that they're 5'10", and they turn out to be 5'8" when she compares, being the quantitative scientist.
Lesson: Don't be a fraud.
pic related.
Owen Bell
t. dating a tomato
Jayden Gomez
>like most millennials? Are you autistic and thought that was good starter material or were you just really drunk?
Owen Gomez
Your a real piece of shit op
Isaac Jackson
spoiler alert: The bartender was wearing frames without lenses like a total instagram model/brand ambassador/social media tzar/hipster.
That was the context of my statement.
Leo Martinez
Tyler Jones
You're average.
Logan Long
she's actually a color found in nature
Gabriel Ortiz
Honestly as a 5'5'' manlet I wish people would fuck off with lifts and styles that "make you look taller." Like I understand that society in general respects me less and I can't do online dating or date tall bitches. Whatever I catch shit for it, oh well. But I wish height would just be a simple preference and not equal to total ugliness or a dark fate. "He's cute but short." Why not cute and short? "Lifting weights makes you look shorter." So? How about I just be a short muscular person? Why is it so important to lie and hide what I physically am? Even if I pull it off it's just a disguise. Just accept me or don't - I don't agree with these tricky trickster social games.
Brayden Hall
>Why Genetic desirability, I would imagine. It is inherent to look for genetically advantageous traits to have the most likely chance of producing high quality offspring. Height offers dominance, greater attraction due to said dominamce, and greater physical capability (in some cases) among other things.
Things like black or brown hair are more of a preference thing, height, vocal range, etc. have basis in genetic leaning.
Lincoln Williams
Yeah but this isn't the fucking stone age anymore. When is the last time that someone had to rely on their 6'0 frame to ward off a beast or use hand-to-hand combat against other tribes? I know I'm really short, but it doesn't feel like that big of a deal to me. At no point has my day to day life been dramatically impacted because I didn't roll the arbitrary genetic dice right. Besides people who sum up other people purely by the best genetics are in for life of shallowness and disappointment. I mean how about people just communicate like human beings and look past shit to form normal relationships? Am I demanding average-tall women to fug me? no. But if I can try to be nice to people and give physicality the back seat in exchange for the "le personality" meme, why can't other people? Some people do - I'm not stud but most people respect me and I've had fun with a few chicks. Also there are plenty of tall people who are incredibly autistic or ugly, being tall doesn't guarantee respect and dominance and being short doesn't guarantee the lack of it. But that's using nuance and the average person can't handle that. My "why" question is more rhetorical than anything. We live in a society filled with social media, memes, and instant gratification. This generation is the most entitled and shallow group of people I know and I hope we either progress or burn in nuclear fire.
Zachary Jackson
Nice bait, it's pretty cleverly constructed
Though there's a really small chance that this really happened
Jack Green
>Yeah but this isn't the fucking stone age anymore
Oh no. Biology doesn't change. Women want the strongest chad. Not the weakest incel
Matthew Hall
> 6'2 barefoot > friend is 5'10 manlet > girls ask me my height > tell them I'm like 5'10 > I still remember the look of pain and betrayal on my friends face > he either has to claim I'm lying about being shorter, and look like a spastic > or he has to go with the lie and say he's 5'5 and have them think he's a midget
Cameron Reyes
If you're less than 7', you're a manlet.
Owen Jones
You're saying this on Veeky Forums, on Veeky Forums, where almost everybody is incredibly socially awkward and retarded. Seeing as you can form an actual paragraph without resorting to bringing up retarded memes and talking about Jews and shit puts you miles ahead of most people here. Basically, what I'm saying is, who gives a shit? If girls don't like shorter men, that's just how it is, but there are plenty of people that really don't give a shit about height. The average female height is about 5'4", so you're already taller than most, which means they won't care too much. Morale of the story is, you're short but the only people that truly care are ugly men that want to feel better about themselves, as their height is the only achievement they have, and they didn't even earn it, it was just genetic luck.
Mason Moore
>be friend of op >tell them I'm 5'10 >girls giggle and exclaim "but he's so much taller than you are!" >yeah because he's wearing lifts. He's a bit insecure about his height. >proceed to bang both girls while op goes home to shitpost on Veeky Forums
Leo Anderson
why do manlets always have hotter girls than me reeeeee
Jeremiah Foster
>i'm 5'11.5 actually closer to 6' >but I say 5'11 because 5'11.5 sounds extremely autistic >no one has ever noticed or cared
Anthony Thompson
>with friend and gf >friend says he's 5'10 >gf says she's 5'8 >exact same height
i think this is a good representation of the insecurities we all face
Cooper Hill
Your girl looks like Donald Trump.
Logan Adams
this. It's been proven that people also follow orders or trust in someone that is physically tall because it imposes an aura of authority. Size is an indication of dominance
Thomas Jenkins
How can someone be so insecure? Why does a 30 year old man feel the need to prove himself to anonymous people on a website for jerking off to anime? You are the reason manlet threads exist.
Jason Garcia
>tfw 6'3"
Gabriel Baker
>Girls laugh guarantee that it wasn't because of the height, but because of the lies, I'm yet to find a girl that doesn't date manlets, but most won't date a liar
Jackson Cooper
I'm 5'5.5" too, just don't care about it. When you find the right girl she will like you even if she is taller than you, improve yourself in other aspects.
>Inb4 Just "Bee" yourself
Christopher Bell
I cringed so hard reading this post that my face is inside out.
Jayden Allen
because you're actually a good/decent height. You don't have manlet problems. I can't wear TOMS shoes even though I find them very Veeky Forums It sucks. You're doing great.
Kevin Carter
I don't have anything against lanklets or manlets desu senpai. I was just giving you an anecdotal evidence of not caring. Not caring to the point that I approached an above average height grill and told her that I'm actually shorter than my actual height. Not sure what you're on about. She may leave me for a 6'4" Chad tomorrow and I won't an hero.
Eli Jackson
These kind's of threads really remind me I take my height for granted. Being shorter doesn't make you less of a man stop obsessing over it so much most people don't care about it as much as you.
But then again i'm 6'1 so I can't really talk.
Camden Wright
It doesn't matter as much as you think. I'm 6'2 and I'm still terrible with women.
Isaac Nelson
6'1 isn't actually that tall. White girls, especially nordic, are regularly 5'10+
Dylan Price
i haven't been here in like a year and a half, but i'm glad to see king of manlets is now 6'0
this has just made my day. at this rate, 6'2 will be manlet king by 2019
Sebastian Russell
I know this feel, if a shoe doesn't have an inch of sole I can't consider it
Connor Martin
Yeah I know im not tall but I'm not really considered short either, and where I live the vast majority of girls are shorter than me. I've never really had an issue with my height I guess it what im saying.
Carson Kelly
>you're either smart or a milennial if you wear glasses
some people just got shitty eyes dude
Austin Perry
How does it feel knowing your gf was in a sorority at some point and was trained on multiple times throughout her youth?
>Wants to be referred to as Dr. bitch.
Ryder Hernandez
Because you can say anything on the internet Mr. Bond.
Brandon Roberts
You fucking retard, you think he is fucking sorounded by fucking nordic girls 24/7? gtfo manlet
Jonathan Nelson
>fucking >fucking >fucking
calm down manlet. I know the truth hurts
t. 6'1.5 masterrace
Camden Rogers
I've definitely seen her in porn
Nolan Lewis
He's giving you a disgusted look because you're literally a man in heels you absolute faggot.
Are you from the UK? If one of my mates did this they would never live that shit down.
Juan Jones
I wear lifts but in already 6'1.5" lol. With lifts I'm 6'3". I don't do it because I'm insecure. 6'1" to 6'2" is perfect. I just do it to amuse myself and to make manlets mad lol. And yes, I do tell girls that I'm 6'0" just to make the manlets look like liars hahahaha
Jordan Baker
Sorry, but as a man I always see manlets as inferior to me. I can't help it, it's just the way I see you
Hudson Jenkins
>as a 5'5'' manlet
Replying to this is like talking to a cancer patient. I wish I could just tell you that everything's going to be alright, but that would be a lie friendo.
Robert Walker
I'm 6'2, my combat boots make me like 6'3.5" and I feel so much more powerful around civilians. I'd kill to be 6'4
Colton Collins
god forbid someone points out the similarities between this and being brown. even the replies are similar. the regular people don't care and the ingrates "go hurr manlets r bad" or "I don't like those shitskins" while taking responsibility for technological innovations and progress they themselves had nothing do with
you should have been a running back in football. I had a friend playing soccer who was short and he was hard to push off the ball because of his low center of gravity
Cameron Torres
hahahahaha hahahaha hahaha xD
Jaxon Reed
Are you me? Im pretty much the only one who scores girls by understating myself
Camden Fisher
Lifts give uou ATP and shorten your hammies. They're like little heels lmao. Eventually they'll make you lean forward too much from the pelviv tilt
Dominic Jenkins
Tried wearing heels to 6'3" then 5'11" saw no difference in the way girls interacted
Frame and face gave me much better results. Though i suspect this is because women cant notice details in spacial quality
T. A clone timetraveler
Asher Clark
well, girls can hardly tell the difference between 6'1 and 6'0 and everyone else also wears shoes, so in the end of the day you're the autistic idiot
Oliver Russell
>itt lanklets wear lifts Holy shit everyone makes fun of manlets here but all I'm seeing is lanklets being so insecure about their height that they think they're shaming ppl shorter than them while wearing lifts? How fucking pathetic are you guys
Most shorter guys I know have embraced their height
Luis Morgan
Can you read?
Jaxon Rivera
>Most shorter guys I know have embraced their height